Page 262 - chs-1973
P. 262
The Times of Our Lives .
Band 1; Student Council 1; Intramurols 1,2; 3; Art Club 3; Notional Honor Society 3;
Amelia Marie Adams
"Her ways are ways of pleasantness." Track 2; FCA 2. Beta Club 3,4; DCT 4.
Mixed Chorus 1: Student Council 2: FSA 3; Wilbur Morris Barker Gregory Dewayne Boyette
"Worry killed a man, why worry?"
Powder Puff Football 3; Tri-Hi-Y 3.4; CBE "Be good, and if you can't be good be
4; FBL 4. careful." FFA 1,2,4.
Work Experience 2; DCT 3; FFA 4. Robert Braden
Christine Teresa Adorns "Of ali animals, the boy is the most
"Friends are born, not made .. , Velma Elizabeth Batten
"Knowledge comes but wisdom lingers." unmanageable. "
Student Council 1: Drama Club 3; DE 3;
Mixed Chorus 4; FHA 4; Health Careers 4. Laura Alice Beasley Carl Foster Brannen
Ella Mae Adams "She has smiles and sunshine in her face." "Work fascinates me, I can sit and watch it
FHA 1; DCT 4. for hours and hours."
·•rt is not ~nly fine feathers that make fine
b1rds ... Gregory Alvin Bedenbaugh Margaret Victoria Broun
"Seize the pleasure of the present day." "Who said I don't like boys?"
Library Aids 3; DE 4.
FFA 1,2,3; President 4. Student Council 1,3,4; Spanish Club 3;
Benjamin Timothy Alita
''lt is better to wear out than to rust out.., Steve Ann Bell Homecoming Skit 3; Beta Club 3,4; Chess
DCT4. "Good humor teaches charm to last." Club 3,4; Tri-Hi- Y 3,4; Senior Play 4; AFS 4:
Cindy Kay Allbritton Girls Chorus 2; Beta Club 3; Art Club 4; Pep Field Day 4; Top 10% Senior Placement
"She has one smile for every girl and two Club 4. Test 4.
for every boy." Bennie Mary Benefield Carl Larosa Brewer
DECA Historian 3,4; Epsilon Phi Sorority 3. ''She is a girl with splendid abilities." "It matters not how long we live, but how."
CYO 2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Alphonso Bridges
Philip Walter Allen
"A lion among ladies is a most dangerous Drama Club 4; AFS 4; Senior Play 4; Top "A little nonsense now and then is relished
by the wisest men."
thing.'' 10% Senior Placement Test 4; Regent
Student Council 1; lntramurals 1,2; Powder Scholar 4. Issac Bristol
Puff Cheerleader 2,3; AFS 4; Pep Club 4; Thomas Franklin Blackwell III "Why should I more knowledge gain when
it only gives me pain?"
Baseball 4. "If you are not afraid to face the music, you Steven Wayne Brooker
Sheree Jean Allen may get to lead the bond some day."
"Please all and you will please none." Bond 1,2,3; Drum Major 4; Spanish Club 3; ."He is quiet, he is shy, there is mischief in
Photography Club, President 4. his eye."
Band 1,2; Student Council 1,4; FHA 4· Key Club 4; Chess Club 4; Library Club 4.
Health Careers 4; Pep Club 4. Roger Eddie Blair Leo Brooks
Voncile Allen "Why let the devil have all the fun?" "1 go to school to cut the fool."
"What wisdom can you find that is greater Drama Club 1; Basketball 1; Football Randolph Broom
than kindness?" 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Student Council 3;
Pep Club 4. "Let us do or die?"
Girls Chorus 1; Mixed Chorus 1,2,3,4; DE 2; Math Club 1,2; Science Club 2: Football
Track 2; Pep Club 4. James Loy Blanton 2,3,4; Basketball 3,4.
Harlan Cruise Amsden "Born with a gift called ability." Keith William Brown
"Never Jet studying interfere with your high Intramurals 2; Football 2,3,4; Baseball 2,3,4; "A good heart's worth gold."
school career." Class Vice-President 2,3; FCA 3.4; Student
Council 4; AFS 4; Pep Club 4; Who's Who 4. Publications Staff 4; Tiger Staff 4.
Band 1; Student Council 3; Float Committee Steve Hillery Brown
3; Prom Committee 3; Pep Club 4; Tiger Thomas Edgar Blanton "One of the best things to have up your
Staff 4; AFS 4; Annual Staff 4; Senior Direc- "Silence is an asset." sleeve is a funny bone."
tory Editor 4. DCT 4. Library Aids 3,4;
Hilda Ruth Anderson Scott Hill Blocker Henry Bryant
"She rises with the sun to greet the world "Wine, women, and song get me down . "When I feel like working, I just lie down
with a smile." I'll quit singing." 'til the feeling goes away."
FHA 1; Usher at Baccalaureate 3; Served at Band 1; Library Aids 1; Student Council Band 1,2,3,4; DE 2; Student Council 2,3;
Prom 2; Tiger Staff 4; Annual Staff 4. 1,2,3; Key Club 2,3; Vice-President 4; Chess Track 3; Spanish Club 3; Mixed Chorus 4;
Joyce Annette Anderson Club 4; Homecoming Escort 4; Home- Pep Club 4.
"She has smiles and sunshine in her face. " coming Skit 4; Senior Play 4. Sandra Regina Bryant
Mixed Chorus 1; Student Council 1; NHS Tommy Ray Boston "The heart whose softness harmonized the
1,2; DE 2,3; lntramurals 2,3; Pep Club 4; "Beware-f may do something sensational
yet!" whole."
FHA, Vice-President 4.
Larry Wayne Bowden DECA 4; FHA 4; DE 4.
Ralph Thomas Anderson "Wisdom is knowing when you can't be Morvin Glenn Buckner, Jr. .
"Life just rolls along." "The wildest colts make the best horses."
Nancy Marie Antley Glenn Rickey Bowen Baseball 2; FCA 2; Football 2,3,4.
"All who know her ore her friends." "The full use of today is the best prepara- Rhonda Lorraine Buice
DECA 3; NHS 3; Tri-Hi- Y 3,4; Beta Club 3,4; tion for tomorrow." " Politeness is real kindness, kindly
CBE 4; FBLA 4.
Latin Club 1; FFA 1,3,4; AG-CO-OP 4. expressed."
Gary Leonard Baker Dorothy Lavern Bowles Mixed Chorus 2; Library Aids 1,2; Art Club
"The world is his who enjoys it." "Clear the halls, here I come." 2,3,4; Dfama Club 2, Powder Puff Football
Intramurals 3; FFA 4; Drama Club 4; Pep Girls Chorus 4. 4.
Club 4; Radio Club 4. Maenell Bowles Julio Buie .
Kathy Sue Buker "Live for today and tomorrow never "She greets each day with q smile."
"Love is a many splendored thing.'' comes." Mixed Chorus 1; National Honor Society
Porn Porn Squad 3,4; Drama Club 4; Stu- Band 2,4; DE 2; Photography Club 4; Pow- 3,4; Beta Club 4.
dent Council 4; AFS 4. der Puff Football 4. Eddie Leon Burgess
Marva Udell Baker Ray Bowles "A man of good character/ '
"A kind and gentle heart has she." "The darkest hour is only sixty minutes." Music Club 2; Science Club 2,3; Chorus 2,3.
Math Club 1; Science Club 1; FHA 1,2; Diane Lynn Boyette Lcfura Denise Burnette
Track 1,2; Eastern Star Society 1,2,3,4; Art "lf at first yof:l. don't succeed, try, try "Keep 1l,miling, that makes everybody won-
Club 2; lntramurals 2,3,4; Band 3; Girls .again." der what you've been up to."
Chorus 4; Pep Club 4. Mixed Chorus 1; FHA 1; Student Council Field Day 2,3,4: Notional Honor Society 3;
Wesley Roland Bales 1,2; Tri-Hi- Y 1,2; President 3, President 4; Prom Committee 3; Served at Prom 2; Tri-
"Watch out for the speck in his eye." FTA 2; Miss CHS contestant 3; Girls State Hi-Y 3,4; Beta Club 3,4; Homecoming Skit
258 Senior Directory