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FHA 1,.3;  FSA 3;  Drama Club 3;  Powder Puff   "To know solitude is  to  know freedom."   "Everyone  stamps  his  own  value  on
       Football  3;  Spanish Club 3,4;  FBLA  4;  AFS   Boy  Scouts  1;  Jntramura/s  2;  Golf  Team   himself."
       4.                                     2,8,4;  Homecoming  Escort 4;  Pep Club  4.   Library Aids 4.
     Roy Cecil  Moseby                      Julia Ann  Osburn                       Albert  Yates  Purser
       "Control your temper, for if it does not obey   "He that can have patience con have what   "All great men are dead, and I'm not feeling
       you,  it  will govern  you."           he  wills."                            well  myself."
     James  Francis Murphy                    FHA 1;  NHS 4;  Beta Club 4; Top 10% Senior   Student Counci/1,2,4; Library Aids 1,4; Key
      "Talk happiness. The world is sod enough."   Placement Test 4;  Regents  Scholar 4.   Club 4.
      Art Club 2,3,4.                       Kim  Denise  Page                       Sharon Ratliff
     Steven  Murphy                           "I'll smile my way out of this one-you just   "Quiet waters run deep."
      "Life  is  to  be free."                watch."                                FSA  3,4;  FBL  4;  Chess Club 4;  AFS 4;  VOE
     Thomas  Mvrick                           Tri-Hi-Y  1.2,8,4;  Powder  Puff  Football   Vice  President 4.
       "I  am  a  serious  student.  Pleose  do  not   1,2,3,4;  FHA  Officer  1;  Mixed  Chorus  1;   Virginia  Reed
       spindle,  fold  or stople me."         Server  at  Prom  2;  AFS  2;  Spanish  Club  2;   "Charming ways has she."
       Monogrcm1 Club 2; Track 2;  Wrestling Tea   Epsilon  Phi  Sorority, 3;  Homecoming  Com-  FHA 1;  Library Aids 1;  NHS 3; Powder Puff
       2;  Footbo/1  2;  Transfer  3;  Student  Council   mil.tee  3;  Student  Council  8;  Tiger  Staff 4;   Football  3,4;  FFA  4;  Art Club 4.
       2,3,4;  Homecoming  Float  Committee  3,4;   Publications  Senior Directory Editor 4.   Bonnie Register
       Prom  Committee 3;  Art Club  4;  Tiger Staff   Doug/as  Gordan  Parker       "She likes  pleasure, fun,  and everyone."
       4;  Annual Staff 4:  Senior Ploy 4.    "See  the  end  from  the  beginning.  Look   Mixed Chorus 1;  President Physical Fitness
     Susan  Lucille  Newcomb                  afar."                                  Award 2; Office Assistant 2,3; CBE 4; FBCA
       "Nothing  can  bring  you  peace  but   Band  1,2,3,4;  Eagle  Scout 3;  Chess  Club  4.   4;  AFS  4.
       yourself."                           James Donald  Parker                    Mart  Richards
     John  Allan  Newell                      "That  load  becomes  light  which  is  cheer-  "He says little,  but thinks quite o  lot."
       "The human race has only one really effec-  fully  borne."                   Glenn  Riddle
       tive  weapon  and that is  loughter. ''   Band 1,2,4;  Wrestling Team 4.      "Life  is  one lone process of getting tired.''
       FTA  2,3;  National  Honor Society 3;  Senior   Patsy Elaine  Parker         Thomas  Ring
       Play 4;  Top  10%  Senior Placement Test 4.   "Not failure  but low aim is  crime."   "There  is  no fire  without some smoke."
     John  Cameron  Nicely                  Rosemary Parrott                         Library Aids  2;  Key Club 2,4;  Senior Class
       "No man is  an island, entire to  itself; every   "Joy,  spirit,  and  peace  are  the  building   Treasurer 4;  Senior Play 4;  Who's  Who  4.
       man is  a  piece of the continent,  part of the   blocks."                   Steven  Risner
       maine."                              Stephen  Michael Parsons                 "The keynote of his  life is  friendship."
       FCA  2,3;  4-H  2,3,4;  Football  Manager 2,3,4;   "Little  study,  no  worry-is  my  idea  of   Chess Club 3,4;  FCA 3,4;  Track  3,4.
       Wrestling  Manager 3;  Basketball  Manager   happiness."                     Teresa  Ritch
       3;  FFA  4;  AFS 4;  Photography Club  4;  Se-  Photography Club 2;  Chess  Club 2,3.   "Take things  as they come.''
       nior  Play 4;  Music Club 4.          Gloria  Jean  Pearce                   Louis  Rivers
     Johnnie  Frank Norris                    "Give  the  world the  best  you have."   ''A  quiet tongue shows a  wise  head."
       "Love,  Peace,  and  Happiness  was,  is,  and   Band  1;  NHS  1;  Student  Council  1;  Fresh-  DE  2.
       will  always  be;  but  cannot  be  without   man  Class Officer 1;  FSA 4.   Michael  Roberts
       people  who  won't be."               Richard  Pearson                         "Live  for  today."
     Laura  Ruth  Norris                      "It's not  that I like to study less,  but that I   Gwen  Robinson
       "You're only young once, but if you work it   love fun  more."                 "When  you're  through  /earning,  you're
       right,  once is  enough."             Glenda  Earline Peeler                   through."
       Tri-I-Ii-Y 1,2,3,4;  Girl  Scouts  1,2;  AFS  2,8,4;   "Deep in her heart  joy seems  to  dwell."   Patricia  Robinson
       God  and  Country Award  2;  Floorshow  at   FHA 1,4; Library Aids 2; Pep Club 4; DCT 4.   "A sense of humor with  plenty of sense."
       Prom 2;  Miss CI-IS  Contestant, Semi-Final-  Terry Lynn  Perry              Katherine Teresa Rose
       ist  8;  Student Council  Alternate  3;  Drama   "Calmly  and  peaceful  she  treads  life's   "No, I don't have a minute, but l've got lots
       Club  4;  Senior  Play  4;  Publications  Staff,   way."                       of time."
       Lay-Out Editor 4; Tiger Staff 4;  Pep Club 4;   FHA  1;  Drama  Club 1;  Intramura/s  1;  Tri-  FHA  1;  Tri-Hi-Y  1,  Historian 2,  Vice-Presi-
       Skit  Committee 4.                      Hi-Y  1,2,3;  Student Council  3;  DCT 4;  Pep   dent 3,4;  Cheerleader 2,3,4,  Kaliedescope 3;
     Mary  Elizabeth  Norris                   Club 4;  AFS 4.                        Junior Tiger  Staff-Editor-in-Chief 3;  Pow-
       "A smile is  a  curve that straightens  things   Sherrie Pettigrew             der  Puff  Football  Manager  3,4;  Beta  Club
       out."                                   "Her smile wins friends."              8,4;  NHS  3;  President 4;  Senior Class  Offi-
       Tri-Hi-Y  1,2,3;  AFS  2,3;  Art Club  2,3;  Stu-  Lana  Laverne Phillips      cer-Secretary  4;  Annual  Staff,  Co-Editor-
       dent  Council  2,  Vice-President  3;  FASCC   "The world is  his  who enjoys it."   in-Chief 4;  Pep  Club  4;  Who's  Who 4;  Top
       2,3,4;  Drama Club 2,3,  President 4;  NASCC   NHS  1;  FBLA  4;  FSA  4.      10%  Senior  Placement  Test  4;  Regeants
       3;  Project  Pride  Committee  Chairman  .3;   Mary Bonita  Forshae  Pierce    Scholar 4.
       Advisory  Council  3,4;  Golf  Team  3,4;  De-  "Where  all  think  a  lot  no  one thinks  very   Rachel Rossin
       bate Team  4;  Senior  Play 4;  Merit's  Who's   much."                        "Be  yourself."
       Who  Among  American  High  School  Stu-  DE  2;  Band  3;  FI-lA  4;  Pep  Club  4;  Intra-  DE  2;  DECA  Parlimentarian 2.
       dents  4.                               murals  4.
      Pamela  Gail  Norris                   Claude Alton  Polhill                  Gary Russ
       "If I am a child, it is because I want to be;  If   "It  is  better  to  be  idle  than  busy  about   "Give  me  clean  hands,  cle[ln  words,  and
       I am  an  adult,  it  is  because 1 must be."   nothing."                      clean thoughts."
       FHA  1,4;  Library Aids 4.              FFA  1,2,  Reporter 3.  Sgt.-at-Arms  4.   Intramura/s  2;  Student  Council  2,3;  Track
      Wayne  Norris                          Alphonso  Pope                           2,3;  Football  2,3,4;  FCA  3,4;  FFA 4.
       "It's  got  trees  and  music  and  people  who   "See  the  concern  in  my eyes?"   Elizabeth  Rye
       love . .. I'll  be  back"             Lois  Fay  Porter                        "He who has love,  has everything."
      Terry O'Cain                             "Silence  is  strength."               FHA  1,4;  DE  4;  Librar,y Aids  4.
       "Keep  true to  the dreams  of thy youth."   DECA  Chaplain 4;  FI-lA  4.    Mike  Satterfield
      Deborah Jean  O'Neal                   Andrew  Powell                           "Live  everyday  of  your  life  as  if  you  ex-
       "A  lioness  in  a  den  of men  is  a  most  dan-  "A friendly  lad is  he."   pected to Jive  forever."
       gerous  thing."                       David Dewey Powell                     Cindy Saunders      .    .      "
       Art Club 2;  AFS 3;  Beta  Club 3,4;  National   "I  go  to school  to  cut the  fool.''   "Speech  is  silver,  but silence  IS  golden.
       Honor Society 3,4.                      FFA  1;  Baseball 2,3;  DECA 3.  President 4.   Sheree  Schoch   ~
      Michael  Bruce  Oosterhoudt            Henry Price                              "The  great  pleasure  in  life  is  doing  what

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