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Sorority 3,4; Senior Play 4; Homecoming Richard Alan Lynch ''The most lost day of all is the day on
Committee 4; Beta Club 3,4; Annual Staff, ''Just being happy is o fine thing." which we do not laugh."
Co-Editor-Chief 4; Concerned Student As- Intramurals 1,2; National Honor Society 3; Susan Doreen McNeil
sociation 4; Who's Who gmong American Top 10% Senior Placement Test 4. "Love and someone· will surely Jove back."
High School Students 4. Barbara Mock Spanish Club 2,3; National Honor Society
Sharon Ann Knight "Character is destiny." 3,4; Beta Club 3,4.
·'It matters not how long you live, but how Rhonda Jean Mangham Dwight McRae
well." "You do your thing and I'll do mine. be- "Love makes the world go around."
Spanish Award 2: Spanish Club 2,3; Miss cause you ore what you ore, and I om what Oscar Menendez
CHS Committee 3; Star Student Finalist 3: I am, and we can't change each other.'' "When people agree with me, 1 always feel
AFS 3, Vice-President 4; Beta Club 3, Vice- Pep Club 1; Spanish Club 1,2; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2, that I must be wrong."
President 4; NHS 3; Secretary 4: Tri-Hi-Y Sergeant at Arms 3, Treasurer 4; Powder Homecoming Skit 2; Intramurols 2; Football
3,4; National Merit Semi-Finalist 4; Stu- Puff Football 1,2, Co-Captain 3, Captain 4; 3,4; FCA 3,4; Tri-Hi-Y Mascot 4; Pep Club 4;
dent-take-over Day 4; Chess Club 4; Drama Student Council 2,3; Prom Committee 3; ln- Who's Who 4.
Club 4: Top 10% Senior Placement Test 4; tramurals 2.3; Field Day 2,3,4; DAR Award Melo Delinda Merrick
Regent's Scholar 4; Who's Who 4. 3; English Award 3; Beta Club 3, Treasurer "Think then you ore today what yesterday
Patricio Borges Kuhl 4; National Honor Society 3.4; AFS 4; An- you were-tomorrow you shall not be less."
.. Her personality has made her loved.'' nual Staff, Copy Editor 4; Tiger Stoff 4; Joey Lynn Mikell
Foreign-Exchange Student 4: Powder Puff Girls State 4; Senior Play 4. "The wisest man is generally he who thinks
Football 4; AFS 4; Beta Club 4. Donna Lee Markham himself the least so."
Linda Sue Lombert "Zest is the secret of all beauty." DCT 3.4; Art Club 3,4.
tape oround the heart, not t11e heod." FHA 1; Mixed Chorus 2; Health Careers 2,3; Scott Andrew Mills
Mixed Chorus 2.3; Girls Chorus 4. Tri-Hi- Y 3.4; DCT 4; AFS 4; Spanish Club 4. "It is because people do not know each
Gino Marie Landrum Wanda Elizabeth Markham other that they hate each other so much."
"Nature made her what she is and never "She's nice by name and noture." Golf 1,2,3,4; Intromurols 2; Key Club 2,3;
made another." CBE, Secretary 4. Football 2,3,4; FCA 3,4; Tri-Hi-Y Mascot 4;
Server at Epsilon Phi Dance 1; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2; Vicki Lynn Marlowe Pep Club 4; Bengal Club 4; Who's Who 4.
Powder Puff Football1,2,3,4; Student Coun- "A radiant smile always brings warmth to Mattie Elizabeth Mobley
cil 2; AFS 2,4; Field Day 2,3.4; Golf Team the heart." ''Follow your own path, no matter what
3,4; Epsilon Phi Sorority 3,4; Senior Ploy 4; Mary Ann Carleen Marshburn anyone thinks."
Publications Staff 4; Tiger Staff 4. "Keep on smiling; it's beautiful.'' Bond 2,3; Health Careers 3; Pam Porn Girl 4;
Martha Louise Lang FHA 1; Bond 1,2,3,4; Health Careers 2; Ma- Mixed Chorus 4; Pep Club 4; Science Club
"Her heart is like the moon, there's always jorette 2,3,4; Drama Club 3.4; Calendar Girl 4.
a man in it." 4; Pep Club 4. Cynthia Loretto Monds
FHA 1; VOE 4. Richard Willis Martin "Love at first sight is possible but it's al-
Wanda Jane Langston "Happiness is not something you find, but ways better to take a second look."
"She will leave no little things behind ex- rather you create." FHA 2,3; Powder Puff Football 3; Spanish
cept loving thoughts and kindness." Vernon Masters Club 4; AFS 4; DCT 4.
Band 1; FHA 1; VOE 4; FSA 4. "Diligence is the forerunntr of success." Mina Julene Monds
Melissa Ann Lee · Track 2,3,4; Football 2,3,4; Tri-Hi-Y Mascot "Happiness is not something you find but
''lf laughter prolonged life ... she would 3; FCA 3,4; Bengal Club 3,4; Baseball 4; Pep rather something you create."
Jive forever." Club 4; Who's Who 4.
Served at Epsilon Phi Dance 1; Cheerleader Henry Mayo Joseph Dolor Montpetit
1,2,4; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3,4; Powder Puff Football "Always laughing-never sod; sometimes 'Til be around.··
1,2,3,4; Student Council 1,2,3,4; Usher at noughty-never bad." Track 2; Football 2; Sophomore Class Offi-
Baccalaureate 2; Student Advisory Council Lorita Mae Mayo cer, President 2; Key Club 2,3,4.
3,4; Miss CHS Contestant 3; Usher at Grad- "He that con hove patience con have what Rhoda Jean Moore
uation 3; Prom Committee 3; Epsilon Phi he wonts." "Happiness was born a twin."
Sorority 3, Vice-President 4; Annual Staff 4, Lan:y Levorn McCallum Tri-Hi- Y 1,2,3,4; Powder Puff Football
Key Club Sweetheart 4; Who's Who 4. "A quiet tongue shows a wise head." 1,2,3,4; Field Day 2,3,4; Spanish Club 3.
Joan Elzena Legree Judy Carrol McCormick Rhonda June Moore
"Reach high. reach far; look up, not down; "Quiet as o woodland stream." "There is determination hidden in quiet
hold onto a star." Mixed Chorus 1· Library Aids 3. ways."
Health Careers 3.4; Science Club 4; Student Nathaniel McCoy Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3,4; Powder Puff Football
Council 4. "Be wise; soar not too high to fall, but stoop 1,2,3,4; Field Day 2,3,4; NHS 3; Beta Club
Gregory Dale Little to rise." 3,4; AFS 4.
"Success comes in cons . . failures in Football 3,4. Ana Moria Morera
can'ts." Wayne Leslie McCray "Silence is an asset."
Bruce Lockley "The most wasted day of all is that one Health Careers 2; AFS 3; Spanish Club 4.
"The only way to get rid of temptation is to which we hove not laughed." David Ross Morgan
yield to it." Projection 3,4; DCT 4. "He's a real card."
Notional Honor Society 1; DE 2; DECA 4. Piper Lourie McElhaney Leroy Morgan
Darryl Lynn Lofton "What lies behind us and what lies before "He is the mildest manner'd man."
"My thoughts ore my own companions." us are ti.ry matters compared to what lies Patricia Morgan
Bond 1; National Honor Society 1; Photog- within us." "A sunny smile, a sunny way."
raphy 2; DCT, Sergeant at Arms 4. Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3,4; AFS 2,3,4; Prom Committee Sherrie Lee Morrell
Kim 'Ann Luebke 3; omecoming Skit 3,4; Drama Club 4; Se- "As long as possible live free and
"Death is more universal than life; every- nior Ploy 4; VOE, President 4; FSA 4; Pep uncommitted."
one dies but not everyone lives.' Club 4; Office Assistant 4; Annual Stoff 4; FHA 1; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3,4; Student Council
Mixed Chorus 1; Spanish Club 2,3; Girls Tiger Stoff 4. 1,2,3,4; Pep Club 1,4; Served at Prom 2; Miss
State 3; Beta Club 3, Secretary 4; AFS 3, Robert McGhin CHS Contestant 3; AFS 4; DCT, Corre-
Secretary 4; Powder Puff Football 4. "First star to the right and straight on till sponding Secretory 4; Who's Who 4.
Steven Harry Lumbert morning." Freda Ann Morris
"Everyone is ignorant-only on different Spanish Club 3; Drama Club 4; Baseball 4. "In becoming port of someone else you Jose
subjects." Nolan Wilbur McLeod yourself.''
262 Senior Directory