Page 264 - chs-1973
P. 264
"She is the mirror of all courtesy." Band 1,2; FF A 4. "A quiter never wins. A winner never
FHA 1; Tri-Hi-Y 4; DECA 4. Michael Anthony Esser quits."
Angela Ruth Denmark "The birds fly high and so do I." Football 2,3,4; Sadie Hawkfns Day 3; Ben-
"A man is always better than a book." Nancy Elizabeth Etheridge gal Club 3,4; Student Council.J; Who's Who
Mixed Chorus 3; Powder Puff Football 3; "Everything is funny as long as it is hap- 4.
Student Council 3. pening to somebody else." Glenda Gilbert
Linda Batten Dennard Served at Epsilon Phi Dance 1; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2; "Happiness is a by:-eroduct of an effort to
"A true smile is a thing of which few are Powder Puff Football 1,2,3,4; AFS 2,3,4; make someone else happy."
capable." Usher at Miss CHS 3; Homecoming Com- Sadie Hawkins Day 3.
Pep Club 1,2; Mixed Chorus 3; Library Aid mittee 3; Field Day 3,4; Epsilon Phi Sorority June Marie Gilbert
3; Office Aide 3,4; FHA 4; Girls Chorus 4. 3,4; Tennis Team 3,4; Beta Club 3,4; NHS "There's nothing true but'" l:leaven."
Sharon Elizabeth Dennard 3,4; Annual Staff, Copy Editor 4. Sadie Hawkins Day _!..
"She is like the breeze, gentle and sweet." Cherie Sue Faircloth John Dale Goff
Powder Puff Football 3; CBE 4. "A willing mind and a helping hand." "A smile is the trai:lemark of a hapP.y
Steven Jerome Dennard Transfer 3; Advisory Council 4; Student person." -
"Let the world roll along, I'll get there Council 4. Band ,2,3,4; Spanish Club 3,4.
later." Annie Louise Feagle Ursula E'-la Goodbread
Larry Eugene Denson "Politness is real kindness, kindly "lt is not enough to do good; she must do
"Let no woman's weapon stain my manly expressed." the right way."
cheek" National Honor Society 3,4; CBE 4; FBLA 4. Tri-Hi-Y 4; Beta Club 4; FSA 4; AFS 4; Stu-
FCA 3; Football 3,4; Baseball 3,4. Crese McChelle Felton dent Director-Senior Play 4; Top 10% Se-
Randy Gene DePratter "Silence is an asset." nior Placement Test 4.
"Wild, wreckless, and lots of fun." Elaine Mary Ferguson Dilo Yvonne Graham
FF A 4; Agriculture Co-Op 4. "Full of fun and mischief, ask her teachers · "We UJake a living by what we get, ~
Ruth Elizabeth Dix and you will see." make a life by what we giv~
"None but herself can be paralleled." Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3,4; AFS 4; Pep Club 4. ep Club 1.
DE 2,3. Michael Stewart Fisher Nevin Wayne...Gra am _.
Willie Dortley "That's what education means-to be able • __...l'ln baiting a mouse trap with cheese ai-
"Give me somewhere to stand, and I will to do what you've never done before." r 'ways leave room for the mouse."
move the earth." Science Club 2,3,4; Chess Club 2,3,4; FFA 3,4.
Varsity Football 3,4. Science Fair First place local, First place Rachei Lucille Graham
Cynthia Leila Douber/ey regional, Second place State 3; Student "A little inaccuracy sometimes saves tons
"There is determination hidden in her quiet Council 3; NHS 3,4; Senior Play 4; National of explanation."
ways." Merit Semi-finalist 4; Boy's State 4; Top James Charles Grant
Tri-Hi-Y 2; Pep Club 2,3,4. 10% Senior Placement Test 4; Regent's ~ 'To have a thing is nothing if you've not the
Herbert Mar/on Douglas scholar 4. chance to show it."
"The full use of today is the best prepara- John Patrick Flanagan David Lee Gray
tion for tomorrow." "When the bomb goes off, make sure you're "A sense of humor with plenty of sense."
DCT Vice President 4. higher than the bomb." avid Mark Greason Jt.. ~ .,. .---
George Stephenson Dozier III Football 2; Baseball 2,3; Tri-Hi-Y Mascot "Thoughts that come with doves footsteps _
"All the news that's fit to print." 2,3,4; Key Club 2,3,4; Field Day 3,4; Tennis guide the world." -
Journalism Award 1,3; Library Club 2; Key Team 4; Homecoming Skit 4; Senior Play 4. Baskethci11 4; lntramur<fls 4; Senior Play 4;
Club Reporter 2, Recording Secretary 3, Jeffrey Jay Flesch Top 10% Senior Plcicement Test 4.
Corresponding Secretary 4; Photography "He either finds a way, or makes one." Nathan Henry Green
Club 2, Vice President 4; Spanish Club 3,4; Mixed Chorus 1; Student Council 1; Chess "!\ little worK never killed anybody, but
Homecoming Skit 3,4; Boys State 4; Tiger Club 1,2,3,4; Transfer 3; Spanish Club 3, why be the first victim?"
Staff Editor-in-Chief 4; Student Takeover President 4. Football 4.
Day 4. Brenda Joyce Fletcher Martha Ruth Hackney
Thomas Wade Dukes "Reputation is precious, but character is "The closer she gets ... "
"I'm one of lucky ones. It only took me Priceless." Served at Epsilon Phi Dance 1; Floor Show
twelve years." FHA 1,4; Pep Club 4; Library Aids 4. at Prom 2; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2; Girl Scouts 1,2;
FFA Treasurer 1. Serena Mae Flowers Homecoming Skit 2,3,4; AFS 2,3,4; Epsilon
Freddie Joe Dunkins "Mighty nice, mighty wise, fun twinkles in Phi Sorority 3,4; Pep Club 4; Senior Play 4;
"Life is one long process of getting tired." her eyes." Golf Team 4.
Edwin Paul Durden Cheerleader 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Health Debra Ramonda Hall
"Everyone is ignorant-only on different Careers 3; FHA 3,4; Band 3,4; AFS 4; Pep "Fun and frolic and glee are there; the will
subjects." Club 4; Pom-Pom Squad, Co-Captain 4. to do and the soul to dare."
FF A 1,2,3,4; Library Aids 3,4. Linda Mae Foote Transfer 3; Miss CHS contestant 3; Sadie
James Michael Durrance "Take life as you find it, but don't leave it Hawkins Day 3; Powder Puff Football 3,4;
"Most great men live in poverty, and I'm so." Tri-Hi-Y 4; AFS 4; Senior Play 4; Student
broke." DECA 3; Girls Chorus 4; FHA 4. Council Alternate 4; Field Day 4; Pep Club
DCT4. Diane Ingemisca Ford 4; Publications Staff, Senior Editor 4.
Aubrey Lynn Eatmon "I think that I shall never scan, a tree as Donna Hall
"The only way to get rid of temptation is to lovely as a man." "A whisper woke the air . . . "
yield to it." Office work 2; Guidance 4; AFS 4; FT A, FBLA 4.
Francena Loretta Edwards President 4. Edgar Lee Hall
"There is charm within the singing of her Ethel Lee Foster "Joy is never out of season."
voice." "What you are is more imporic;~t than Key Club 4.
Sophomore Class Officer, Vice-President 2; what you've got." Julie Renee Hall
Cheerleader 2,3,4; NHS 3; Intramurals 3; FSA 4; FHA 4; Pep Club 4; Library Aid 4. "Love is flowerlike; friendship is like a shel-
Student Council 3,4; Miss CHS 4; Drama Freddie Lee Frazier tering tree."
Club 4; Advisory Council 4; Mixed Chorus "Accuse not Nature! She hath done her NHS 3.
4; Who's Who 4. part." Avon Hambrick
Ashley Ellis Library Aids 3,4. "My days have been so wondorous free."
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Philip. George Martha Jayne Hansens
260 Senior Directory