Page 265 - chs-1973
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"W}wt wil1 be, w~lL be." Campus Life 2; FCA 2,3, President 4; Track Drama Club 4; Publications 4; Tiger Staff 4.
Karen .Sue Hardee 3,4; Transfer 3; Powder Puff Cheerleader 4; Randolph Jones
"She's not too quiet, not too stry; s Senior Play 4. "1! matters not how long you live, but how
friend that will qtwer Clie." Alford Jackson well."
Cheerlea~r 1; Pep Glub 2; Transfer 4; Tl'i- "Weak men wait for opportunities, strong Robert Lee Janes
Hi-Y 4; Publications Staff 4. men make them." "Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no
David Wayne Harrington Jerry Lewis James fibs."
"PJeasme before duty." "Love sought is good, but given unsought is NHS 1; Student Council 1; Sophomore Class
Track 2,3; Football 2,3,4; Bengal Club 3,4: better." Officer-Treasurer 2; Key Club 4; Beta Club
Who's Who 4. Math Club 1; FFA 1; Basketball 2; Key Club 4.
Angus Wade..Dukes 4; Pep Club 4. Ronald David Jones
"I need no instincts but my own." Wendy Berl Jarvis "All money is the root of all evil, I'll look
.Brad Perrine Harris "What will the neighbors think?" for the roots. "
"Let the world roll along, I'll get there FHA 1; CYO 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 3; AFS Football 4; Basketball 2,3.
later." 3,4; OCT Historian 4. Vanesa Eusenia Jones
Janeth Melunne Harrison Clyde Jenkins "A man is always better than a book."
"There's a lot to say for the g.irl who doesn't 'To worry little, to study less, is my idea of Art Club 1; FHA 1,4; lntramurals 2,3; Li-
say it herself." happiness." brary Aids 4; Pep Club 4.
Who's Who 4. Patricia Jernigan Bernea Jorden
nnie Muriel Harry "Be yourself, you can't be someone else." "Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. "
Girls Chorus 2,3; Health Careers 3,4; Intra- Bonnie Susan Joyner
"Life is not:Iife'atall without delight." "In the swing of things. "
T~fl111'fhy Bates Hartley murals 2,3; FSA 4; FHA 4; Pep Club 4. Mixed Chorus 1; FHA, President 1; Crisco
"The mdre I see o the representatives of Christopher Michael Johns Award 1; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2; Usher at Baccalau-
the p~0ple, the more I admire my dogs." "Friendliness paves the road to success." reate 2; Floor Show at Prom 2; AFS 2,3,4;
Track 3; FCA 3,4; Football 4; Bengal Club 4; Top 10% Freshman Placement Test 1; Pow- Powder Puff Football 2,3,4; Usher at Gradu-
der Puff Football Cheerleader 2,4; Home-
Most Improved, Best Defensive Back 4. ation 3; Cheerleader 2,3,4; Miss CHS usher
Richard Daniel Hartman coming Skit Director 2,3,4; Spanish Club 3; 3; Epsilon Phi Sorority 3, President 4; Usher
"Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the Student Council 3; Woodmen of the World at Senior Play 4; Chamber of Commerce
American History Award 3; Beta Conven-
week." Youth Representative 4; Concerned Stu-
Kurt Havird tion 3; Miss CHS co-ordinator 3; Chess dent Association 4; Student Council Presi-
"Happy go lucky." Club President 1, Vice-President 4; Beta dent 4; Annual Staff-Sports Editor 4; Key
Denise Hemsley Club President 4; Senior Class Officer; Pres- Club Calendar Girl 4; Who 's Who 4.
"Patience makes a woman beautiful." ident 4; AFS 4; Student Government Day 4; Mike Kenneth Joyner
William Russel Henderson Who's Who 4; Senior Play 4; Top 10% Se- "Determination is the key to success."
"Live jor tpdQ-r.:c" nior Placement Test 4; Regeants Scholar 4. Edward Thomas Kalinoski
Key Club 2,3,4; Tri-Hi.;- Y mascot 2,3,4; Herbert Lee Johnson "Money isn't everything-sometimes it isn't
_ .Homecoming Skit 2,3,4; TennitJ Team 3,4; "No man is useless while he has a friend." even enough."
Chess Club 4; Student Council 4; Senior Addie Marie Jones lntramurals 3; Baseball 4; Pep Club 4;
Play 4. - "Why study, it's hard for the brain." Chess Club 4.
Glynis Deaphine. Henclley- Alan Dale Jones David Earl Kelly
"Today is forever welcoming happy memo- "If I can't take it with me, I'm not going." "A good excuse is one you can use over and
ries from yesterday." FFA 2,3,4; DCT 4. over."
Annette Jones
Calenday Girl 4. Patricia Gail Kennington
"One of the best things to have up your
Amos Henry Jr. "A wise girl will make more opportunities
"A lover among ladies he is." sleeve is a funny bone." than she finds."
FHA 4; Pep Club 4; Library Aids 4.
Football 2,3,4; Tracl~ 2,3,4. FHA 1; OCT 4.
Gloria Jean Holmes Cheryl Elaine Jones Harlene Kent
"Be yourself or nothing at all." "Think twice before you speak, especially if "Doubtless God could have made a better
Healtfi Careers 1:,2,3,4. Drama Club 2; FHA you intend to say what you think." berry, but doubtless God never did."
2,3,4; Drill Team 2,3; Pep ·Club 3; Mixed Ernestine Jones FHA 1.
Chorus 3. "Aiittle nonsense naw and then is relished Mary Jo Kershner
John Holmon by the wisest man."
"Little study, no worry is my idea of Essie Mae Jones "Honor is the property of highest value."
happiness." "Wrinkles should merely show where the Science Club 1,2; Sodality 1,2; CYO 1,2;
Band 1; Chess Club 4. smiles have been." German Club 1,2; Ar.t Club 2; Health Ca-
Marsha Houston FHA 4. reers 2; Transfer 3; Spanish Club 4.
"Courtesy cost nothing." Jodi Jones Wayne Franklin Kinard
Mary Ann Howell "/ don't understand . ... explain." "A little work, a little play."
"A fair exterior is a silent Server at Epislon Phi Dance 1; Girl Scouts Intramurals 2,3,4; Pep Club 4; FFA 4.
recommendation." 1,2,3,; FHA Vice President 1; Powder Puff Langdon Bohman Kirby
Mixed Chorus 1,2; Student Council 1.2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3,4; Student "Let the world roll along, I'll get there
Pep Club 1,4; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3,4; Powder Puff Council 1; Secretary 2,3; Cheerleader 2,3,4; later."
Usher at Graduation 3; Prom Committee 3
Football 1,2,3,4; G erleader 2,3,4; Prom Student Council officer, President 1; Drama
Committee 3; Miss CHS contestant 3; AFS Beta Club 3,4; AFS 3,4; Senior Play 4; Publi: Club 1; Basketball 1; Football 1,2,3,4;
4; Annual Staff, Junior Editor 4; Tiger Staff cations Staff Features Editor 4; Tiger Staff Served at Prom 2; Track 2,3,4; Ushered at
4. 4; Drama Club 4; Calendar Girl 4; Pep Club Miss CHS 3; Ushered at Graduation 3; FCA
Vickie Diane Howerton 4; Epsilon Phi Sorority 4; Who's Who 4. 3, Vice-President 4.
"Don't ever find out what's oppreciated by Louise Jones Lynn Kirkland
losing it." "A pocketfull of sunshine is as good as "Anything you can do, I can do better."
Student Council 1; DECA 4; DECA Sweet- gold." Mixed Chorus 1; Served at Epsilon Phi
heart 4. Marjorie Ellen Jones Dance 1; Girl Scouts 1,2; Student Counci11,
Terry Lynn Huddleston "Anything worth having is worth asking Sergeant at Arms 4. Powder Puff Football
"We ought tO do our neighbor the best we for." 1,2,3,4; Cheerleader 1,2,3,4; 'Drama Club
can. 17 Mixed Chorus 1; Intramurals 1; AFS 4; 1,3,4; AFS 2,3,4; Spanish Club 3; Epsilon Phi
Senior Directory 261