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3,4;  Powder Puff Football 3,4; Annual Staff   dent Council 4;.               person."
     4;  Pep Club 4;  AFS 4;  Track 4.    Terri  Lynn  Cason                       National  Honor Society 1.
   Sharlene  Bussey                         "The friendly  illusion."             Elizabeth  Elaine Cook
     "She looks cheerfully upon  everything."   Art Club 2;  Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3,4;  Miss CHS Con-  "She is as good as she is  fair."
     FHA 4;  VOE 4;  FSA 4;  Future Secretaries 4;   testant 3.                  Levern  Cook
     Girls  Chorus 4.                     Paula Marie Cassidy                      "A  smile  is  something  that  adds  to  face
   Sherry Leigh  Butcher                    "Talk she can,  talk she will,  her  tongue  is   value."
     "A  cheerful  soul  lightens  the  hearts  of   very seldom still."           Intramurals 4.
     others."                               Served at Epsilon Phi Dance 1;  Drama Club   Jeffrey  Lynn  Cox
     Band  2,3,4;  Perfect  Attendance  2;  AFS  4;   1,2; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3,4; Student Council1,2,3,4;   "Victory at all costs,  victory in  spite of all
     FSA  4;  FBLA 4;  Stage Band 4;        Closs  Officer,  Secretary 2,3;  Art  Club  2,3;   terror,  victory however long  the  rood  may
   Leo  Leon  Butts                         FT A  3;  Prom  Committee  3;  Homecoming   be.
     "A comrade neither glum  nor merry."   Attendant 4;  Who's  Who 4.            FFA,  Secretary 1,2;  Student Council 2.
     B  Football  2;  Track Team 4.       ]ames Craig Chadwick                    David Juan  Cozatt
   James  Burt Cain                         "Duty is  what one expects  from  others."   "So  quick,  bright  things  come  to
     "Be  young,  be  foolish,  be happy."   Radio Club 1;  VICA Club 4.           confusion."
     Transfer 3;  DECA 4.                 Larry Eugene  Chambliss                 Joanne Alison Cramer
   Beverly Ann Caldwell                     "I belong to a  union, my books are closed at   "Never met a  man  I didn't like."
     "Nothing is impossible for a willing heart."   night."                        Mixed  Chorus  1;  FHA  1;  Spanish  Club  2:
     BasketbaJJ 1,2; Intramurals 3,4; Pep Club 4.   Student Council Representative 2.   AFS 3,4; Drama Club 4;  Pep Club 4:  Tri-Hi-
   Bruce  Caldwell                        John  Philip  Chesson                     y  4.
     "He stretched while yawning and forgot  to   "A little  work,  a  lot of play."   James Edward Crawley
     unstretch."                            Key  Club  2,4;  Homecoming  Skit 3,4;  Chess   "Worry killed a  man,  why worry?"
     Basketball 1,2,  Captain 3,4.          Club 4;  America Field Service 4.      Football  1,2.3,4;  Key  Club  2;  Wrestling
   Henry Elroy Caldwell                   Julian  Woodrow Christie                 Team 3;  FCA  3,4.
     "If  you're  tired  of working,  you  may give   "He stars as an  athlete and friend."   Annie Ruth  Gray
     out,  but don't give  up."             Football  2,3,4;  Outstanding Offensive  Line-  "Is  this Joss  worthy?"
     Track  1;  Intramurals  1,2,4;  Tennis  Team   man 4.                         Spanish Club 1; Library Aids 1;  FHA  1,4; DE
     2,3,4;  Field  Day 3; Art Club 4.    Patricia Lynn  Christie                  2.
   Shirley Campbell                         "Disposition  is  the  foundation  to   Bertha  Helen  Gray
     "Happiness is with her wherever she goes."   happiness."                      "There  is  a lovely sparkle about her.··
     Health  Careers 2;  Pep Club  4.       Future Teachers 2;  American  Field Service   Glenda Gail  Crews
   Robbie Ann Capell                        2,3,4;  Tri-Hi-Y 3,4;  CBE  4;  FBLA 4.   ·why let  the  devil have all  the fun?''
     "Man has his  will .  .  .  but  woman has her   Sandra  Pearl  Christie      Mixed Chorus 1;  FHA  1;  Drama Club 1;  Pep
     way."                                  "She greets each day with  a smile."    Club  1;  Tri-H i-Y  1,2,3,4;  Powder Puff  Foot-
     Served at Epsilon Phi Dance 1; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2;   Project DE  2;  CBE 4;  FBLA  4;.   ball 2,3.4;  AFS 4.
     Powder Puff Football1,2,3,4; Cheerleader 2;   Janice  Elaine  Clark          Stanlev Lamar Crews
     Student Council  2,3;  AFS 2,4;  Physical  Fit-  "Might as  well laugh,  no  one's died  yet."   "So~etirnes  I  wonder  what  school's  all
     ness  Award 2,3;  Served at Prom  2;  Home-  Health  Careers  3;  Porn  Poms  3,4;  FSA  4;   about."
     coming  Skit  3;  Epsilon  Phi  Sorority  3,4;   FHA4.                        Field Day 3;  FFA  3,4.
     Field  Day  3,4;  Tennis  Team  3,4;  Home-  Paula Sue Clark                 Dewey Dewayne Cribbs
     coming  Queen 4;  Publication  Staff,  Senior   "Her  smile  brings  sunlight  where-ever she   "Some  come  to  school  to  play;  I  come  to
     Editor 4;  Tiger Staff 4;  Usher at Senior Play   goes."                      sleep all  day.··
     4;  Track Team 4.                    Richard  Wayne Clark                     Pep  Club  3.
   James Doyle  Carmichael                  "An  honest· heart possesses  a Kingdom."   Sheryl Ann  Crosby
     "Wine,  women and song get me  down .  .  .   Track 1; Drama Club 3; Library Aid 3,4; Pep   "Of manners so gentle,  of heart so  kind."
     I'll  quit singing."                   Club 4;  Radio Club 4.                 FSA 3;  Pep Club 3;  Spanish Club 4; CBE 4.
   J.V.  Football 2,  Varsity Football 3,4; Track 2,3;   Sharron Ann  Clark       Carl  Lester Cummings
     FFA  3,4;  FCA 3,4;  Pep  Club 4.      "Few  are  her  words,  but  wonderfully   "Work  hard,  and  you  will  reach  your
   Deborah  Ruth  Carr                      clear."                                goals."
     "Happiness is with her wherever she goes."   Pep  Club  1;  Student  Council  1:  FF A  1,2;   National  Honor  Society  3;  Beta  Club  3,4;
     FHA 4;  CBE  4;  FBLA  4;  FSA 4.      Girls Chorus 2; Mixed Chorus 2; Health Ca-  Science Club Treasurer 4; AFS Treasurer 4;
   Donna  Clara  Carr                       reers  2,3;  Porn  Pom  Squad  3;  Dertwlay   Art  Club  Treasurer  4;  Senior  Play  4;  Top
     "She is  the mirror of all  courtesy."   Sweetheart 3;  Calendar Girl  3;  Tri-Hi-Y 4;   10%  Senior  Placement  Test  4:  Regent's
     FHA  2;  FSA  4;  FBLA  4.             Spanish Club 4;  DCT 4;  AFS 4;  DECA 4.   Scholar 4.
   Julia  Ann  Carroll                    Charles Edward Coats                    Carol Janice Currie
     "There is  determination hidden in  her quiet   "An hour for  study, an hour for  lunch, and   "Seize the pleasure of tl1e  present  day."
     ways."                                 22 hours  for  sleep."                 FHA  Historian  1;  Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3,4;  MYF  2;
     Perfect  Attendance  1,2;  Health  Careers  3;   Kathryn Jane Collins          Powder  Puff  Football  2;  Health  CarAers  3;
     Music  Club  3;  Drama  Club 4.        "Diligence  is  the  mother  of good  fortune."   Notional  Honor Society 3;  Beta  Club 3.4:  *
   Deborah  Suzanne Carter                  FTA  2;  AFS  2,3,4;  CYO  2,3,4;  Prom  Com-  AFS 4.
     "And seem  a  saint,  when  most  I  play  the   mittee 3;  Drama Club 3,4;  Health Careers 4;   Jerry  Mark  Davis
     devil."                                Senior  Play 4;  Powder Puff Football  4.   "Sleep first,  study later.··
     Powder  Puff  Football  1;  Band  1;  Tri-Hi-Y   Larry Spencer Collins        Art Club 1;  Math  Club  1:  Track 2.
     1,3,4;  Field -Day  3;  Prom  Committee  3;   "It  isn't  the  age,  it's  the  mileage  that   Carolyn  Sue Davison
     Homecoming Skit 3;  AFS 4;  Pep Club 4;  Ti-  counts."                        "If you  wish  to  reach  the  highest,  begin  at
     ger Staff 4; Annual Staff, Sophomore Editor   Band 1,2,3,  President 4;  Radio Club 4;  VICA   the lowest."
     4.                                     4.                                     FHA  1;  Girls  Chorus  3;  Powder  Puff  Foot-
   Jerome  Carter                         . Alex  Bates  Colson                    ball  3;  FBLA  4.
     "All  who know him  like him."         "It is  completely unimportant.  That is  why   Tyro  Faye Dawkins
   Lynwood Carter                           it is  so  intresting.''               "Whatever  is  worth  doing  at  all  is  worth
     "If  I  do  not  understand,  I  pause;  and   Art Club 1;  Band 1; Library Aids 1; Student   doing well."
     examine."                              Council 3;  Pep Club 3,4;  Key Club 4.
     Basketball  2,3;  Intromurals  2,3,4;  Band   Alice Elaine Cook               Art Club  1;  Band 1;  Spanish Clu!J  3.4.
     2,3,4;  Pep Club 4;  Advisory Council 4;  Stu-  "A  smile  is  the  trademark  of  a  happy   Katherine Annette Dekle

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