Page 268 - chs-1973
P. 268
The Party's Over .
people say you cannot do." 1,2,3,4; Track 2,3; FCA 3,4; Library Aids 4. "The man who rolls up his sleeves seldom
Field Day 3,4; lntramurals 3. John Peck Stevens uses his shirt."
Sharon Sconyers "Anything worth having is worth asking Beta Club :3, District VII President 4; Span-
"Joy is the gigantic secret of the Christian for." ish Club- Vice-President 4; Chess Club 4,
life." Mixed Chorus 1; Drama Club 1; Intra- Tennis Team 4; Top 10% Senior Placement
FHA 1; Library Aids 2: Safe Driving Award murals 1,2; Football 1,2; Basketball 1.2,3; Test 4.
2; Beta Club 2,3,4; Sr. Math Award 3; Student Council 1,2,3,4; Tri-Hi-Y Mascot Doris Alfreda Tillman
Chemistry 1 Award 3; NE-lS 3, Treasurer 4; 1,2,3; Key Club 2,3; Junior Class Officer- "Many charming ways she has."
Tri-l-Ii- Y 3, Vice President 4; OCT Record- President 3; Usher at Baccalaureate 3; FCA NE-lS 1; Student Council1; Pep Club 4; ln-
ing Secretary 4; Regeants Scholar 4; Calen- 3; NHS 3; Homecoming Skit 4; AFS 4; Top tromurals 4.
dar Girl 4; Top 10% Senior Placement Test 10% Senior Placement Test 4; Regents George Timmons
4. Scholar 4. "Never say more than is necessory."
"The world is his who enjoys it." Charles Edward Stewart, Jr. Sharon Lynear Tomlinson
Thomas Leonnard Sheppard "All who know him like him." "Her ways are ways of pleasantness and
"Politeness goes far." Band 1; Chess Club 4; Projection 4. all her paths are peace."
Basketball 3,4; Track 4; Intramurals 4. Harold Wayne Strickland Pep Club 1; FE-lA 1; Mixed Chorus 1; English
ose Elvira Sierra "Let the world roll along, I'll get there Award 1; Speech Award 1; Student Council
"Joy is the sign of spirit in one minority." later." 1,2; Powder Puff Football 1,2; Tri-l-Ii- Y 1,
Mixed Chorus 1; Powder Puff Football Photography 1; Radio Club 4; Li.brary Aids Secretary 2, Program Chairman 3, Chap-
1,2,3,4; Tri-Hi- Y 1,2,3,4; Girl Scouts 1,2,4; 4. lain 4; Health Careers 2; Miss Cl-IS Con-
Field Day 2,3,4; Prom Committee 3; Home- Pier Angela Stric/and testant, Miss Congeniality 3; Chess Club
coming Committee 3,4; Beta Club 3,4; Ten- "Knowledge is proud that he has /earned so :3,4; Beta Club Secretary 3, District Secre-
nis Team 3,4; CSA 4; Annual Staff-Business much; wisdom is humble that he knows no tary 4.
Manager 4. more." Fances Marie Tompkins
Walter Henry Skinner Latin II Award 3; 4-l-I 3,4; Senior Play 4; "Wisdom is better than all the riches in the
"Take life as you find it." Beta Club 4; Advisory Council 4; Student world."
Key Club 2. Council 4; DECA 4; DE 4. FHA 1; Tri-l-Ii- Y 1,2,3,4; Powder Puff Foot-
Graciela Smania Chaundra Sullivan ball 2; Health Careers 2, Treasurer 3;
"She says little, but thinks a lot." "None but herself con be her parallel." FBLA-Reporter 4; FSA-President 4; AFS 4;
Johnny Ray Smith Pep Club 1; Demolay Sweetheart 3; Prom Senior Play 4.
"Success follows effort." Committee 3; Float Committee 3; OCT 3,4. frieda Morzelle Tompkins
Football 2; Intramura/s 2. Dravton Thuston Summers "Don't worry about things you can't
Lawalla Smith "He enters the room voice first." change."
"A healthy mind that goes by the books." Boy Scouts 2; Golf Team 2; Field Day 2,3,4; Tri-Hi- Y Vice-President 1, President 2,
Library Aids 4. Key Club 3,4; Tennis Team 3,4; Home- Committee Chairman 3, Sgt.-at-Arms 4;
Sandra Jean Smith coming Skit 4. Mum Committee 2; Health Careers 2; Stu-
"A cheerful heart, a friendly smile." Barbara Ann Swilley dent Council 2,3; AFS 2, Secretary 3, Presi-
Band 1; FE-lA 1; Powder Puff FootbalJ 3; Tri- "Do all that you do with all your might, dent 4; Float Committee B; Prom Com-
Hi-Y 3,4. things done by halves are never done mittee 3; Tiger Staff 4; Annual Staff 4.
William AJlen Smith right." Rebecca Carolyn Townsend
"Give the world the best you have." "A smile for everyone."
FHA 2; FTA 3; Spanish Club 4.
FFA 4. Lou Ann Swisher Spanish Club 2; Art Club 4; AFS 4; Drama
James Rhett Smithey "Zest is the secret of all beauty." Club 4.
"A little work, a little play." CYO 1,2,3,4; AFS 2,3,4; Spanish Club 3; Erma Jean Tunsil
Debbie Leuron Snowden Prom Committee 3; Tri-f-Ii-Y 4; Senior Play "I would not bar a single door where love
"In alJ Jove there must be a trademark." 4; Annual Staff-Clubs Editor 4. might enter in."
Mixed Chorus 1; Pep Club 1; Spanish Club David Michael Taylor NHS 1; Sophomore Class Officer 2.
1; Science Club 1,4; FT A 2,3; Governor's "When people agree with me, I always feel Thomas Uptonn
Honor Nominee 3; Usher at Graduation 3; that l must be wrong." "A good excuse is one you can use over and
Honor Court 4; Senior Parade 4; Transfer 4; Student Council 1,2; Intramural 1,2; Band over."
Tiger Staff 4. 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 3; Library Aids 3. Drama Club 3; OCT 4.
Arnette Sandra Sova Robert Wayne Taylor Charlene Paige Vocelle
"A cheerful soul lightens the heart of "Let thy speech be short, comprehending "Beauty is not caused; it is."
others." much if few words." Served at Epsilon Phi Dance 1; Pep Club
Mixed Chorus 1; FHA 1; Science Club 2; FF A 1; OCT President 4. 1,2,3; Girl Scouts 1,2,3; Tri-f-Ii- Y, Secretary
Spanish Club 3; Drama Club 3; Beta Club David Craig Thomas 1,2,3,4; Floor Show at Prom 2; Art Club 2;
3,4; AFS 4. "A smile is the trademark of a happy soul." AFS 2,3,4; Prom Committee 3; Senior Play-
Betty Ruth Stalvey FFA 1. Student Co-ordinator 4; Senior Class Vice-
"A quitter never wins, a winner never Gary David Thomas President 4; Student Council 4; Home-
quits." "An expert is an expert only as long as he coming Committee 4; Who's Who 4.
M1xed Chorus 1; FE-lA 1; Pep Club 1; Pow- guesses right." Randall Earl Wainwright
Tina Ann Stalvey Band 1; FCA 2; Track 2; Powder Puff Foot- "A fine man with a great personality."
"Many charming ways has she." ball Cheerleader 3; Student Council Trea- Band 1,2; FCA 4; Spanish Club 4; Track 4.
Band 1; FHA 1,4; Pep Club 4; Girls Chorus surer 4; Key Club 4; FBLA mascot 4; Tennis Denise Diane Waldron
4. Team 4; Drama Club Publicity Chairman 4. "Everyone has a hobby; hers is boys."
Virginia Staten Cheerleader 1,3, Captain 4; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3,4;
"She is nice by name and nature." Mar Lee Thomas Powder Puff Football 1,2,3,4; Served at
Mixed Chorus 4. "Of manners so gentle, of heart so kind," Prom 2; AFS 2; Softball 2,3,4; Intramural
Evelyn Stephens FHA 2; Girls Chorus 4. Council 3; Prom Committee 3; Spanish
"She is a girl with splendid abilities." Randall Thomas Club 3; Pep Club 4; Calendar Girl 4; Tiger
"Well, I'm about as tall as a shot gun and Staff 4; Publications, Sports Editor 4.
Art Club 4.
Brantley Thomas Stevens just as noisy." Nan Walker
"If at first you don't succeed that makes Bruce Thompson "Wisdom is knowing when to speak your
you just about average." "Be yourself or nothing at all." mind and when to mind your speech."
Student Council 1; BasketbalJ 1; FootbalJ Stephen Wayne Thornton FHA 1; FBLA, Corresponding Secretary 4.
264 Senior Directory