Page 136 - chs-1996
P. 136
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6~tttn'{J th~ b~st out of lLf~ som~ttm~s '1'~4uLr~s trao~tLn'{J th~ '{Jtob~ but of~n an .. but
ado~ntu'l'~ Ls r~ht on ~ou'l' doo'l' S~f as w~ karn to mak~ and k~~f fr~ndS aYld
k44f' th"'
ka'I'Yl what lLf~ has Ln sto'l'~ for us. 'P~borah 'taYlYl~nbaum t'l'ao~kd to 1sra~t and oL..l"
.plar~t~d a s.p~dal tr~~ and mad~ "~"~ s.p~ctal {'l'~nds . Watt~'!' 'Pou'{Jlas
accom.par~~d hts famLl~ OYl a tou'l' of 6r~at SBrLtaLYl whLch h~{.p~d to broad~Yl hts
·~ frkn..l
und~rstandLn'{J of oth~'l' cultur~s . .1Y1onLca SBrad~ s.p~nt an ~xdttn'{J summ~'l' at th~
to~.::.~ . .::.
rUr~Lo~rsLt~ of '1lor~a ~x.plorLYl'{J th~ m~dLcal f~td to s~~ Lf that Ls what cal'~~.,. sh~ frl4n~
would b~ ha.p.p~st LYl . 't~~r~t~s aYld ch~~rkad~rs w~nt to camp and karn~d tomorrow·
routtn~s aYld danc~s . 'thts .pa~ off har~dsom~t~ LYl 'Pallas wh~r~ th~ 't~~r~u~s
.plac~d stxth Ln th~ natloYl . Carlos Cas~llor~ and hts Sls~'l' .111Lr~~a mad~ an
"'1rkn~s .::or"'
~xdttn'{J trL.p throu'{Jh euro.p~ Ln Ol'd~l' to Lncl'~as~ thdr bLlLn'{Juat abLlLt~s . laul'~n frl4n~s
.111os~s and laura .111cCktlar~ w~Ylt to Coast c:lLco for th~ 1n~l'act dub OYl aYl for4\J4Y
~xchan'{J~ f"O'{Jl'am to fos~r und~l' UYld~l'StaYldLYl'{J about dLff~I'~Ylt cultur~s .
c:lotal'~ Club .pa~ all th~ ~x.p~ns~s . 'th~~ karn~d that w~ o~Yl tak~ for
'{Jl'an~d aU th~ wond~l'{ul thLn'{JS that ar~ aoaLlabk LYl ou!' count!'~ lLk~ haLl' 1.0 h.::o t
di'~~I'S . a Ll' condLttonLn'{J and h~at. 5om~ of th~ b~st ado~ntur~s occu!'l'~d r~ht .::Or4
h~r~ Lr~ lak~ CLt~ and C11.5 . ~t~ndLn'{J c:lO'tC fi'O'{Jl'ams. h~t.pLn'{J wLth .S.p~ctal {or
ot~m.pLcs. haYl'{JLn'{J out Ln th~ Commons . watchLn'{J th~ bask~tbatt ~am tak~ Lt
wh~r~ f~w hao~ '{JOYl~ b~for~ ... Lt has b~~n aYl ado~ntur~ ...... C11.5 st~kl "'iou .::or4
m~ b"'st
"'to h.::oiJ4 .::.
frl4n~. b"' .::.
Andy Math~ws che<;ks out. th~ possiPiiti~ on th~ most. difficult.
slopt.. th~ Black Diamond. Go fOf' it. Andy!
Walt.« Douglas shows his Dad and Prothu th~ sight.s in Ef'l<.lland. Sking at.op th~ mountains in v.lnt.uplac~, W~t. 'vlrginia was a
Plast. fOf' Maria Zdaya and Michd~ B~oya.
130Personal Adventure