Page 137 - chs-1996
P. 137

LaLra and Lara1 know that  tht.y haYt. a lot to I>~ thankful for a fUr
                                                  .,;siU1g  Coast Rica.  fh~ l>~uuful sca1ay colid not conc~l th~
                                                  povmy of somt. of tht. pt.apl(...

      Making  a fashion  stauma1t is just part of th~ fun  for Michad  on tht. frst ~apt4st Ski til>·

                                                  Classrooms art. tht.l>~t plact.  to  mut fna1ds  and  l~m al>out
                                                  tht. world.  Signs  art. part of t.Yayonf.S  ~ron ma1t.

                                                  Vvtlf.thtr in thf. Commons or in thf. halls, studa1ts loYf. a chancf. to h(.ar -thf.laU.St'" and
                                                  st)'if. and pro lilt.

           Dd>orah fama11>aum plants a sp"ial tru in  lsrad.
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