Page 158 - chs-1996
P. 158
Coach Bil Bam~tt t<>ok ovu a
ua m that had tak~n th~
cov~ttd Sunshin~ Ga m~s
trophy only a f~w wuks befort-
Randall Lnth's whirlwind
s~ason cam~ t<> an ~d with
his d~artur~ to Eastsid~ High
in Gain~sville and Barn~tt
brought his own styt~ and
r~tin~ an aw~o m~ off~ns~
and hard nos~ d~f~s~ int<>
th~ b~t show in t<>wn. It was
th~ y~ar of th~ bask~tball
1igu! Th~ final buzz« rang on
a 28-4 s~ason . Th~ 1ig~rs
won a third straight District
championship. Th~y won th~
sub r~ional and f(.)l 6 points
short of th~ R~ional finals.
f~bruary 28th th~
1ig~ rack~ in 87 points. But
that wasn't ~ough against
Or1ando Dr. Phillips. f'taying on
th~ road forth~ third straight
gam~, th~ ?an thus utiliz~ a
h~ght advantag~ at ~v~ry
position to outgun Columbia
93- 87 in th~ Class 6A North
II R~ion final.
Barnett said, "It's not
going to b~ very many tim~s
you scor~ 87 in high school
basketball and lost." lh~
1ig~ wu~ on th~r way t<> th~
finals wh~n thty lost t<> th~
?anthus. Th«~ was a hug~
tumout for th~ gam~, an
~tima~ 1000 fans pack~
tht 1igu Gym .
Columbia High School
was 12 - 0 at hom~ going int<>
th~ r~ion finals. It has b~
an incr~ibl~ s~ason till~ with
high hop~s and ~:xp"tations.
Th~ ligtrs had a sup~r
'fr.y Ho$fOI'd tM$ to t>loGt a eradford County 3- poFit«'. 'f~y "War'!n-14>$ - ~$.,t4al i1 ~arirlg fOf' tN garM,• ny 1'"19«'
s~son. Evm though it hurt t<>
plays an ~.,t4al part i1 tM l"tgcr'$ <kfU1$C. pla)W$ Damian Rcl$$fl and Th4i$ Rcl$$in.
los~ this critical gam~, th~
~iors had to proud to b~ a
part of a ua m that was tht
gr~aU5t sine~ 1947.
Coach Bamttt said
h~ had no complaints aft« th~
1ig«'s bannu season ~d~.
fiv~ s~iors carried
th~ 1ig~ W~n~sday. Boney
Watson had 21 points, lr~y
Hosford 19, Damion Rossin 16,
Jam~s Williamson 15, and
Durick Jon~s 12. It was th~
d~ication and hard work of all
th~ s~nior l~ad~rship that
mad~ tht differ~c~ for th~
SUlior Jason Schuck SUlior I unnce Kdly SUlior Da mion Rossin
152 Varsity Boys Basketball