Page 155 - chs-1996
P. 155
fh~ girl's J.V. Bask~tvall had another succ~sful
se-ason. Th~ girls won 12 out
of 13 gam~. Th~y took a fall
against Hamilton County.
fhrough th~ s~ason th~y
hav~ com~ to play lik~ a
family! You can Ult for it
mak~ th~m l:>~tt« 'W't!M th~y
are. de.f~nding, scoring,
passing, r~l:>ounding, and
running. Coach~s D~~
Watson and Rufus Baker ar~
~xciu.d al:>out the-ir s~ond
group of girls and look
forward to continu~d
succ~ss for th~s~ hard
working girls.
~: La$ha1Wl Ro$s, Poritn Lo~. April Al~xand«, Narragans•tt Smith, Pcidra Caloway, f"K:.a Cannon. Pedra
At1i14. st.andirlg: Natika franklin, Natali• s.l>mg, Al'ldr.a Lu. Samcb Murphy, fracilla Chisolm, ShanUIIa Sherman,
Coactl ""watson.
(Hom~ Gam~)
12/3 Suwannu
12111 Orang~ Park
1/5 Lincoln
1113 Hamilton
1/23 Middlwurg
1/26 Lwn
1, 2, 3-fEAMWORKIIs \Wlat tn• Lady f"tgcrs say l>•fo~ wuy Arnna Lu push.s ~ l>all towards th•
garM. rim during this lay '-"·
Poritra Lo~ mak.s a cy..i<;lc pus aganst
h4r rWal. SUwannu.
Natal~ s.t>ring waits fOf' a rwound against
Tica Cannon helps h4r uam l>y maki'lg a~ tiYow agai'lst JV Girts Basketball 149