Page 156 - chs-1996
P. 156

12/8/95     Livt Oak

                      12/11/95   Orangt Parle:

                      114/96      Baker

                      115/96      Lincoln

                      1123/96     Middltburg

                      1126/96     Lwn

                        Although th~ varsity
                 girls  had  a  r~ular s~ason
                 rt.eord  of  only  thru wins
                 and 14  loss~~ th~ uam is
                 load~ with  poUntial.  Th~     Top Row:  Coach  DU>ra  Hil, Amdia Pamdl, Lakaya  eut.t.s, Ml¥1via  ero~m, VU$ha Pary, Cindy ford, Coach  SUpha~
                                                ~gram. l<nuling: Mishan~ Magwood, Tak~ydra Rol>inson, Shikat.a Polock, Et>ony Scippo, KW;ha ea. Not f'l<;tur~: Holly
                 varsity  t~a m  has  gr~at     Ritchie.
                 dribbl«sl  shoot~rs~  and
                 port  play~rs. Many  of  th~
                 loss~s  w~r~ by  l~ss  than
                 Ur1  points.Th~ varsity gins
                 ar~ young.  Th«~ w«~ not
                 any srniors  on  this  y~ars
                 uam  I  so  most  of  th~
                 play~ will  r~tum n~xt y~ar.
                 Th~ girls  hav~ work~ hard
                 this y~ar and  ~ach ana of
                 th~ uam has improv~.Th~
                 coach~s~ Dworah  Hill  and
                  SU-phani~ lngra m hav~ put
                 in  many  long  hours  of
                 practic~ to  try  and  mak~
                 this  y~ars t~am a  district
                 conUnd«.Th~ coach~s ar~
                 conftdmt that whm all  th~
                 girls  play  to  th~ir  full
                 poUntial. th~y ar~ d~ftnittly   Hony R!tchl~ pn~etlc~ h« 3-point«s ciJring pre--
                 a  hard  t~a m  to  dd~at.
                 Although  th~ girls  did  not
                 hav~ a  gr~at rt.eord~  th~y
                 hav~  th~  h~art  of  an
                 und~f~aUd ua m.

                                                                                 Amtia f'amdl, Mishan• Magwood, andVU'$ha. Pmy show thw
                                                                                 mighty 1igu Plidc..
                                              T"m  m~mi>U'$  show  th«  d~t«minatlon  in
                                              !>locking th~ !>aiL

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