Page 160 - chs-1996
P. 160
11128 Bradford
M dison County
JacksonYillt- Camp.
fallahassu Lwn
fallahassu Lincoln
1/27 P.K. Young
2/1 Bak«
2/8 Bucholz
Witn a 18-3 ruord you would l<n~ing Coac:h Jom Brollfl1. Standing lc.ft to right: Macc.o Shq:>ard, fury Rossin, IMIIic. Jernigan, Ryan D®$011, 'Mtic. Bury,
Raymond Julrings, Omar Haddock, Wa)flc. Broom, Sam Ryan, Chad Owc.ns, Donne. BLrton, Varion Coppock. Notp.Ckrc.d:
think that a uam would l:>t ruogniztd Chris ...bhnson, Jamie. Simmons.
throughout tnt school and community
for it's txctlltnct, l:>ut tnt only ptoplt
'Who know this an tnt ptoplt 'Who play.
No ont knows that Ttrry Rossin can
shoot tnt tnru or that Chad Owtns
can gral:> rtt:>ounds. No ont knows that
tnt J.V. Baskt tl:>all program has grtat
taltnt. It is pr«<icUd that Columl:>ia
High will havt ont of tht l:>tst
l:>askttl:>all programs in tnt stau. Tht
J.V. Baskttl:>all program can't win a
stau championship or districts. All
thtst l:>oy's havt is pridt and tntir
rtcord. And I think tnq did a good jot:>
tvtn though no ont knows. 'M ic. Bury go~ for a la~p 1n the. B akc.r game. to spur the. ligus up
with thU' llinring sa son
-Ryan Dol:>son
Omar Haddock prac~~ the. asy lay-L4's l:>c.forc. The. T'19us show a ittlc. intimidation l:>y aathc.riin<ll
thc. l:>~nning of the. game.. at cc.ntc.r court I:> c. fore. the. game..
Bucholz playus put the. dc.fc.nsc. on Chris ...bhnson as he. go~ for
t1110. The. third tim~ a charm for thc.ligus to l:>at Bucholz.
154 JV Boys Basketball