Page 168 - chs-1996
P. 168

Columbia  High bas wall ua m has
     n  impnssiY~ 19-7  s~ason so  far.
      ~  fig~rs  haY~  tak~n  on  a
     hall~nging  sch~dul~ l~d  by  coach
     illy  Hal~.  fh~ fig~rs  haY~ hams
     uch  as  Sandl~wood,  Lincoln,  and
     ~on on  slah for  th~ s~ason. fh~
       m is  l~ad by 10  s~niors who  haY~
        ty ~xpui~C~. Th~ lig~ haY~ a
        strong  pitching  t~am and  th~y
     lso  haY~ many  w~apons th~y ar~
     Ianing  on  using  throughout  th~
       r.  Th~ ng~ op~n~d th~ s~ason
        two touma mmt championships.
         won  th~ Suwann~~ First Pitch
     lassie  and  th~ Umpin  Invitational.
     op~fully th~ fig~rs  will  add  a  f~w
      on  trophi~s  to  th~ trophy  cas~
        y~ar. Thanks  to  th~ support of
       Yolun~, tht:. ng~ also  haY~ a
      ndt:.rful  stadium  to  play  th~ir
     a mt:.S  in.  If th~ t~a m plays as wt-11  as
      ~ fi~ld  looks,  th~y should  haY~ a
          s~ason. fht:.  ng~rs will  b~ abl~
                                       Sittting L~ft to fllght: Johnathan fa)lor, fra'tis Hanington, fodd Piusol, P-Nut K~nington, David  MiDu, Romi~ Wilson, Ju~my Cell
       show  off  improY~d facility   Kn«.1111g  L~tt to ~ht: Matth~w Philpon, ...llstin Pulu, B~ Sow(~, fraYis  HUII1tu,  Donni~ Gimor~, Ala111  B~~l:>augh, Randall
                                       LipsC<'ml:>.  Sitting L~tt to Right: Ray Chaml:>ena111d,  Michad Grun~, Jason Blair, Ju~my Baisd~, Jam~ fik~, fommy P~t, Micah
      ring  th~ district touma m~t h~ld   1illotson, 8na111  Cr~ws and,  Coach  Bily Hal(.
     t  C.H.S.
         2/13         St. Augustint:.
         3n           LiYt:. oak
         3/9          Buchholz                1996
         3/11         ftny Parl<tr
         3/12         lwn
         3/19         Orangt:. Pari<
         3/21         lincoln
         4/6          Santa ft:.
         4/16         Middle-burg

                                         Micah lilotson stil supports his Uam ~~~~though   t  2. 3. ligu Prid~ say Varsity Boys.  Spirit and  ~thusias m is  on~
                                         h~ has just had knu s~rgery.        thing that th~ varsity l:>oys ha\1(.
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