Page 167 - chs-1996
P. 167

6olVI~ 2lU                    Out

                                  ~ ...... """-

                                                                                             ..N  Bas~ball  so m~ti m~s
                                                                                           tak~s a  back  s~at  to  th~
                                                                                           bigg«  Varsity  squad  but
                                                                                           that  do~sn't  m~an  th~y
                                                                                           don't  play  with  th~  sam~
                                                                                           h~art and mthusias m.  Th~y
                                                                                           won    a   hard   fought
                                                                                           touma mmt  in  Liv~ Oak  to
                                                                                           kick  off  th~ s~ason.   lh~
                                                                                           ua m pracuc~ at Soutsid~
                                                                                           bas~ball compl~x und« th~
                                                                                           dincuon of Coach  D~w~~s~
                                                                                           and  Coach  Mobl~y.  Th~y ar~
                                                                                           playing a tough schtdul~
                                                                                            Th~y lost to  Liv~ Oak  one~
                                                                                           and  th~y  b~at  Santa  F~
                                                                                           twic~,  b~at Williston,  Lak~
                                                                                           Butl~r,  and   Gain~svill~  ,
      front Row:  fimmy fikc-, Chris  McCall, Thomas  McDuffie-,  Dre-w Sloan,  Jan  Ring. ...US tin Nave-,  Gary Ward, Brad  Hosutl«,  Matt MJ1c-s,  Bo~y  Oth~r  wins  cannot   b~
      Wc-atlw'spoon, Back Row: Bo .Jordan, Andy Scradar, Lance- St.a~ton,  Scott Mcle-an,  Bt.11  Sow~ll.  P-flut Ke-nnington.  Micah n litson, Rick
      Raule-rson,  Wc-s  M~l«,  and  Coach fony Dc-wc-c-sc..                               r~porhd    du~  to    th~
                                                                                          y~aroook d~adlin~.

                                                                                            2/1 2        Lake  Butler
                                                                                            2/20          Santa  Fe
                                                                                            3 I 1         Orange  Park
                                                                                            3/7           Live  Oak
                                                                                            3/11          Middleburg
                                                                                            3/1 3         G.H.S.
                                                                                            3/26          Leon
                                                                                            4/4           Buchholz
                              ..J.V. practice-s in the- out~d during prt-gamc- warm up.

                                                     Gary Ward  shows  his  stndc- while- he- pitche-s  the- t>all  during  the- Live- Oak  match. P«fc-ction is  Gary's
      Rick  Raule-rson,  Dre-w  Sloan,  and  Bot>t>y  We-athe-rspoon  rtlax on  thc-  prioriity i1 pla)1ng t>aswal
      t>c-ncn  t>c-twc-U~ i1nings  during the- Orange- Par1t  game.
                                                                                                         JV Baseball  161
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