Page 164 - chs-1996
P. 164

                          (Home. Game-s)

                        1211   Clay County
                        12/8   Eastside.
                        12/12  Orange. Pari:
                        12118  Lincoln
                        1/8    Wolfson
                        1/10   Le.on
                        1/16   P.K. Yonge.
                        1/17   Middlwurg
                        1/19   Episcopal

                                             front Row: Etin  Gid>~,  Jenny  Monro~.  Dominiqu•  Comv,  l<l'isty  Castlllo,  Roxann~ Curtls,  Kdli  McCall.  &ack  Row:
                                             Assistant Coach  Susan  Scott, Jacki~ Gill,  Cindy ...brdan, April Deland,  H~thv Scott, Courtnq Rol:>ut.s, SU1ior Rol:>in
                                             Sulivan, Holly Ha~ • ..Jull'ifv La\WU1U, Coach Todd  ~dtq"Ul.. ~~ Gi1s  ar~ part of th~ gi1s  soccv I~Uld that was
                                             starUd last~·  &clng put in a ~w district was vtry chaiiUlging, l:>ut it  didn't l:>udg~ ~ Lady Tigus.
                   The.  Lady  Varsity
            Socce-r  te.a m,  de-spite.  the.
            une.xpe.cted  se-ason  of  7-11-2,
            didn't  give.  up,  whe.n  the.y
    on  what  to  be.  a
            ne.v«  e-nding  losing  stre-ak.  The.
            uam starUd off with  a tie. of 1-1
            against Ne.ase. in  the.  Middlwurg
            Ja mboru.  The.  following  game.
            the.y won.  The. se-ason  fluctuated
            aft« that.  With  ne.w  playe-rs  to
            the. game. the.y proved to be.
            additions, ne.v« With only
            two se-niors  and one. junior le-aving
            the.  ua m,  the.  re.tuming  playe-rs
            have. a« advantage. ov« a
            lot  of othe-r  ua ms  be-cause.  of
            the.  e.xpe.rie.nce.  coming  back.
            Districts did not go  as the.
            e.xpe.cUd  e.ithe.r.  With  the.
            division  dominating  the.  first
            night, the. ladie-s  fell  to  Mandarin.
            It was  a  gnat upse-t be-cause.  of
            the. hard won:  and  high  spirits of
            the.  ua m.  The.  me.morie.s  made.
            during the. past se-ason  will  live. in
            the. he-arts and souls of e.ach  and
            e-very  playe-r,  coach,  pare-nt,  and
            fan, alike..

                                              ~ Lady Tigvs rush to congratulau ~ch othv aftv a
                                                                                     ~ l:>al is  tnpp~ and ut~~ l:>y Dana  &~t duing tM
                                                                                     Mandarin  Game.

         158  Varsity Girls  Soccer
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