Page 165 - chs-1996
P. 165
to p~rf~cti.on
Lisa Goss <:ongradulat.s Holly Hak aftu a
wondtrlul goal j,y tn• ngus.
A pictln says a thousand words as Courtn•y
Rw~ stu<i.s tn. gam"
This may look ik• a tan<;y dane• st4p, j)ui it.'s r.aly SMOUS d•ftns• mad• j,y Usa Goss Roxa1'114 CUrtis atumpts to launch tn. j)al down
against Oran~ Paric.
Coa<:M SUsan S<:ott and fodd VMtc.rg~ w- support.iv• and proud of tn. wmcndous «forts of tn.
fancy footwort ~s Dana &.st ~t a SUJ>' pass off to l<listy Castilo. Th•
Oar-ng. Paric offtns• was humj)lcd. val'$it;.y giris.TM good attit.ud.& "'llS .-Mtnt aftu spank~ E.astsi<U.
Varsity Girls Soccer 159