Page 228 - chs-1997
P. 228

Brian  nagge                            John  Living  ton                         Kyhe  D  ann  Markham
                                                                                          1-...vhL'  D<mme"
                                                                                         \  ~'  1~74
                                                                                         I Do-Paul Bram•tt
       Dana Knowle                             Rob  rt Lizotte                           "I'm Frl'L'/Ing"
                                                                                         HOS   ~;  VIP~.  oftbdll 4,10;
                                                                                         Volleyball~. 10;  Photography  lub 10,
                                                                                          rt Club 10;  Intl•ract 11;  Journal!  m
       Vincent Knowle                          Brandalyn Michelle  Logan                 11,12;  C'mor  d  dltor12;CB
                                               "Brandv"                                  Prl''>ldl•nt 12.
                                                 pnl  26,1474
                                               It'.,  II  llmmg Bilek l\1  1e- l'lum Own
       Pratt Koon                              "Huh?"
                                               T•gerl'tte-.4;  Interact   Iub~,12        Philip  Markham
             £                                                                           June o,l474
                                                                                          tep  In  !11  Room-R.  'clly
                                                                                          tudent  ounul10,11;  t  CF 12;
       Jared  Lane                             Lakee  ha  Rena  Lucas                    Photographv Club 10,11
                                                ept. 14.  1977
                                                 obotl{-1\.eJth  weal
        u  an  Lang
                                                                                         Ivan Marrero
                                               Andrea Michelle  Lucht
       Katie  Langford                         "Andre" "Luke"
                                                'ov. 22,  1 ~7                           lrac   hr  tt
                                               Hotel  Calt{orma-Eaglc-.                    t.  20,147
                                               "The hand 1., the map the heart I" the    ltfe  a I  auce-john  11ch  •I  h  nlgom
                                               gUJdL•"                                   "Leave me alone"
       Holly  Lang  ton
                                               Volunteer Public  erv1ce ~; Tra  k 9;     Beta ~;  FF  4,10, 11, 12.
                                               FH  9,10;  T1gerette 10,11,12;   rt  lub
                                               Ill;  FC  10,11;  Interact 10,11,12;
       Amber  Lawrence                         joumah.,m 10,11,12;   men  an Legwn
        'Stump"                                Es.,av Conte-.t 11;  CJ   11,12;          Jennifer Martin
        1arch 21, 1979                         Leader-.h•p 11, 12;  Student  oun  11
        L on't  pea  - 'o DLJubt               Repre-.entallve "J,10,11;  Drama Club 12;
        "Whatever"                             Beta Club "J, 12;  em or Cia.,., Trea.,urer
        CH    9;  Dance club 10,11,12;   rt    12;  Dual Enrollment 12.                  Katherine Marie Ma  e
        Club 10,11.                                                                        .1thv"
                                                                                         DPr  7,1~7
                                                                                          obodi{·KeJth  weal
                                               Theo L  ra                                French  lub 10,11,12;  Ddn  c  lub 10,
                                                                                         Trea-.urcr 11,  1C •-Prc.,1dent  12.
        Kelly Layle
        Aug. 2.1979
        Dom It-LL Cool J                               jVl
        "What'  up fool"                                                                  nthon  Rudgard  Matthew
        Swmurung 9,10,11,12; French Club 10,11,   Meli  a  Macarage                      "  ndv"
        Dance Club 10;                                                                    ug.L7, 197~
                                                                                         \ lr.  Imco/n-Hant/ \\'1lham"
                                                                                         "Party at Mlkt•'-."
                                                                                         B •ta Club "J;  Golf 9;   .J.P. 4;   nmmill
                                                 1eli  a  L  nn Maddo                    Ju-.tJCt' 11, Ht•arthrob12;  lntcrd  I
        Latoya Lee                              "  1addo  '                              10,11,12;  Tenm., 10,11,12;  P<n'>der Puff
                                                  ug. 1, 1"J79                           10,11,12;  Leo  lub 11;  tudent Counal
                                                Amazmg Grace                              ltematt• 11;   nv1rnthon "J;  Career
                                                "\\ hatever"                             Dav 10, 11,12;  F.C.  . 11;  Journah.,m 11;
        Robin  Lee                              Band 9,10,11,12;  Cro....,fJre B1ble Club   Teen  ourt 11,12;  1ock Trail  11;  Dual
                                                10.                                      Enrollm  nt 12,  SCience Fa1r 10,11,12,
                                                                                          1.1th Fa1r 12;   FPS  12;  1r  C.H S  12;
         ean  Lee                                                                        Fall  Fe-.tJval  rgam/l'r 12;   cadl'ml
                                                                                         Letter Y, 10; Homecommg ActJvJte"
                                                Mi  hane Tra  heal  Magwood              "J,10,11,12.
                                                "Red Bone"
                                                Apnl 19, 1979
        Holly Linton                             obody-Ke1th Sweat
        "Hey, you!"                             "Don't as  me about your man, a.,k your
        Feb. 11,1979                            man about me."                           Amy Matyuf
        Tratn-Quad Ctty DJ's                    Prc-Colleg1ate;  Choru-.; Track Team
                                                                                         We  le  Maxwell
                                                Alana  Rae  Manzer
        Amy Lynne Little                        Aprtl  14,1979
        "Moo  e"                                Uon't Speak-  o Doubt
        • •ov. 15, 197                          French Honor.,  ward 9;  HJ..,tory       Kelli Ann Me  all
         1e and You-Kenny Che  '>ney            Honor.,Award9;  \  ho'.,\  ho10,11;      Oct. 15, 197
        "jJmmJeand Amy"Aiway<>"                 CJSA 11;  French Club 11;  Dance Club    The  Ro  e- Conway 1 w1tty
        Band 9;  Flagteam 10;  Who's Who 10, 11;   10,11;  Sw1m Team  "J, 10, 11;        "  verythmg H.1ppcn.., for a Rea.,on"
        Acadenuc Letter 11;  CECF /OCT 12.                                               Beta Club Pr  ..,,dent 9, 10,11,12;   H
                                                Powdcrpu ff Football11; Homecommg        "J,IO  11,12;  FH  Y,IO;  lnterd  t  10,11,
                                                  ctlvJtJe'>  11, 12;  Dual Enrollm •nt 12.   wc'etheart 12;  Var  1ty Tennts  1VP 'J,
                                                                                         D1-.tnd  hampu>n, Co.1ch('   Wdrd  10,
        Ja  on Little                                                                    11,12;  Soccer 10,11;  HOBY  mba-;sador
                                                                                         10;  Who's Who II;  tudent  ounul
                                                 teven  Maquincio

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