Page 232 - chs-1997
P. 232
Dewil n Robin on Robert Davon ander J o lene inclair
· coogte· ·coon"
ug. 10, 197 Dec. o,l477
Har7 1arv- 1akaveh llrt'em llp-2Pac
". 1an, you wtth that Rally'..,"' Football 9,10,11,12. Wendi ingl tary
Tra k 9, 10,11,12; ro-..., Country 12.
J o hua andlin hawn ingleton
endreil Robin on
icholil chrilder pril kinner
hedequiil a' cole Robin on
"De a"
pnl 1"" 197<:J
How Could You- -Ct & Jojo of Jodect Michelle chwartz Randy lade
"That' not nght'
FBL 9; Flag Team 9; 1archmg Band 9;
Pre-Collegtate 11; HERO 11,12;
Cnmtnal Ju..,tJce-Teen Court 12; bt Ebony Monique cippio Carl mtth
place at Dt..,tnct Competttwn (State "Htp..,"
Competition tn Orlando.) Food Servtce Feb.o, 1479
Team 11; Chapter Showca-;e State Only God can fud[;e 1e-Tupac
CompetitiOn tn Orlando 12. "Good thmg.., come to tht ..,e who watt" Kay hea mith
FBLA 9; Flag Team 9; Ba-.ketball
9,10,11; Talent Search 10,11,12; Pre-
Ctlllegtate 11; Cnmmal Ju.,ttce
Tilkydril Robin on Sweetheart 12; fro- ml•rtcan Club Y. Quiton mith
v-Boo "Q.Dog"
June 15, 1979 July 31,197
Marching Band9,10; Sa-; etball 1 Am't 1ad at Clza-2Pa
9,10,11,12; Academtc Letter 10,11; William cott "What up bo. !"
Track Team Regwnal 9,10, State 11; Bao.,lwtball 9.
Volleyball11; Who' Who 11; Pre-
Collegtate Club Sweetheart 11. Pr ciou ouone nell
William egre t
Oct. 27,197
Vanou son~s-R.Kelly
herrie Rodgers "Oh Twell't
1arch 21. 1979 }il on herman H ~A10; Pre- tlllcgtatel1,12, BE12;
The Dance-Garth Broo ., tudcnt Focuo.,l1; Ht-.tory ward9.
H A 10,11; DCf 12; CECF 12.
hantella harice herman
"Shan" Chn ty Ann purlock
Angelia . Roger Aprtl 12,1979 Chn..,tma..,"
"Angte I Bel1eve I Can fly-R.Kelly JUn~ 19.1979
Oct. 23, 197 Student Repre.,entattve 9; Ba.,ketball, /)/ C r -Kataltna
Forever-:vianah Carey (ftger Pnde ward) 11, Manager 12; "Btte 'vie"
"Oh \.ell!"' Prc-Collcgtatc 11; Cnmtnal Ju-;ttcc 12; \. omen .., Chrou., 9,1 0; En-;cmble 9, 1o-.t
FCA 9, 11; FFA 9,10; Dtamond 10. Flonda Pubhc Student A-;-;octatton 12. Out-;tandtng ophomore10,11,12; FHA
9; French Club10,11; Key Club 11;
CJSA11,12; Who's Wholl; Dual
Enrollment 12; Flonda Publtc Student
Holly Ro ier Carla A. ilveira .... ocatwn12.
Oct. 12, 1979
[)reammg my Dreams U'ltlz You-The
Trilvis Phillip Ryiil Cranberne'> Joanna taten
''T Ryals" "let me tell you ... " "JO ]0"
May 14, 1979 AHSA 9,10; RDDA 9,10; SFHJA 9,10; ov. 15, 197
StraU'berry Wme-Dtanna Carter Board Repre entattve 10; cy Club Lrttle Rrtty- Ian Jack'>on
"Do What?" 11,12; Ht'>tory Club 11, Leo Club 12; ocr, tce-re.,tdcnt 12.
CJSA 11, 12; Leo Oub 12; Joumahsm user 12.
11,12; Golf 11,12; Soccer 11,12;
Coaches Award 11; Acadenuc Letter 11.
A hel tephen
s Te hia Aileen imard
Dec. 26, 197
leanne Rtme-; Rachel tone
Adilm illzburg
Marhtng Band 9,1 0; Chrou., 9,1 0, 11. "Ray-Rar"
I lielrn•e Can fly- R. elly
"Gtve me under..tandtng enough to make
me kmd, so I may 1udge all fX'oplt• wtth
Kri ty ilndilge Adrian Michelle impkin my heart and not my mmd.'
Aug. 14,1979 "Chelle Who'., Who 11; rt Club 10; lntl•ract
I Beliroe I Can Fly-R. Kelly Aug. 1 ,197H 11,12; CJSA 11,12; French Club 11;
"Anyone t'> capable of changmg'' Can't Knock the llustle-Jay Z Flonda Publtc Servtce Ccntt•r.
DCf sweetheart 11,12; CECF 11,12; "You need to Stop"
HOSA 10; Cro.,sfire Bible Club 10. Health and Fttne.,., 1 0; orth Flonda
Talent St>arch 10,11,12.
hawn trickland
226 Sen10r Directory