Page 233 - chs-1997
P. 233
Brooke Michelle Stubbs Miguel Tepedino Katherine Nicole Timmions
"Brookte Bt•ar" , tkkt"
Jan. 14,1Y7Y June 10,1YHO
1 Helretlt' 111 You-Bette Mtdlt•r Ht'{ore I I ay- CeCe Pent'> ton & jojo
" o matter the trouble, the Lord t'i Alisca Oleane Thoma "Bnght en'> t better than taught n "
tx. .... tdemt•." " atural Abltno" FHA 9; Beta Club 12; Cheerleadtng 9,1 0;
Hello Dolly Y; hcnch Club 9,10; Beta ov. 21, 1978 FCA 10; Dance Club 10.
Club 'J, 10; Volleyb.:~ll 9,1 0; Tr.:~ck 9; ltttfe Hitty-Aian jackson
CH OS 9; FH 9; So cer 10; Art Club FFA 9,10,11,12; Cnmtnal Ju'>ttce 11;
Hl; lntera t 10,11,12; nmtnal justtce Food for Amertca 10,11,12; Farm Safety
10,11,12; FC II ; Journaltsm II, Edttor- Day Camp 11 ; Steer ~how 12; Fore<.try Tiffany Ann Torrans
tn htcf 12, Leo Club 11; OCT 12; mpl2. " R O"ter"
Drama 12 May 24,1Y7Y
B •ta Club 9; FHA 9, 10,11, ace-
Amanda Thomas Pre-,tdent 12; Ttgerettes Y, 10,11, 12;
loni u g Interact 1 0,11, Sweetheart 12; Leo
11,12; Gtrls State 12.
Kathryn Marie Thoma
Jen;a1 n wi h r jan. 11, 19 0
"Squtrrd" Stay (Faraway, ~o Clll'>e)- U2
prtl 9,1 79 Beta Club 9; Academtc Letter 9, 10, 11; Ry;an Chri topher Touchton
Tenm 9, B ta Club Y; FHA Y, 10; FHA 9, 10, Sweetheart 11 & S •cretary ov 10, 197
Ttg rctt ; o r 10; lnter.:~ct 10, 11, Trea~urcr 12; V.IPS 9; Hom coffilng Vvtthout a Face-Rage agatn t th Machane
11,12; q 11,12; rt Club 11; Leo Acttvttes 9,10,12; attonal junwr "I dtdn't do tt."
Club 11,12 Honor octety 9,10,11,12; Interact
10,11; Who"., Who 11,12; State Sctence
Kri tin .ze~ Fatr 11; Mu lpha Theta 12; Dual Carol AnnTun il
"Cn ... py Cnttcr" Enrollment 12; Yearboo Edttor-tn- "Banana Berry"
Oct. IY, 11}7 Chtef 12. jan. 6,197Y
fn>tstn- an Halen Tell 1e-Dru Htll
"It ts better to b tlent and thought a "Don't a., me about your man, a'>k your
fool thiln to l pen your mouth and remove Kamberly Marie Thom;a manaboutme."
.:~11 doubt." Klm"
JV o n•r 9, 10, II ; lnt •rnatwnal lub J.:~n . 19, I Y79 Logan Mackenzie Turberville
II ; I ~till Hefteve In You-Vtnce Gtll " fack T"
B •ta Club 9, 12; Art Club 10;
lntcrnatwnal Club 10; Interact 11; July 17,1979
Tennt'> 11,12; Mu Alpha Theta 12; Sweet Home Alabama-Lynyrd Skynrd
"So you wanna nde or what?"
Sophomore Sccbon Jr. Edt tor 12.
Beta Club.
Chri tina ;a lor
Matthew Thoma
Jo eph Keith Furgu on Turner II
John;athon T;aylor "joe The Barber"
june 15, 1979
Born to [)t,•-Sptce 1
Meli a Jean Thoma "Who t<; You·
"Pcache "
Kelli Elaine T<t lor Dt•c .. 14,197
"Kcll" 7 o ·~ 1t up- Macavelt
jan. 27, 1979 "True, True, II So True~
Don't I et C.o-En ogue Perfect Attendance 9,10,11,12; Marchtng Terrence Tyler
"What's up ltttle pup." Band9,10,11,12; BetaCiub9;
Ttgerette!'>, Ltentenant 9,10; Beta Y; Photography Club 11,12; 500 Volunteer u
at10nal Honor octety 9; International Hour~ at V.A.
Club lll; Interact lll, 11; Who'~\ ho
11; Dual Enrollment 12; OCT 12.
Caleb Um tead
Robin Irene Thoma
1ay 2 , 1979
ancy Taylor Latln(s Clown-Reba McEntire
"Gol)d thtng come to tho • who watt."
Th • football captatn., talk to the ... tudenh about Mr., Rtng, the enwr '>pon.,or, jotn., thl' girl-. to chl'er
attendmg tht•btgg.:~ml'. on thl' c).:~..,., of 97 at field d.:~y.
SeniOr Dtrectory 227