Page 229 - chs-1997
P. 229

~t·rgeant-at Arm  11;  'OIOr eta ......   "Whatever!"                    Craig  Moore
     Trea~uer 12;  JSA 11,12;   ommee for   Mar  hmg Band Y.
     G1rl'..,  tate 11.
                                                                              Jeremy Wayne Moore
                                          ichola  Meilike                     "A1rborne I J-Bo"
     Ja  on  Me  ardle                                                        May 2o,  1979
                                                                              Silting on  the Dock of the Bay-
                                                                              "1  don't know"
                                        Travis  Melgaard                      JROTC 9,10,11,12;  Color Guard
     John Me  ain                                                             Commander11,12; Cnmmalju  t1cc
                                                                              11, 12;  HOSA 1 0;  AthletiC Tramer 12.
      arah  Lane  Me  olskey             Carrie Lynn  Merritt
     "P1111  h1e"                        July 28,1Y79
       ug  1  ,197                       llnbreak My  I leart-Tom  Braxton    Paula  Renna  Moore
     Roll On- labama                     "You Jre ..,howmg out"               "Shorty"
     "Ht ck Ye.1!"                       FFA 9,10,11,12;  FHA 9;  FBLA 9;     D  c.  18,197
      '"m Tc.1m Y,10,11;  Photogr.1phy 10, 11;   S  ftball 9;  Volleyball 9;  Cro'>'> Country   ". '*E*WAYS"
     lntera  t 11,12;  G1rl'» BJ">ketball   9;  HOSA 11;  Art Club 11;  Photograpy
      tatkeep  r 12.                     Club 11.                              ara  Laine  Morgan
                                                                              Dec. 5, 1Y78
                                        Meli  a Metcalf                       Hard  to  ay Goodbye to  Yesterday-Boy/ II
     Tro  M. Mc  o                                                             1cn
     Aug. 11, 1Y7                                                             "Okay-guy'>"
      tatruv:zy  to  Heat,er~-U>d Zepphn                                      S  ftball10;  FC  11;  FEA  12.
     "  nythmg 1  Po..,..,lblc"         Aja  Mhatre
     CECf  11,12.
                                                                              Jennifer Rene Morrison
                                        Tamara  ichelle Minter                "Jenny"
     Ru  ell  McDaniel                  Dec. 26, 197                          Jan. 10, 1979
                                        Knock  Me  )fj  fy Feet-Donell Jone-.   Ch1cago
                                        "Ch  ck th1., 6ut"                    "What'-. up dor  ?"
                                        CH  OS 10;  Pre-Colleg1ate 11,  HOS   Softball9,10,11,12;  Soccer 12;
     Janell  Dauna McFerrin             P.1rllam  ntanan 12.                   olleyball 9, 11, 12;  ,  atwnal Honor
     "  ell"                                                                  St c1etv 10,11,12;  Beta Club 12;
     Oct. 1,1 Y7Y                                                             Photography Club 9,10,11,12;  Hero
     l  or~'t Lrt  C.o-En Vogul'                                              11,12;  Drama Club 9.
     "  nd .. Your Pomt I">!'           Tracy L  nn Mobley
     Track 9,10,11,12;  Academ1c Ache1vment   "T-Baby"
      ward 9;  Powder PuffY,12;          ept. 14, 197 ·
     Homeconung  ct1v1te.., 11, 12.       o T rme-LJI'  Klm                   Harry Patrick Mote
                                        "Yeah, I hear ya"                     "  1oterl/ed"
                                        f-rench Club 10, 11;  HOSA 10,11;  Pre-  1ay  ,  197
                                        Collegiate 11,12;  YtcKmght           Take  Ttme to  now Her-Perc.,. Sledge
     David Mcintyre                       chJCver..,12;  Youthful Chmt Soaetv   "'What's up cu.t:"
                                        12.                        •          Football 9,10,11,12;  Wre  thng
                                                                              9,10,11,12;  Trac  10;  Honor Roll12
     Jennifer Deni  e  Mclendon
     "Jenny"                            Emil  Chri  tine Moor
     Feb. 11,1 Y7                       ''Flnm;                               Jenn  Munroe
     1/ze  Dar~ce- arth  Brook.,         ept. 11, 197
     "Okay''                            Carned  Away-George  tra1t
                                         "Don't Worry About It"
                                        Beta Club 9,12;   cadem1c Letter 9,10;   Autumn  Anee Murph
                                        Homecommg Activihc ... 9,10, 11,12;   Sept. 2  , 197
     Tiffillly Jo Meadow                Photography Club 10;  Peer Coun-;ehng   1 Belteve  I Can  Fly-R   elly
     ''T1ff-T1ff"                        10;   ahonal Honor   c1ety 10,11,12;   "We can't have all br1ght day  , but one
     Sept. 2o, 197                      C)SA 1 1,12;  Interact 11;  Journah..,m   thmg 1  true, no cloud 1  o dar  that the
      obody-Ke1th Sweat                  11,12;  Dual Enrollment 12.          ">Un can't  h1me through."

     Ebony  opp1o &  D.1n1d Dommquc/ work very hard          The   niors run m the commons to rna  e the1r "big
     on thl• fl11at for homecommg.                           entrance" on the fir~t day of  chool.

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