Page 231 - chs-1997
P. 231
IJ, to, II, 12; Photography lub rce- ward9,10, 11,12; Career Day
Pre.,rdent 10,11; Art lub 10; Intt:r.:~ct 10,11,12, FA 12;, TecnCourt11,12;
10; Lt•o lub 11; rrmmal JustiCe 11,12; 1o k T rilrl 11, Scrcncc Farr IJ, State
ew~paper tafflO,ll; StudentCounCJI 10,11; Milth Fa1r 9,111,11,12; Dual eanna Rasciln
IJ; Future Homt•m.:~ker~ of Amcrrc.:~IJ; Fnrollment 12; Po.,ter Partrt•
FHA rretary Y; Honur Roll Y,l0,11; Y,1 0, 11,12; Florrda Publr Servr c
1st place ounty <wnn• a1r 11, 4th A ocratron 12; Mr. C.H.S. partrcrpant
pl.:~n• I~q;wn.:~l SCience FJrr 11; French 12; Summer'.., Fall Fe~trval 12; Honor Heather Ra ka
ward IJ, 10, 11; cadem1c Letter Roii1J,1 0,11, 12; Acadcm1 Letter D . 9, 11J79
9,10,11; ngll h Award 10,11; IJ, 10,11, 12; Homecomrng Actrvrtc 1y Bram Hurt -Scrcechmg Wea el
Econom1cs ward 11; Atendance 11, 9,10,11,12. atronal Honor Socrety 10,11,12; Vocal
World Hr tory ~ ard IJ, Who' Who. En emblc 10,1 1,12; French Club 10;
cadcmrc Letter 10,11; Mu Alpha Theta
11; CJSA 12.
Deepali Patil Rebekah Rae Plunkett
ov. 13, 11J7
The [)a11ce-Garth Broo!.:o; Rebecca Lynn Rauler on
Ju tin Jay P el r "\IVh ?" "Becky"
'~J P" Cnmrnal Ju tree 10,11,12; Interact
Dec. 2 ,11J7 10,11,12; F 11,12; Dann•Tcam'J; 1ay 29,1979
Whm 1 lley Carve My tone-Tv Herndon Prc-.1dentral cadcm1 Award 9;Trac I>ream l 1-Aer ~mrth
"I wouldn't mmd h.:~vmg ... " Team IJ; Tennr" Team 10; Var ... rty "Yeah, nght."
Football 9,10,11,12, B ..,cball Softball Y, 12; atr nal Honor Socrety IJ, Acadcmrc Letter 9,10,11; French Award
9,10,11,12; F•Jim., h1p ofChrr han Grfted IJ; AcademrcLctter9; Stud nt 9; Hr'>t rv A ward 9; Gc me try A ward
thlt•tt• 10.11.12; ocr 12. Counol 9; Who'" Who 11; Yar...rty 10; French Club 10; Cnmrnal Ju'>trce 11;
Chccrleadmg 11. 'atr nal HonorS crety 11;
PhotographyCiub12; Homccomrng
Actrvrtrc., 11,12.
~~ tta" urti Poarch
De . 10, 1 7
( )ne 111 a 1rllrou- lly.:~h tephanie Reddick
"Yol.l never m1 g od th ng untJI1t'.., hikata Pollard "Step on me"
g< ne." Feb. n, 1979
1f I could make a lwmg out of you lovrng
11011 -Clay \'\'alker
"Get a lr fe!"
Angela Poteet Brblc Oub 10,11; CBE Secretary 12.
Jo h Phillip Oct. 13, 11J71J
Tunstrd-Kcrth Sweat
Spanr..,h Club 9,10; FHA 9.
htthew Philpot Trav1 Reynold
July 2, 1Y7Y Alii on Ma ton Power..
01ig of tire 011tlr- labama II I"
" ot here to make fncndo.;, JUst here to July 7, 11J71J Virginia Rhode
ma emon'y." Doi1't Lrt C,o- n oguc
Ba..,cb.JJI 10,11. "Evcrythrng Happ'n"' for a Rca-. n"
FHA Or..,trrct Reportcr9; Homl•commg William Richards
ttendant IJ, 11; Oa..,o.; ICC-Pre rdcnt 9,
atronal HonorS crety 9; Beta Club 9;
Meli a Michelle Pierce Trgerette'J, Lrcutcnant 10, 11,12; Tennr..,
"Mrtchel" 9; State Envrrothon Wrnncr IJ; Student Ka e Richmond
Oct. 12, 11J79 CounCil Parlramcntar1an 10; Interact 10;
l/11a11 u•rrrd 1 ral(rr -Garth Broo .., FHA 10, State Secretary 11, Prc-.rdent
"fhe Lord 1.., my ·tcngth and m 'S{lng, 12; Student Coun rl YrcL'-Prc ... ldentll;
and he h .., b • m my .;alvJtiOn. 15 · Grrf.., State11; PnnCJpal-. Leader..,hrp Holl Jeanne Ritchie
2" ward 11; oocer 10; II- merrcan Dec. 2o, 197
Voluntl•er Pubhc •n1ce 4; H Dancer Award; Sport.., LettL'f"' 10,11,12, The Change- Garth Brol'""'
Y,10,11,12; Beta Club 9,10,11,12; Interact 11; cademr Bar II; 1oc "Your Face!"
cademrc Letter IJ,10; Hr t rv Award Y; Trral ... tate Team 11, 12; CJS 11, rt Oub IJ; rt ward 11; FBLA 9,10;
Envrrothon Y; 1 r hmg Band Pre ... rdcnt 12; 1acy'.., Thanbgrvrng Interact 9,10,11,12; 'HS 9,10,11,12;
,10,11,12; Concert Band 9,10,11,12; Parade 12; atronal Young Leader.., FCA 9,10,11,12; Bel-. etball9,10,11,12;
Key Club 10; p nro;h Club 10,11,12; conference Alumnr 12; Publrc ervrn• CL 9; Honor Roll9,10,11,12;
du atron 1emlxr12.
p<~nr h \\ecth art 12; Band cr ICC Tenm-.10,11; Who'.., Who 11,12;
Bar 10,11; at10nal Honor rcty Enghsh ward 11; Acadcrruc \vard
10,11,12; Computer crcn e ~ ard 10; 11,12; 110~ Award 11; Beta Club 11;
\\ho'..,Wh 10,11; 1u .lphaTheta Trac 12; 1u lpha Theta 12.
11,12; Chem·a-thon 11; 0Jn e lub 12; J onothan Price
Voluntt•er ctrvrtre.., 11,12.
Jordon Robert
u an Privette
fodd Pier ol
"Sam Pt'terson" 1a · 22, 1971)
ov.20, 197 Do11't "pra · o Doubt William Robert
4- Iool " cu... !\1e"
B ta Club Heart ThrobY,10,11,12; \ IP 9; Dance Oub 10; Var rty
II .Y,IO,ll,l2; Mu lpha Theta heerlt•admg 11; Ll•adcr-.hrp '11;
10,11,12; Interact 10,11, Heart Throb12, Crrmmal Ju..,trce 11,12; Dance dub 11; Ja on Robert on
rrmrnal Ju ... tJn' 11,; rt lub 10; V.I.P. \\'re ... tlrng fat Grrl12; journalr..,m 12;
Y; Freid Day IJ, 10,11, 12; P1nvder Puff [ u.:~l rnn1llmcnt 12; FPSA 12; Leo lub
4,10,11,12; Ba etball Acadcmr 12.
ward 4,1!l, Ba..,l•b.:~tl cadl•mrc
Semor D1rectory 225