Page 230 - chs-1997
P. 230
J<...e• v layle, Rachel tone, & u~an lang let the M1chcal Foreman .,,t., down and .,avor.., m hl'i favontl'
' 1phomore w that '97 1s number one. hobby, "rcadmg".
'HS 9; Bl'ta Club 9, 12; TJgerctte.., Warren Officer AchievementS holilr..,hlp Program lL;
9,10,11,12; Volunteer Public Scrv1ce 9; DAR E.,.,ay Scholar h1p Conte t 12,
cadem1c Letter 9,11; Perfect Thank'>glvmg nned Food Dnve 12;
ttendance 9, 10, 11; Dance Tech HomecommgAcbVJte 12; Helped
AwardlO; Who'-, Who 10; Student cott A. 0 erstreet propoc,eOp n-Campu~ lunch forScn1o
Counc1l Repre-,entahve 11; Engh'>h Bcamemup" 12; Who''> Who 12; Voted "Mo'>t L1kely
ward 11; Homecommg Court 11,12, June I , 1971 to Succeed" 12.
Dance Club VJce-Prc..,Jdent 12; CJS The HeJ..,t·Da 5 Footu
11,12; " 1ll~t Dcpendablc"12. "That'., what I'm Saym"
Amelia Roxanne Parnell
"Twm", "Amanda"
Chad Edward Owens ecret Lovers-Atlantic Star
Brian e1tzke "hm" "It's better to be prepared for an
"Twcdy Feb.2o, 1':J7':J opportunity and not have one, then to
Feb. 14, 1979 Check tire Rlrvme·Tnbe called Que ... t have an opportunity and nllt be
Uu[org~<'i'll- 1etallca "Let'., go to the City" prepared' -Wh1tney Young
"ilfnght" fncan mencan fit.,tory Club ':J; Prl'· Mu Alapha Theta 10,11,12; Pre·
CJSA 11, Sargc.:mt-at rm.., 12; Colleg1ate 10,11; FH -HERO 11,12; Colleg1atc 11, 12; Student CounCil 9, 11;
Volunll'cr at V. . 10; Teen Court I 1. Ba.,ketball 11; 1tdmght Achtever-,. Beta Club 9,1 0, 11, 12; ahonal Honor
SoCiety 10,11,12; Ba., etball 9,10,11,
p 12; Track 11,12; Cro.,.,·Country 12,
Sta H1.,tory Fa1r Part1c1pant Y.lO;
Amy elm Honor Roll9,10,11,12; Who' Who
10,11; Span~sh Award 19; Spamc;h
hawn Pace Award Il 10, Econom1 Honor Award
11; Engh h ll Honors Award 10; Perfect
Attendance 9; Pre.,Jdental F1tne.,s
John im
Amanda Parnell Award 9; Academ1c Letter 10; Student
"1\vtn'', " mcha" Counc1110,12; Student Focus 12;
ug. 24,1979 Rcg10nal Track Competition PartiCipant
Beth oil Wiry I l.ot't' You ~o Much-. 1on1ca 12; "Be-.t All Around" 12.
Aug. 19 1979 "There arc two thmg., to a1m at m hfe;
It's all Lomwg Hac I o i\ k-Cehnc DlllO ftr ... t, to get what you want; and after
FBLA 9; Key Club 10; 'at1onal Honor that, to enJ y at. Only the wa"e"t of carlet Parnell
S lCJety 11,12; Choru.., 11,12. mankllnd achr •vc the econd.
Env1rothon ':J; Beta Club 9,1 0, 12, ICC-
Pre 1dcnt11; Frca.,hman Cia.,., Trea.,ur •r
Y; Student Focu-. 9; Pre-.1d •nt of Kevtn Par on
Maris a Dell orth Volunteer-; m Pubhc erv1ce Club ':J;
"Dell" African-Amencan Hl'>tory Oub 9;
Fcb.4, 1979 chool dvr.,ory Councrl 10; • 'attonal
Califonua Dreamm-The Mama., & The Honor.. Socaety 10,11, Secretary 12; Mu Courtney Brianne Pa chall
Papa., lpha Theta 10, 11; Prc-Collcg1ate Club July 1H, 1979
Beta Club ':1, 10; T1gerL'Ctc Dance Team 10,11,12, French Club Secretary 10,11; !'OIII(·Gcnumc
L1eutenant 9, 10, II, Co-Captam 12; FHA S ph more Cia.,., Trca.,urer 10; County " <lt Today"
9, V1ce-Pre.,1dent II; Tenn1s Team 9; All aence Faar 10,11; State H1-.tory Fa1r T1gcrette Dance Team IJ; OCT 11.
Amencan Dance Award ':1,10,11; Be.,t Part1capant 10; cademrc letter 10,11;
All-Around 9,10,11; at1onal Honor Leader'>hlp ctrv1hes 10, 11; Engh.,h,
Soc~ety 10; Mu Alpha ThctaiO; Dance Hast ry, & French wards 10; C.B.E. 10;
Club 10, Secretary 11, Pre.,1dent 12, Student of th 1onth-Jan. '9510; Timothy Pate
lnteract10,11; SocccrTeam 10.; MIS'>
CHS II; Student CounCil Treasurer 12; Student Councrl Parhamentanan 11;
Homecommg Court 12; UDA Supc~tar Track 11,12; Pnn 1pal's CJtucn'>hlp 11;
12. Engll h Ill Honor 11; EconomiC
Honor., 11; Honor Roll11; Student Punita Patel
CouncJI-Out.,tandmg Lcader-,hlp 11; Art "Pun1"
0 11; Dare Day 11; HRS Chnstma" Party Oct. 28, 1978
11,12; Dare Role '\1odel 11; Vo1ce Mi sing-Evervthrng But the C1rl
Democracy Sp •ch conte .. t 11; Columb1a "R1ghty Thenr.
Christina L. Oakley County Fair-Art 11; Pencrl Drawmg Columb1an Ycarboo Staff 10,11, 12;
"Cn sy" exhrb1t 11; AcademacTeam 11; Student Yearbook Ed1tor·m·Chlcf 12; Yearbook
Feb. 4,197Y Councrl Pre.,Jdcnt 12; Ba.,ketball Co-Edrtor 11; at10nal Honor... Socrety
Tlgerettcs9,10,11, Leutmant 12; Danced Scorekeeper 12; Cro'>'i Country 12; 9,10,11,12; Beta Club 9,10,11,12; Mu
m the Aloha Bowl 9.
Commended Scholarm the at1onal Alapha Thcta10,11,12; French Club
224 Se111or Dlfectory