Page 150 - chs-1998
P. 150


                                        kt  I.  or  both:
                  ,..-hatever  the  ca  e,  the  CH  \  .u ity  football
                  team  proved  ro  be  very  ful  during  the
                  1997  ea  on  . Tiger  football,  celebrating  the
                  30 year anniver ary of it  tate champion  hip
                  in 1967.  ·eemed ro be prepared  nd de  tined to
                  repeat the  ·ucce ·  of the '67 team. Led by great
                  coache  and  overachieving  player  ,  in  199  ,
                  the  Tiger   proved  to  dominate  mo  t
                  opponent  ,  u  ually  overpowering  them  by
                  halftime.  However  there  were   everal
                  formidable  foes  facing  the  Tiger  in  '9  ,
                  includtng  Lincoln  Hig.   c.hoo   Valdo  ta
                  High  chool,  Gain  ville  Htgh  chool.  and
                  evel)  opponent they met in the playot  .
                         From  two-a-day  pracuce  in  the
                   ummer,  ro  the  playoff,  the  riger  had  one
                  primary goal,  a  tate  champion  hip,  nothing
                  le  . With thi  in  mind,  the Tigers  uited  up
                  evel)' day, whether it wa  practice or  gam  ,
                  knowing they had to give it all  they had and to
                  work together as  a team, a  ingle unit  triving
                  for thi · goal. With great work ethic and unity,
                  the po  ibilitie  for  ucce  of the Ti  er  were   The Tige~ rna  e thetr run thr  ugh the tunnel.  m.1de of ttgerett  and che >rleaders b€fore th
                  !imide s.
                            By Maston Crap~

              Wayne Jernigan and Chri~ Butler celebrate after                         Jarvt~ Byrd break  the tackle of Palatka'  defere
              Chn ' thtrd touchdown of the  ea  n.      Ben Odom punt  on fourth down.

                    Qwnton Callum over the top for a  econd touchdown.         Don London breaks for a 16 yard gam.

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