Page 154 - chs-1998
P. 154

o one understands the thne and effort

                     involved in a tlzree 1ninute routine

                  This · s Dedication

                                              During  the  ummcr   The girls ha\e held man)  other fundrai  t.:r  .

            omp  ting in a national copetition   the  Tigerettc  \\ ent  to   The;  had candy sale  . notepad  ales, calendar
         i · a great honor. T' o )ear  ago the   three dance camp.,  The   sales. The  also did a car \\ash at all  the public
         Tig  rette  fini  h  d  ixth in the   fir  t  wa   held  in   chools on a teacher \\orkda)  and made quitt.:  a
         nation. Th  Tiger  tte  are deter-  Valdo  ta.  Georgia and   bit of money. The Tigerettc  arc al  o going to
         mined to fini  h higher than  ixth.   only  ofticer  attended   he hm ing a doughnut  ale on the ne  t teacher
         With dedication and t  am \\Ork.   The   cond  camp  \\a   \\orkday. During the month of Januar;  the
         the) can do an) thing.             attended  b)  the  fifte 'n   Tigerettc  sold Pina  ards.
                                            top  Lorer  from  J     In February the girl  attened  tate  omp  ti-
                     and   ar  it;  tryout   Thi  Lamp  \\J  held  m   tion in Winter Park. Florida  The)  tl ok t\\ o
                      tate  borough.  Georgia.  During   ugu  t  both   dance  . one .1  pom called ..  tJ) ing  li\ c.'' and
                      quad  attended  camp  in  Jacksom illc.  Florida.   ajau called ..  \\cet DreJms." The girls ha\C
                      fter ,J  thre~ camp.  the Tigerette  came home   practiced the  e dance  da)  in and day out to
                     \\ ith man; ,mard  and trophic   t camp in Jack-  prepare for competition  March  12-16 the girls
                      om ille and  tate  borough the  ar  it) Tigerettc   \\ill be ..,hO\\ ing their
                     recehed "~1o t  dmired Team." The Tigerette   mo\ e  m  an Anto-
                     held a dance clinic for little girl  during the month   nio. Texa . . Jt  a
                     of October. The Tigerettes taught the girl  a dance   tiona)  ompctJtion.
                     and they per ormed at a J.  . football game. The   The  arne t\\ o dances
                     monc;  rai  ed from the clinic wa  put to\\ ard the   \\iII he performed
                       ational  ompetition the girl  \\ill be attending in   there. Good Luck
                      1arch in  an  ntonio. Te  a  .               Ti  !!erettc  ! !


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