Page 256 - chs-2002
P. 256
Below: tudent · work on dissection · m 1r.
GATOR-AIDES! Joye' lass.
The Columbia n ironmental Agricultural cademy at lligator Lake i a program at
Columbia High chool that gi e tud nt the opportunity to participate in hand on field-
work and in tigation in cience and agriculture. part of the Alligator Lake Project
tudent conduct biological and water quality ample at lligator Lake in order to monitor
the health of it eco y tern . Zoology tudent in the academy perform in-depth tudy of the
animal kingdom including: animal cell tructure and function, cia ification and compara-
ti e anatomy and phy iology of both invertebrate and vertebrate .
The lligator Lake Project culminate in the pring with the lligator Lake elebration.
The Celebration in ol e a rna i e tudent-organized community cleanup of the lake. The
cleanup i entirely funded by local bu ine e and donation .
tudent in the Academy al o participate in the Envirothon competition every pring. The
Envirothon te t tudent' knowledge and ability on environmental is ue , cientific tech-
nique , and agricultural procedure .
The Columbia En ironmental and Agricultural cademy at lligator Lake i a great way
for tudent to learn about the real-life application of cience and agriculture, do lot of
fieldwork, and mo t of all--have fun!
Above: Mu h, Mu h, Mu h! Sam King and cott
Bu by tackled the huge project of helping with
the Great Alligator Lake Clean-Up.
Right: Back row (L-R) Jennifer Pe cara, Je i
Fergu on, Chri i Bennett, Yuri Exum, Haley
ar well, Amy Hizer, cott Bu by, Blake Gra-
ham, am King, Tracy Polhill. Front row (L-R)
Bethany Blocker, Lillie Fuller, hri ty Holder,
Brandy andage, LeAnn Bailey.
254 nvironrnental Academy