Page 258 - chs-2002
P. 258

Do I Smell The

                     Tiger Diner?

                Food Production cia  e. allow  4,5,6,&7  learning  more  in
              tudent  to develop  ·kill  needed
                                        skill  , management, and  receiving
              to  work  in  the  food  indu  try  or
                                        po  ible  college  credits.  Advance
              food-related job  and ho  pitality.
                                        students  may  also  get  their
              Student  can  take the  three core   Professional  Food  Service
              cour. e.  where  they  develop   Manager  ertification.   tudents
              competence  in  career  and  job   are  involved  in  everal  student-
              opportunitie  ,  basic  kill  ,  work
                                        operated  enterpri  es:  The  Tiger
              procedure  ,  operation
                                        Diner Breakfa  t Den, Tiger Diner,
              procedure  , recipe  , principle  of
                                        Tiger  Diner  Sweet  Shop,  and
              nutrition,  and  food  preparations   variou  catering job ,  and  chool
              in  the  following  area  :  bake   and community  er  ice activitie  .
              tation, pantry  tation, fry  tation,
                                              -Cheryl Bender
              hot  tationand  beverage  tation.
              They maycontinue on in  le  el.

            Below: ' Thi  hat i  o btg I cant see to hit the   Rtght: Those cookie.  look  like they will  be
            bag!' !.  what thi. little ktd i. saying to him. elf   really  good.  The'e  first  year cooking  clru s
            a  he trie'>  to bu. t the bag at the fall  fe\Uval   \tudenL'> are trying hard to make perfect cook-
            Food Production put on for Happy House day   ies.

            Right:  ow what country is that from? Sopm
            Queen, Vaneka Scippio, Truvona ,  ewton are
            partctpaung tn their foreign cookmg lab.

            Food  Production  is  and  ex-
           cellent way to get a jump start
           on  college  and  a great food
           service career~~
                       -Shantea Lynn

                                       Above Rtght: It'  got to be hard to prepare food
                                       for the football team but the food productions
                                       cia  doe. n't seem to have a problem with this
                                       task, as they cater to the football team before
                                       one of their big game  .
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