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unden,tand words for anyone to comprehend. HALT ... Who Goes There?
"Halt- Who Goes There?" eemingly easy to
Maybe not. But fortho. e who would like to learn
the ins and out. of the Criminal Ju tice system,
room 147 is the pia e to be. The instructor, Mr.
Lizotte will guide you through the justice sy. tern
th urts, Law Enf c ment, and c rrections)
and all w
unity and chool pride.
ourt, Peer Me iati n, Traffic nfor m nt,
Traffi Flow Plan , crime scene , flag displays,
billboards and tudent parking lot de ign. On top
of all that, there i a Gold Seal cholarship for
. orne that complete the course. Other participate
in "We the people, the citizen and The Constitu-
tion" and "Mock Trial" competitions. o "Who
g e. there?" Ea'>y, tho. e who work hard, have
fun and dare to spread their wing .
Top Right: ow what can wedoto make this bike
rack even better? usan Greenway, Mardell
Jackson, Dee Carter, Ja:r Middleton, am King,
Josh Parm, Michael Daniel , Chris Beaty,
tephanie Cauley, Jered Lizotte, and Kyle
mithy try to concentrate on that puzzling
Far Right: Amy Porter is a true believer in teen
court for every crime!
Above: Would you like a coke or orne chips?
Tabitha Bennett, ata. ha Smith, De eisha
arter are ready and willing to ell whatever they
Above: The sweethearts and heartthrob were
Tara Milton, Aaron Jenkins, and Lisa Hardwick.
262 Criminal Justice