Page 292 - chs-2002
P. 292
Hl\tory", ''Oiu\tee", and meetang my be t fnend\
A GrcgArlme
D 0 B .. 09 16-R1
Place: I ke Cuy
EnnAdam' Per\on Mo t Adm1red: Mother
DOB ·07 IH.1
Favonte Song: "We're gonna make tt" by: Jadakt\\
Place. We Cuy
Per.on Moo.,t Admtred · Father FavorHe Quote: "I can do all thmgs through Chn~t who trcngthen\ Ol(
Favontc Song· .. Hero·· Accomph\hmenl\ ·
9th: Be t offen\tve back, Honor Roll, A ademic letter
Fa,onte Quote: Phil 4·11
Accomplt,hment\ lOth: Var\tty football team. Track team, Honor Roll. attonal HonorS(~~~.:
9th Drama Club. H 'A Beta Club
lith: Unden::la men Award for Varsity Football team. atlonal Honors.
lOth Drama Club. H'A Beta Club, Var\uy Ba;eball
lith LEO Club
I ~th. Beta Club. H 'A 12th· Gcttmg to the football playoff; and hopefully reCCI\tng a champ1
Goal' Get m} ma,tcl' c.le~rre nng for v.mmng the champaon h1p
Mcmone' Late mght golf can nde' Mcmorie\ I ""'"alway\ remember growmg up with my fellow cia: rna
And all the lime we had fun together
Y' ette ' t~.:ole Adam'
D O.B.: 09·(J6. 1 Kenneth James Aymond
0 .0 B .. 06-08-82
Place: Game\\ ille Place: Horne,tead. fl
Per..on Mo\t Adrntred Grandmother Annte C Adam'
Fa,ont ong: ··stand" by· Donme M<.: lurlhn Per.on Mo\1 Admired: Mother
Fa\onte Quote: ··Pray and Per,e\ere" Favonte Song: "If the world had a front porch"
Favonte Quote "Whatever"
Accomplt\h~nt' Ac~.:omplt\hment\
9th: At:ad nm.: letter 9th Competed and placed tn Bowhng '" County pectal Olympic\
lOth: Academtc.: lett r
lith: Academtc letter, Pep Club, Engl"h Award I Oth Competed and placed '"Athletic '" County Spcc1al Olymptc'
lith Competed and placed'" Bocce'" County Spectal OlympiC\
12th Academtc letter, HOSA, Beta Club. Cia.;; Rep
Goal': Attend the Unt\CI'H)' of South Florida. become a nur.e pracuuoner, ~tay Goal\: Contmue to learn and be able to work. and earn my own money
grounded. a.nd honor my parent>. gra.ndparen.,, a.nd my If Memonc\. My bc\t memone are my trip to Puerto Rico to visit my
\1emone\ "Wtndow E-.:ape"; "1:00am"; "05·26-01"; "Accord"; "JW v OG"; grandmother and enjoymg the beauuful beaches
··oKCY"; 'l.oud\peaker",''>,.1a.:": 'jumper cable."; "lmma need you to top."
·u:l..narnc. Tud.e)'
D.OB 09·1 · 1 La'Javter Baker
Place; GautC\\ tile "'•ckname: SMAN
Per-on Mo,t Admm~d Mother 0.0 B 07-0~·84
Fa,onte ong: •· ·got 11 bad'~ by: U\her Place: Lake uy
Accomplt\hment\ Person Mo t Admtred: Mother
lith: member of Pep Club Favonte Song. "You got 11 Bad" by: Usher
Goal;: Fim;hmg h1gh school a.nd havmg a 3.5 GPA a\erage Favonte Quote: "Almost doe n't count"
Memorie\. When my beo,t fnend Quim\ha and I hang out with our boyfnends. Goals: Graduate, go to FAMU and graduate with a BA degrce,Piay for the
Rutlers, hopefully play at the pro level , get married wuh three boys and""'
Heather Allbnnon gtrl
Memone\: bemg with my three 1sta\. Ktsha. Jenuca. and Shannon. All the
Mtchael !arret Alit von t"'o faced people. Yeah Wh1tney. I'm not mad at yah' E'eryone who mad<
0.0 B 10·25-81 "'Ucce\sfull . Thank You •
Place: We Cu~ Lenard Batley
Per-on Mo't Admtred. Parent Btl! and Ktm Alhvon '\1chole Barber
Fa-onte Song. "One" b~ \1etalhca
Fa\onte Quote. ··You don't what you have unul you lo~ It," Cbns Beatty
Accompli hment\ D.O.B. 05..(}1-84
9th JV Footbaii,Wre,thng Place WenHeath , England
lOth JV Football, Wre thng, broke pe"onal be\1 record'" be11<:h pre mg 300 Pe"on Most Admtred: Kyle Dicks
lb, Favonte Song: "Ambtttonz az a Rtdah" by: 2-Pa<
II th: Var<.1ty Football. "'etght hfung, per.onal be t bench pre mg 350 lb; Fa .. orite Quote· "Honor among thet\es''
I ~th. Var;u~ football, "'etght hfung. "'re thng Accompltshments
Goal\: To bench pre" 740 pound;, graduate . go on to college, and e\entually lith HS. Golf
become a pcr.onaltraaner 12th liS. Beta, SADD, CJSA, Semor Class lub, Tennl\, A·B Honor
Memone\ All the gameo, and matche "'-'C won a liger\. H mecommg Goal; Go to college and try not to get myself ltlled
actJvitle\. and pep ralhe\ I'll remember all the good thmg · I learned in and out Memone; B1g D, Lake Ctty Country Club, 5 day;, tnp toG-ville, Fon
of the cia\ room. Woady. gettmg lost m St. Augustine, Senior Party.
Michael Jared Amon11 Jenmfer Bedenbaugh
D 0 B OR-16-83 D.O.B. 01·07-84
Place: St. Peter>burg. Fl Place: Jack<Onvtlle
Pe"on Mo,t Admtred: Manah Carey Per;on Mo" Admtred: Mother
Fa-onte Song: •·can't let go" by· Manah Carey Favonte ong: Time After Time remtx.
Fa\Onte Qmlf.e: 'The punle 1\n't complete Y..llhout the I~ t p1ece ." Ac omph hment :
Accompl•,hment\ 9th: J.V Checrleadmg
lith· Choru A,.ard, Honor Roll lith. V Cbecrleadmg, Wetght Ltftmg
Goal\: I v..a.nt to be a famou ador or mger or worl m broadca tmg and be a I ~th Yearbool taff
ne\1,. reporter and go to colle~e. Goals. Go to college. get a degree, a.nd rat"" a family.
\ 1emories: ~ ume that I -....ent to the ROTC field tnp and hung out w1Lh my Memones: 11th 8-Day, Memorial Day, KOA, Rt .. er. mghts at ExecUU\t:
gar! Alicia Jean Marie. 1l\c: l~t pep raJiy, v.hen everyone got an the ctrcle and OM hou • pnng Break "00'"'01", Prom "01", tght before o;chool. "0~
va1d "()2" "()2" GALS & FAB5
Je\llica D1ane Andef'\On Cbnstopher Bednar
D.O.B . 01·21-84
Place: Game vtlle Cameo Bell
Pef"'olon Mo-,t Adm1red: Su,an Duren 0.0 B 2·28·84
Favonte ong:· "lmagme" by: John Lennon Place: Gamewtlle
Favonte Qunte: "You may \ay that I'm a dreamer. but I'm not the only one." Per11on Mo11t Admired: Mom
Accomph hment\ Favonte Song: "Caramel" by: Ctty Htgh
9th: "A" Honor Roll. Academic letter Favontc Quote: o weapon formed again"'t me hall pro~o,per!
lOth: "A" Honor Roll, Academtc letter, 'The Many Lo\e of Dobte Gillis"- Accomplishments·
CHS Drama Club II th Cheerleader
lith: Academ1c letter, "help··. "Infamous Soothmg Sy tern of Profe;«>r 12th: Vilf"\ity Cheerleader
\1allard", "Barbecumg Hamlet"·CHS Drama Club 12th. Pre ident of Drama Goal\: Graduate from UCF wtthm four wuh a degree tn legal rva.:c
Club, Dtrcctnr of''Oklahoma"-CHS Drama Club 1emorie When l..a;heka Tucker almost dro"'ned JUmptng off the blob Th<
Goal' To know what I'm talktng about one day. •·Room and Wmdow"at BJ, XP, and OM apanment, Fteld Day
Memone' •"The Bunny ... \leepoH~f'\, 'lra"'h run '", Lcofe t . all mghters
en . AP Engh,h. park bondage, Cookte '.our day at the park. p1ercmg my e hta Bell
belly button. Dooble date for \pnng dance '"ummm no" 'tcknarne: Queen B
D 0 B.: 12-29-83
Lauren Andel'\on Place: Lake Ctty
D.O. B. 08-27·84 Person Most Admtred: Mother
Place: Ft. Lauderdale Favonte Song: "Ltfe lime" by: Prophet Jones
Pel'\on Mo.,t Adm1red: Samantha Carr Favonte Quote: "Shut Up!"
Favonte Song. '1'he Wind Cne\ Mary" by: J1mt Hendnx. Accompltshmenls
Goal\ To lo'e my Lake Cuy accent. 9th: Band
Memone\. Gla\\ chtc:ken wtth Rebecca and amantha, meettng Dave an art lOth Band,Studenls making a Dtfference forChnst
cia\\, taktng picture\ With Mr"\ Chamberltn at prom. 12th: cniof"'!l won Homecoming
Goal\: to bee me a Pedtatrician
Kent Nichole Archer Memone\: Homecommg mght 2001 ''Burger Kmg". When Chean Sander
DOB ·07·11·84 Ke\hta Bell became "Partners'" Cnme", "Hatr Blowmg"<A.K,T.L)Come
Place: London. England together Day'" J.v1lle CLT,CB.TM,KB)Soul tst37 CU.CB.KB,TJ.PJ.BR.S
Per;on Mo't Admired Mother, Deborah Archer
F.-onte Song "You're alii need" by Method Man a.nd Mary J Bhdge Ty<hondra Bell
Fa\onte Quote: '1Wo wrongs don't make a right." D.OB.: 04-09· 3
Accomph hmenl\ Place: Jack<OnVIIIe
9th: rHA. Bowling, Perfe<t Attendance Pef'on Mo t Admtred: Elatne Merricks
lOth Beta Club. Bowling, A Honor Roll. Perfe<t Attenda.ncc Favonte Song; "All Eyes on Me" by: Tupac
II th Bram Bowl. Beta Club. Bowling, A· B Honor Roll. Perfect Attendance, Fa .. ·onte Quote· "I'm telling you"
LEO Club Accompli11hment .
12th French club Sl!.ecthean. Bowling. LEO Club lOth: Moved to Lake Ctty and got put mto my nght grade
Goalv Gmduate from collel!e wnh a degree a\ a octal v.orker or rad1olog1\t Goal\: Graduate and go to School .get mamed .and have ch1ldren
Memones. ··m-24·9R". "recycle", "07·3 1-00". ew York. "Holiday Inn Party", \.1emorie\. Late mght talks Y..tth GM,Semor Picnic,and ha\tng laughs and (1
"1:00am" "Teletubbte", "Applebees", "Fvolls", "Arbys". "Contemporary wuh TM,LT.CB.KB,and VM,a.nd meeung AT agatn.
290 Senior Index