Page 294 - chs-2002
P. 294
Mary Bl)ant 9th Cl.a'i'i vace pre'iadent.future of Amenca prt\ldent,\Oied M
D 0 B 0~-29 8.1
Place: Game \I lie lOth Cl"' · V1ce Prc<ident.Who'• who among Amencan H1gh\Chool
Pcl"'ooon Mo t dm1red: M) 1 ter Heath r tudent .Cnmmal Ju 11 e.SWAT.Ieader.h1p
l·a>ortte Son~: ·-c., of the!:<" by: Mya lith Cnmmal Ju uce.Ciao Prc<!dent.Who' who amon' Amencan h1gh
Fa\Onte QuOlc: "You are v.hat you cal"' School StudenL,, h•p award.LEO Club.SWAT.Lc:ade"h'p.Student I
Goal I "'ould hkc to become an mtenor de,1gner and h\t: happ1ly '-"llh m)' 12th Cnmanal Ju'iUcc Vice Prc'iadent. Who's who among American Ha,:h
baby and my boyfnend. School Studcnts.Nauonal Honor Roll award
1emones: Time wuh fnend and boyfnend Tmy. Prom 2001 With my be l Goal To allend UCF or USF for undergraduates.Then a11end FAMU Ia ..
fnend Je 1ca Haley and boyfnend Troy Pattef'On, and the day I found out I program to become a succe\o,;ful lawyer and be happy 10 life.
"'"' prcgnant (07·10-01) Memone E.O. and TW gelling 1cl m the d•tch."DKCY"<pendmg lim<
together.AII the tlmc T B and I pent together.AIIthe late mghts and earl)
Dame! Bumgarner moman& memones w1th J.L.F.
D.O.B.: 0-1-03-84
Placc: Orlando La! ha Carter
Pe"on Most Adm1red !·ather •ckname Sha
Fnonte Song: "Gi"angln" by: Adema D.O B.: 07-03-84
Favonte Quote: "your mouth i like a ho\el. 11 can bury you·· Place. Gamewalle
Accompli hment\ Pei"<<n Mo 1 Adm•red Ml"<. lnore Young
lith A·B Honor Roll Favonte ong "Lifetime" by: Prophet lone
Goal · To graduate and go to collcge for !!Omethmg m art. Favonte Quote "Watch out" and" o Mamm"'
Mcmone All of the great )tm '02 pent together. Goal Go to LCCC for two years and then mo-. to Tallabassee,Fl to pursue a
degree m ch1ld care
Anem10 Burch Memones· The umes I pent w1th my friends and "Fam1ly".
Nickname: kmny Mac
D.O. B .. 09-16-83
Wtlham Carver
Place. Lake Cuy D.O.B : 12-23-83
Per on Mo t Adm1red Stephan Marbury Place. Deland.Fl
F.-onte ong: "Ruff R1del"< Anthem" by: DMX Pef'On Mo 1 Adm•red Toy Clll'>er
Fa,onte Quot<· "If you k~el the mule, the mule wllll•cl t...:l" Favonlt Song "Cho1ce " by George lone
Accompli hment Favonte Quote· '"Your future 1 what you make of u··
9th. Bet Art1 t Accomph hment
12th. Voted mo tArt1 IIC 9th: Jomed ROTC
Goal 1) goalt to become and actor and w an Termanator J. Then I want to lOth: ROTC
own a bsg house w1th 3 caN and a Yamaha R 1 motorcycle. !he" ha\le a lith: Became a company commander 1n ROJ'C
beautiful Pueno Rican w&fe w1th 2 beauuful k1ds named Juho and Tem1o Jr. 12th: Became the Battalion Commander m ROTC
Memone : Ch1lhn w1th my Eas!!.1de po , Ed, Marcus, Leon, Joey. and others Goal To get married and tart a fam1ly and to reure from the Anny
I can't name. We JU<l had fun talkmg to female and domg h•gho;chool •tuff
Memones: The day I propo d to my fiancee.
Lato~a Burnell Stephan1e Cauley
S ott Bu by Jenmfer acole Carron
D.O B. 11-11-83 id..namc: Jen
Place· Lake Cuy DOB 01 11-84
Per.on Mo 1 Admired. Mother and Father Place: Maama
Fa-..·Ofite ong: Bapt1 rn Person M t Admired My..., If
Favonte Quote: "Be all you can bel" Favonte ong: "Drops of Jupiter" by: Tram
Acc.:omph hmcnts Goal Own a 1999 M1tsub1 h1 Echpse (pald for by my It)
9th: Excelleru.:e Award for Jumor Boy Soccer Memone Gmng out for lunch wath my fnend after hool
lith: Excellence Award for Semor Boy Soccer
Goal : To go to college and get a good Job. Chns Charles
Mcmone : Rl\ muddtng, talkmg wath pollee. deer wood , late mght •ckname: Charlos
fun. back of C p1ckup truck.
D.O.B. 07-12-84
Place: Oame"ivalle
Meli~t\3 Burnette Favonte Song "Lost H1ghway" by: Hank Withams SR
Nickname: MP1sy Favonte Quote The Bobcat Yell
D.O B .. 10-02-83 Accompli hments
Pia e: Lake Clly lOth: V.. d Mr.Mont's
Per..on Most Admired Mother lith: Pa .ed Mr. Mont' . urv"ed M".Vmmng's
Favonte Song: "She thmk my tractor' xy'' by: Kenny Chesney Goal Get a Bu me Degree
Favonte Quote:: '1lle only auy '-"Orth crymg O\Cr won't make you cry." Memone"i: The Steven' caban , Raver tnps. pamt ball. waffie house. tucker
Accompli hments: house . C. C. pool ,Spnng Break , II th grade prom • totaled trucks , back of
9th; Acadcmac letter Jtmmy. bum in G~ville. Tommy T's fro.
Goals: Find a JOb I love and live happ1ly ever after w1th Paul Lippi.
Memones: Weekend before fir.;t day of school. Fourth of July m St. Augu tme, Dan•elle icole Clark
Daytona. Prom 200 I, 18th B- day. runmng from Gamesvllle guys wuh Karcn, D.O.B 08-24-83
"'lae". Fneda Place: Vero Beach,Fl
c Pei"<<n Most Adm1red: Mother
Favonte Song. "Fnend "by: Michael W, Smith
Favonte Quote: "Love begins with a mile.grow\ with a ki s.and ends w1th a
Colt Cagle Goals LCCC for two ytal"< .UP for two year<. and become a teacher.
D.O B • 05-23-83 Memone Movmg to Lake Cuy my JUnior year and meetmg all of my fnend
Place: Lake City
Pe"on Mo 1 Admired Father Je\>ICa Lc:1gh Clarl
Fa\onte Song. '1be Oan,:c'• D.O.B: 05-25-84
Fa"·onte Quote: "nu hurts me more than 11 huns you" Place: Kalamazoo.MI.
Accompli hments Person Mo 1 Adm1red Cmdy Clark
lOth Malmg ll the FHSRA State Final .Fm1 hmg 6th m State Favonte Song "Wide open Spaces" by: D•x•e Ch•ck
lith: Fmi hing 2nd'" tate at the FHSRA Fmals and quallfy1ng for NaliOnal Favonte Quote: "Hakuna Matata"
Goah. I gr.Kiuate from \Ct "Chool and to own my own ranch. I al~ hope to Accompli hrnents
tum pro in rodeo. 9th Co-ed1tor of the new,h1 tonan of Beta Club
Memorie I will alway remember the fun ume I've had wath my fnend\ Tile I Oth Golf, meeting people, Academ1c letter. Beta Club
prank 1n the A g. room "''II al never be fO<'gotten lith HS
Goal Go to college and figure out what to do w1th my hfe
Jonathan Caine Memone Cul"<ed mad tnp • vandal. 549. 550. 571 1 Go lower. Sea Thrtle
Inn, death by shde • bambam, I can \ee the un h1ne
Enca Catd .. ell
ickname: 2-Tall Maranda Clark
D.O B .. 02-16-84 ickname: Manda
Place: Lake City, FL. D.O.B. 0 -{)9-84
PeN>n Mo<it Admired Aunt Debb1e Place: Nashua, H
Fa\onte ong: "W1de Open Space " by: D1X1e Chick' Person Mo t Adm1red Pan:nts
Fa\onte Quote: "Let's do at. .for real . no .. on the real'" Favonte ong "Stay" by· Lisa Loeb
Accompli hment Favonte Quote: '1'he perfecl penon 1 the one wath the mo tamperfccuoru
lith FCA and SWAT Accomph hments:
12th HOSA. SADD. SWAT. Honor Roll. Girl We1ght L1ft1ng Team I Oth CH band Auxtlary, CHS Choru , Academ1c letter, Honor Roll, Drama
Goal :Graduate and to be u'ce\sfulm e\erythmgl tout to do m the future. tub
Memones. Brad:08-17-99 and 05-12.()1/llove you 1 ;Beth•our w•g,Jcent .the lith Advanced Women'< en<tmble. CHS Choru•. CH Band Auxilary. LEO
loud plane.rallroad track ;Cmdy:Oashe ,get the heck out 1 ,the camera •n the Club
car;Adam:Who' your Momma'l(me).who d1d ll 1 (fence), hal1ng the k1ddy tram 12th. Choru V P .. Choru Sweetheart, CHS Band AuXIlary. Advance chambc1
With Brad, Prom 200 I. anger.. advanced women'" ensemble. Women's ensemble president. Drama
Club. FCA Club. Cboru Office" Club, Honor Roll
mantha Carr Goal :Go to college and to open my own pracuce'" ch1ld soc1al work.
D.O.B , 03-13-84 Memonc Flags, chorus, pnng break 2001. o More Ju t u 4(1lo-. you
Place: Game ~aile guyz). pep ralhe. fir.;t day ofschool2001.()2, all-state, •·What lime" u>"
Pei"<<O M t Adm1red: Lauren Anderson
Favorate Song: ··1 wont back down" Jo hua Clary
Favome Quote: 'Tho<e who are alway. l1ll •na the roofu ually don't have
mu'h m the atuc." Casey Coat
Goal : To lea-. Lake C11y and get nd of th• accent
Memone Gl"' ch1cken wtth Lauren and Rebecca Meeuna Will and all our Hennan Dane Collette
good umc together D.O.B 10-10-83
Place. Hou ton T.X
De' ·e, ha Donchelle Carter Pef'On Mo t Adm1red. My Grandfather
D.O B 10-07-83 Favonte ong. "Fire and Ram" by; lame Taylor
Place: Lake Cuy Favorite Anist: Jtm Croche
Person M~t Admared: Patricia Carter Favonts Quote: '1'he only reward of vtnure as vinure, the only way to haH~ a
Favonte Song: "John Doe" by: Public Announcement friend 1 to be a friend." --Emerson
Favorite Quote: "keep your friend clo and your enemaes e\en clo r" Accompla hments·
292 Senior Index