Page 295 - chs-2002
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out. Pete and Smkerdoodle. art elM!)
9lh Symphonll· Band. Honor Band. .
IOih Symphom< flonor Band. Solo & E mblc, 4th at State Se~ence fa1r Came Cummmg~
11th Swtm Team.
12th Swtm Team. Eagle Scoot. D.O B .. 01-08·1!4
Plat:e: Gatne~vtlle
Goals.· To c ... entualy go to Embry Rtddle Aeronauttcal Untve~tty, become a Per;on Mo;t Admtred Mother
u e :,ful bu~me~~ man. then rettre to pohtiC!,
>.iemone · The FSU mght>, 'ummer of 2(XXl m N . roe~ chmbtng. while fo"avonte ong: "Who I am" by; Je\w.:a Andrew\
""ater raft ana. pendmg quahty urn wtth my t\ter l'a•onte Quote: ''I'll thtnk about that tomorrow"
A comph\hmenllt
9th Band. Algebra I Honor; award, Supenor ><>lo and en mble. Academtc
letter. FFA Creed peakmg
Anel S Colhn' I (hh H'A Herd men award. Academic letter. Supenor 1>0lo and en mblc
DOB 10-18-83 lith. Acadcmtc lctu:r. HS. LEO Club
Pia.:<: Hud><>n. . Y. 12th. Band
PeN>n Mo;t Admtred: God
!'avont< Song: "There He 1 ·· by: Tnne·te-5:7 Memonc; Sugar partte;. football game . bo nde;, B~Day partt< . camp-out>.
Favonte Quote: "don't 'ay nothmg hke that" pole. 4 H congrt: . FBA. Subway. OOT, Cbur<:h. P~ nut . B01hng all mght.
·ruplc,, LIFI:.!
Accompli hl'llent
9lh Varsity Ba.ketball Candt N1cole Cunnmgham
lOth Van.lly Ba;kctball
11th Vice pr<z of Pep Club. Won first place at F CLA dtstnct meeting. cond D.O B · 07-05·84
pia<< at ;tate talent hare competition, VIU'>tty Ba;ketball Ploce: Game vtlle
Pcr><>n Mo,t Admtred Molher, Mary Perry
12th Vmtty Ba>ketball. fCCLA
Goal; To bc<omc a phy teal therapl\t and a co mctologl't Fa>onte Song. "Ltfetlmc" by Prophet June;
Mcmon< M and the 704 Ladt got together on graduation mghti2001J wtth Ac,ornpll\hmenl!)
our camoufla~e outfit on. and went to the rmory. We v..ere '-Orne urvtvol"\ 9th Band
I Olb Band. ('J A
that mght I love tho g~rb
lith CJSA officer. SWAT member. Pep Club member
12th CJSA officer
Jamaal Comb
!"tcknamc J'. aMy Goal To go to college and maJor 10 mcdtcine to be a doctor
D.O B • 03-02-114 Mcmonc Late mghL on branford llwy Ratlroad St . O<t 26. JulyS. Day
at the park. Feb. 12.2001. When I tarted talktng toTW
Place. Game >til<
Person Most Admtred Mother
Favont< ong. ·you never had a fnend hkc me" by: 2pa< Anthony Cunnton
Favonte Quote: "I can't be nol>ody bot me and that' alii can be. I can't be who D 0 B 07-20·84
you want me to be cuz that amt me" Place: Ja;per. A
Accompli hmenb Person Mo t Admtred. mother. G"-'en Cunnton
II th: Basketball Goal MaJor '" bo me . tart my own record label and domtnate the rap game
Goal M c 11 btg tn the mu •c mdu try befOrt: I graduate htgh;chool Mcmonc. Pep Club tnp to Bu ·h Garden,, Gradmtc. and graduatiOn
Memone All of the good and b;id ttmc I had. JU t trytng to get by The thtng Ta"are' Currington
I dtd to be h>tng and talktng about 11 to tht day
Samantha urry
'tcknamc Sam
ChetConlon D O.B : 07·21·84
D.O B . 03-24-84
Place 'onhcm hnlanka Pla<e: We ctty
Person Mo t Admtred: Parent; Person Mo t Admtred: Father
Favonte ong: "Stmple Man" by· Lynard kynard Favonte Song: '"fhtcky Thtck Gtrl" by 'elly
Favonte Quote "huh·r• Fa\oonte Quote· "Chance are, if you beheH: you can at:hte\oe."
Accompli hments Accomph hmenl!)
9lh: Varstty Cro>S Country 9th Perfect Attendance. FHA won dtslricb 10 wntmg
lOth: Qualified for tate wctght hfttng. track team
lith A honor Roll
Goal;· Go to UF and get a JOb I love lith: Quahficd for tate wctght hftlng. placed 4th Track and field qualified
Mcmone;: Cha.c. Jtm, "Mount Am;", call;, goober;, J.T.'s. hunt;. K~rby. from dl'tnct> to r<gtonai.Wa> named all county for both port'
manatees. Mr. Busch, Sonny\, FH X. Ocala. ;pnng;. "date", "coa.t". before Goal; To bc<omc the g~rb \late champ• on for 2001-2002
school. overpa. • road ktll Memorie\ When I hurt my knee bad and t1ll won that "-'etght liftmg
matchl ow that' a bad g~rl 1 )
Robert Cooper
D.O.B .. 09-14-83 D
Place: Gatnesv&Jle
Person M~t Admtred Steve Prefontamc
Favontc ong: "Number One" by elly Kn,ty Ann D' Annunzto
Favorit Quote; "I came, I .!taw. 1 conquered." D.O B 06-29-83
Accomplishments: Place Palatka.FI
9th: Coaches award an cro.!tli country and track, 2-mlle record. 4x 1600 record, Per;on Most Admtred : Selena
DMR record Favonte Song "Ye I wtll" by Back Street Boy>
lOth: Coache~ award in croM~ country. Mm~t ouhtandmg runner tn trJt:k, 1-rmle favonte Quote "It'• all good'"
and 2-m1le record, who'~ whom .!tpoiD Accomplt\hmenb
I Jth· MVP m Cro.!t\ country and m track. fir\t all-star team for Gatne.!tvllle Sun, 91h Band. ROTC. Chnstlan Fcllow>htp Club
1-mtle record. Dtstrict C'hamp&on IOih B;tnd, ROTC. Cnmtnal Ju;tlce. SWAT
12th 1-mtl<. 2-mtlc, and 1-mtle record holder lith ROTC, Cnmtnal Ju;tlcc. SWAT
Goal; To go to FSU and run Cro>> country and track for them 12th ROTC. nmtnal Ju>ttce. SWAT. ADD. A>tra
Memories: Hanging out wtth fnends and compeung m cro.!ts country and track Goal> To graduate Htgh School with a 3.0 GPA and go to FSU for a law
meets dcgr«.
Mcmone!'J Gomg on the band tnp~ and hangmg out wath t~ gtrh
Angelica Copeland Homecomang "-'«k c\ery year Gomg to Wild Adventure\ my JUntor year Th
Pep ralil<>
Cry>tal Cray
D.O.B 10-27-83 A'hley Daniel
Place: Suwannee County
Person Mo;t Admtred Je u MtchJtl Dame"
Favonu: Song. "Hit 'em up Style"" by blu can trel
Favonte Quote: "Nab, I'm JU t playing." Phtlhp Damcl
Accompli hmcnu
9th: a., kctball Brentton Darthard
lOth· Basketball, Track. Tcnm
lith Basketball. Tra<k, Pep Club, SWAT. SADD. FCCLA Courtney Dav1~
12th B ~ctball. Tra.k, SWAT. FCCLA u.:kname: Coo ae
Goal' To be dependable and tmc to become a pcdtatric nur;e for the a1r force D 0. B 03·02·84
Memonc The 704 Ladtc . playtng ba;~ctball, ru1mng Trad, llomccomtng Place • Holly .. ood.A
wee~. Pep Ralhc wa. all fun Playmg ba;ketballtn 9th grade wtth my fnend' Pcr«>n Mo t Admtred : E>eryonc who has tood by me.
Favonte ong "Open the <)e of m) heart"
Marquita Cray Favonte Quote : '"Tell me "hat you know and I'll t II you "hat I dtd "
DO.B · 12-12-83 Goal Go to college. bc<omc a )OUth pa.tor. and go to "her<-er the Lord
Place Conway, S.C lead me
Pcr;on M<"'t Admtred God \1 monc • Getttng "''ed'" the lOth grade. ktngdom Bound 2000: "celcnd at
Favonte Son1· .. Dangerou\ly tn Lo\lt" K1mberlt and Gary' , col'k.-crut at Chn t Central; Dream) center on fnday
Fa>ontc Quou: 'llatcd by many )<t confronted by none." mght>
Accompli hmenb
'llh: Y=uy Ba kctball. Won 5th'" national for g1rl Ba;ketball flcather Da>~
lOth Who' Who Among mcncan Htgh School Student • City Clerk for a D.O B : 09-07-83
day, Academt~ I urr Place Lake Ctty
g~~ Who Who Among Amcncan Htgh School Student;. Prt: tdcnt of ADD Pcr«>n Mo;t Admtred : Gr:onny Davt
Favonte Song "Runnmg"
12th S"eet Heart for SADD Club, Pep Club. Fellow htp of Chmtlan Athlete> Favonu: Quote "P..rty hardy"
Goah To so to culle~c and maJor tn p ychology and play ba;kctball for college Ac4.:ompli,hment :
then JO lO the W-.BA to h<Xlp II up 9lh fl'A
Mcmonc; All the I uJ)t "<all bared. all of the partt< and dance and mo;t lOth· FFA
of all betn famuu and chtlhn "'"h Heavy Smooth lith . FFA
12th FFA. DCT
Jnd( fl Goal Contmuc to "'ork at the pharmacy and lat r bc<ome a doctor ol
mandaCru1 Memone> When me and MJtt Left Brandy and Amanda '" the parktng lot
D.O B . 04-13·84 dunn& lunch tn lOth grade Al;oe> r}thtng that happened tn Mr. hutu·,
PcMn Moot Admtr<d. Rody Cru1 cl
Favorue S.•na: "Lun<h bo•" by: Manlyn Man n
Favonu: Quote "To be areal I to be m"under\lood" La"'r<nce De Grange
Accompli hment~
lith Won "Young at Art" award. had my art "ori< dt played Bnan Dee
Goa),: To marry rich ilnd pend my day\ doins Jrt "-'Ork, if that doe,n't work
out . the to own an art gallery Stephen De ;e
Memone :Monkey Baby and Punkmhcad,. :uhng the ;ca; of chcc . D.O 8 08-06-84
;yruphead. Petey Pete\ moha,.k, fuubobblc. the boddy >yMem, Cody'> freak Place Lake Ctty
Pef\On Mo't Adrnared : Parent
nior Inde 293