Page 296 - chs-2002
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f·a\oflt(' Song  .. All  m~ htc·· by:K-(;1  .md JOJO   DOB  . 01 -21>-K-1
                                               fa\ontc Quote  .. You  ~.·all me dan-crcnt.  but 10 my C:)'C>t  you ·~ the dafTcrent   Place  Game  valle
                                               one                                   Pei"\On Mo ... t Admared   arah Duren
                                               AcctunpJa,hmcnt\                      l·avonle Song  "Sellout" by· Reel  Bog  Fl\h
                                               '>th  ('tlS Band. Al~cbra A~ard, MO\ttmpnncd mU\ICaan a'ftard   J-avonte Quote   Smale 1 1t  increa.\C\ your f.x:e  value ..
                                               U~h  CIIS Band                        Ac(;omph  hme:n~
                                               II th  CIIS Band. Tuba Sc.;llon leader. Jumor Cla.,vpmm  lub   9th  JV Volleyball, Academo  leller ..  HS.  'Be;t all An>und" on  ne"  papet
                                               I !th  CllS Band. Tuba Se.:llon leader. Student Cotmt:.l   tudent 'ubma\~aon  ednor
                                               Gt>al'   I v.ould hlc to 8raduate from  olle8e "'than A A  de8rec and go to   l~h  "Tale Five". A  ademoc letter, LEO Club. Span"h Club.  'HS, Beta ()6
                                               \.Chool  and b!come a lu.:en-,cd co,mctologa't   lith  Weoght  hfllng. bowling. "Help 1 ", "onfamow. Soothong SyMem of
                                               Memone  Center hne. left lane. get- away car. Charlie\ angel\, Tum~. 7-27-  Profe;\Qr Mrullard", "Barbccuong Hamlet", Academoc leller. Spam;h Club.
                                               00. An._l,ta..\aa Gaboar. "Sth·er"'. DC.. late mght phone call\, ""-OOP woop··. S ~   HS. LEO Club. Beta Club
                                               L· D- H· L· S                         12th : LEO Club uea;urer. yearbool bt,;one" eduor. "Ar>enoc and Old Lace
                                                                                     "Ollahoma",  H  . Beta Club
                                               lkre  Delelh'                         Goal\  Be pubh  hed Ill  auonal Geo~raphac or become a Dentl\t, Ha\e a
                                                                                     great marnage. and a "onderful famoly.
                                               Mathcv.  Demp><}                      Memone!;  Chaco'  . JA'' hou   . \patlhng grape JUICe, vandal  mark removtt,
                                               D O.B  07-16-K-1                      "Chonc-.c nee hllle gorl  pu;hy thong;," bondong woth  KS. JA  day;, cry "'
                                               Place  Game" 1llc                     wnh 1itT. "Way to go. cowg.rl".  leepove,..,, "the bunny", p1n at the mall.
                                               Pcl"oon  \1lht Admered  Em11c Demp\C)' and  Mal) Collm   Turtle Inn. Campong. F  UML. yellow, yearbook. Leo Club
                                               l·a>Onle Sonf  "In the end" b)  Lonlm ParL
                                               fa\onte Quote · '"Time heal  aJI"                      E
                                               9th . Perfet:t Attendance
                                               lOth· \\-ho'' "ho amon8 Amencan Hogh  ·hool Student   Rachel Edenfield
                                                lith · Who'' v.ho among Amcncan Hagh'-'.:hool  Student\, Perf~t Attendance.   D.O.B . 01·19-84
                                               Algebra II a"ard                      PI  e: Jack  nvolle
                                                I !th  LEO Club. Beta Club, Ehgoble for Bnght l·uturc;
                                               Goal   Att  nd the l'na\ef".aty of flonda and ret..·caH~ a degree an  an:hatcdural   Pei'\On  Mo~t Adm1red: Mother
                                                                                     Fa~oonte Quote: ""What\ wrong?'"
                                               cngmccnng                             Accomph\hment
                                               \1cmnnc!\  I'll ne,cr fo~clthe ...,eelcnd  prnt '41th my fncnd  . all the   9th: Togerelle;
                                               homccomang' and ~p rJihc.,,  the  fi~t date\
                                                                                     lOth: Tagerelte\  Laeutcnant. French Club
                                                                                     lith: TogercllC\, French Club; Junoor Clru.; Club.LEO Club
                                       DaaJ de Arcc                  12th: 1igerette!t (co-captmn)
                                               D.O B  O.  -12-K-1                    Goal; Go to and graduate from college. gel mamed. and love a "onderfullifc
                                               Pla.:e : LaLe coly
                                               PeN>n Mo.,t Admired . Parent          Memones:  D.w·, partae!t; Eric's nver pan1e  : Lit' Dave'!! hou~; Homec0011111
                                                                                     2001 : Prom 2001(REDR); noght before ""hool2001.  l.t G- valle
                                               Fa"ontr Song · "'ever had a dream come true .. by· S-Ciub 7   expenence(JERE DRSS); many memone; and late mght; woth  DR.
                                               fa\ontc Quote  "\\alltng \ll.lth a friend at  naght  1~ better than ""'aJkmg alone m
                                               the  hght "
                                                                                     Je\\ICJ Egan
                                               Accomplt\hmcnt\                       D.O B . 06-30.84
                                               9th · A- B llonor Roll. Acadcm~t· letter. Band.  upe:nor ratmg at Solo and   Place·  lndianapoli,, lndaana
                                                ~-n'><mble                           PeNJn Mo  l Admored· Mother
                                                H~h  A  B Honor Roll. Academoc lener. Band. Supcnor raung at . olo and
                                               En  mble
                                                lith  A·B  llonor Roll. Academoc lener. Band, LEO Club   9th: Tigercne
                                                                                     lOth: Tigerene,, Laeutenant
                                                I !th  A Honor Roll.  Band. ~lag  aptaon. LEO Club. Beta Club
                                               Goal'  Go to LCCC college~ r nur\ong then to  .F  to \pe.:oahte on  pcdoatnc;   lith  Togerelle;
                                                                                     12th: C'o..captam on Tigcrette\
                                               Mcrnone'  Senior PJCnac. W~hangton D.C band trip. Mary Poppm,, marchmg   Goal;  To love  my hfc to the fulleSl
                                               at  football game;.  ugar partoe\. rollong do"n the hall  at  the OaL; mall. Mr.
                                               Joye\ FSC manne biolog} lnp. boo long  peanut\, campong out, brcakfa;~ at   Memones: night before school. clay p1t!t, "Haghway S.P.", Homecommg \loet
                                                                                     2001. river partae  . Poo G's. Fri. at ken'!! wuh garls.  IM trip toG- ville, Prom
                                               B K • and ha'lng M". Shoupe a; a teacher.
                                               Kyle  DocL;                           Gordon Blale Elh
                                               DOB.  m-0  ·K-1
                                               Place . Gamc!tville          Guado
                                               Pcf\on Mo  t Admared • Gnmdpa         D.O B  0 1-03·1!4
                                                                                     Ph.1ce:  Gainewtlle
                                               h~>ontc Song : "It wa;n'l me" by:  Shaggy   Pei"\On Mo  t Adm1red. ParenL\
                                               Fa>ont  Quote  "Don't hate the playa . Hate the game."   Favontc Song. "Better man" by: Pearl Jam
                                               Accompla\hment                        Favonte Quote:  "Man. that\ bu;h kon
                                               9th · JV bit!  ball. \Jf\Jty ""'I"C  thng. Mate h1  tory fa1r. acadcmu: letter   Accompla!thmenl!t,
                                                lOth  JV ha,.,ball. Var\lly ""''liang. JV football. Academoc  leller   9th: 1igcr Award for J_V  ~occer. Da!ttncl Award for V. tenm\.Pulled up to
                                                lith  """"Y ba;cball. V"""Y football. Academoc  leller   Varoaty soccer  Won lf2 double\ champ1on!th1 p academic~
                                                12th  Va""Y ba;eball. Var\lly football, Academoc  leller
                                               Goal\  To get a degree in bu\1ne!;!t admmiMration   lOth: Varsaty Soccer, Varsity Tennis.# I  Doubles Academic!!
                                                                                     lith: Varsny Soccer. !tCOred goai.Vmaty Tennis
                                               Memone  All the fir\t at  OW.  Busted one too many ume   "S~uch" of the
                                                                                     12th: V.m1ty Soccer captain
                                               nev..  year_  Spnng Breal 2001 .  Suwannee R1\·er Jam  ~1th KD. DG.  BW   Goal~: To succeed at being succes  ful
                                               Country Club lofe guard
                                                                                     Memorie!t:  Hi!ttory Faars, ndmg w1th OO'\,Paphed1s's team bonding. part1e  at
                                                                                     Face'\,Prom 00. Prom 0 1, G- ville. getung caught, sliu,, ~cer tournament.
                                               John Dortch
                                                N1ckname  J.D.                       Greece 2001, my baby Jom.
                                               D.O B.  02-11-84                      Renea Ella;
                                               Place  An<horagc. Ala;ka               ickname: Nae
                                               PeNJn Mo. l Admorcd : Parent\
                                               f·a\onte Song  "  o-..·ember Ram" by:  Gun\·~·Ro  \   D.O.B .. 01-24
                                                                                     Place  LaLe Clly
                                               faHmte Quote  ··tf you IO\e -.omethmg. let 11  go. 1f u come\ bad. to you,  at'
                                                                                     Pef\On MoM Admored  Grandmother
                                               your,, 1f 11  doe,n't1t never "'11!
                                               Accompll\hment\ :                     Favonle Song: "Secret Admorcr" by  So So Def
                                                                                     Favonte Quote: "God grant me the !terenaty to accept the thmg!t  I cannot
                                               9th  Academ1c letter. JV  ba!  ball. ba\Cball Jcademic award. haghe\t baumg   change. the courage to change the thmgs I can. and the wa!tdom to kno'h the
                                                lOth ~ A~.:ademic letter. Vat\1ty ba.  ball,~  ball academic award, roolie of the   dafTerence."
                                                                                     Accompli!thrnen~ ·
                                                year                                 9th:  FCA  member
                                                lith : Academic lcller. VaT\oly  ba  ball.  ·auonal Honor  ocoety, Ba>  ball
                                                <k.:adcmu.:  av..ard                 lith: Cla!t\ repre  nwllve
                                                12th · Academac lcucr, Vat\aty ba  hall ..  atlonJI Honor Socaety.  Beta Club   12th  CBE Club. Legal 'ecretary
                                                Goal'  Go to colle~e. play ba;eball. and be  ucce;;ful on  hfe.   Goals  To succeed on  lofe and become the be  tlhal I may be'  AI"' to keep on
                                                                                     touch woth  all  my fnend' throughout my  hfe.
                                                Memone!\ : Pme tree\, part1e  at  Koonv1lle.  Koon\ \tOW!,  pnng Break 2001.   Memone;  Mecllng B/F  KP.  PPJ';, eaung chee  . Sprong  Break 200!VMoamt
                                                khctuc:lnee "Fia!th"JK\ front  porch. 1cehou  . throwm bow\ tn G-vllle
                                                                                     Fl. partoe; at J Koon ·  hou  .  cw Yean. 200 1/KP.  a  got mamed.
                                                Tyree Dortly
                                                                                     Shayla Ella;
                                                                                     D.O.B.  04-15-84
                                                COT)  Dougla;
                                                                                     Place: Jacksonvolle
                                                                                     Per.K>n  M~t Adm1red  Grandmother
                                               Thoma.' Dougla;
                                                                                     Favonte Song: "Agam" by:  Janet J3(;hon
                                                                                     Favorite Quote:" llu  too shall pas  "
                                                Bnttany Anel Dunn                    Accomph!thment  :
                                                DOB  · 07-10·84                      9th  Honor Roll. Ho  tory Award,A  ademo  letter
                                                Place  .  a'hville. Tn
                                                Person . hht Admarcd : Parent        lOth:  honor Roll.  lndudcd mto Nallonal Honor  ociety.Acadcmic letter
                                                Fa ... onte Song  ""Follov..  Me .. by.  Unde C'rdl:ker   lith  A· Honor Roll. NHS. Academoc leuer
                                                f·a\onte Quote :" I don't llle at.  "   12th  NHS.  Beat Club, Key Club
                                                Accompll,hmcnh :                     Goal;. Auend to college at Morgan Stale Unove"''Y and maJOr in  Boolog)/prt
                                                9th : Honor C'l~"-t . AcademiC  letter. leader\hlpl-.c1ence award, 2nd place   med
                                               county math  fa1r                      1emone!t_ My family and  l taJung a tnp to the Bahama\  The  naor moment
                                                lOth: Honor Cla;\C  . Academoc  letter, leadeJ'\hop i;tudenl coun.:ol)   on the floor dunng the Homecomong pep mlly,and the  no or pocnic.  AI
                                                                                     hangong out "'''h my fnend LaLoera and tailing about J.D. and  P.
                                                lith . Honor Clas   . Academic letter.  tudent Council HaMorian,
                                                Hollle(:om1ng Auendanl
                                                12th : Honor Cia   . Tiger  ev.\, Student Count.:al \lice-prc,adcnt, LEO Club.   F
                                                Beta Club
                                                Goal   Attend flagler and maJOr m commumcataon' and one day have a
                                                famoly                               JuMm  Feagle
                                                Memune  . "Aggo Agurch", "boy; bo.ef\", MMB hke; pole, •·Here lwtrd,   D.O.B  12-21>-83
                                                hutrd, ht.a.rd". Punac  at the n\er .•• We  hle tholl v.attage ... moor babae!\ ..  Wl\h   Place  Lake Clly
                                                II  V..l   dc.'1:1MOn~ .. bi~Uil hoy.   PeN>n Mo"t Adm1red· Father
                                                                                     fa\Onte Song: •·w1  h you  "'ere here" by  lncubu\
                                                Shosun  Dunn                         Favonte Quote. •·1  can do allthmg\ through Chn!tt 'hhO  trengthen' me."
                                                                                     Goal  Love a Chmllan lofe and maTT)  my hogh\Chool  weethcart
                                                V1ctona Dupree                       Memone;  E>ery  cond of every day and the  cond day of \Chool when I met
                                                                                     the future Mn.  Feagle,
                                                Aile  -a Duren
                                                u-an Mary Duren                      Arthea Fennell
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