Page 297 - chs-2002
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Candt and Btg Kmg e>eryday  Sander.on"; and the  ~th of July
                                          Du\lm Gmddy
                                          ·u.:kname: Graddy
     Laune Ftle
                                          D 0  B  10-07-Kl
     Jeremy A  Fenter                     Place  Lake Cuy
     'tc.:lname  Jerrmo                   Pef\on Mo't Adma~ father
     DO B  01-16- 3                       Favonte Song· ''Regulato"" by·  ate Dawg &  \\am:n G
     Place: Oklahoma Ctty. Ok             Favontc Quote  .. For all actton-, there are reprocu\  ton  i1nd cun~u~nc.:e  "
     Pmon Mo  t Admu~d SGT.  Brian Lilli<   Accomplt\hmenl'
     fa\lontc Song  •·  upentkm··         9th:  Wre,tltn,_. State  H"'tory I a1r
     Accomplt,hmenb                       lOth.  ~ootball.  thng
     9th. JROTC Drill Team                lith  l'ootball.,tltng
     lOth  JROTC Drill Team               12th  Football and ""' thng
     lith  JROTC CSM. Rccc.-cd out,tandmg NCO for JROTC. r«ctvcd Mtlttary   Goo h. To go to college and pcr.ue an en@tneenng ckgree and then Jnm the
     Order of Purple Heart                Manne'
     12th  JROTC  -4 (Supply Officer). JOt ned the  .S  Army   Memonc;  Gmddy & Tcx wtth llger pnde. B\\, DG.  DR.  P. V\llate at mght
     Goal\  To complete four yean. of the Army and to become a teacher.   at  Pmk\.Partte  at koonvillc.Sunday\ at  J - nab~•oo. KD. DR. AJ . 8W, atlaco
     Mcmone!):  When the cia~\ of 2002 won  Homecommg  Worltng wtth  my   Bell  lOth grade at ptgeon'  Long  12th grdde \ummer   MP",  Chtlhn w11h da
     fnend  on the homecommg float  for the la\t tunc   boyt 1  Spnng Break 2(XII
     Derek Fluellen                       Trea.\honna Graham
                                 :  Chocolate Pnncc'
     Ca.>  y Font                         D.O B  ().1-24-1!4
     DOB . 09-21- 3                       Place:  Gatn~""'llc
     Place: Game  ville                   Per<.on Mo  t Adm•red· Fab 5
     Favontc  ong: "It'  all good" by  Bone Thug'   Favonte Song· "'Dtfference  ·· by: Gmu"'me
     Favontc Quote  "U:h go ndtn '" the purple bronco!"   Favonte Quote· .. ,o \l.eapon formro  aga~n t me \hall  pn~per."
     Goal  Open my own dance club and m<n< out of Lake Ctty   Accompl1'hment
     Momon<  : My gurl  and there babt<  Chtlltn wtth  .J  many of umc;. Gcttmg   9th  4.0 GPA. Pre  tdent Acadcmtc A"ard. Fre,hman CJa.,   ·reWry.
     mto trouble -.tth H H  and D G .. and findmg  the love of my hfc. TG.   Cillten;htp A-.ard. U:ade"htp A"ard
                                          lOth  Academtc U:tter. Who"  Who. JV Cheerleader. Clas  Repre...:ntall><
     Amanda Ford                          lith  Academic U:tter. Who'  Who. \lat\1ty Cheerleader, Cl·  Repre  ntatl\c,
     D.O B  05-09-84                      . Track- r«ord for gtrl  hurdle relay.  Elk> Lodge Ont  neal Conte  t \\mner
     Place:  Lake Ctty                    12th: Who'' Who. Var.1ty Cheerleader. Trll<:k.  Bnght Future,,  I.(XX) Wmner ol
     Pcr.on Mo;t Admtred  Mother.  Donna Ford   poem' 2001. TBC
     Favontc Song:  ''I'm already there"   Goal\. Graduate CHS wtth honol"\.  ttend L:  I  and maJor'" broa<ka-ttng.
     Favonte Quote: ""Whate\ler!'"        appear on  Real \\orld. -.orl for Mtv forK )ear. then tr.lll,fer to !'iBC and co-
     Accompli5.hments:                    anchor "'1th Dan  Rathel'\
     9th.  FFA                            Mcmonc;  Stngtng tn 9th tn caletena (CB. LT. TM. AW.  · TGi; lOth gmde
     lith  FFA. DCT                       football  .Mn(AJ. 'IW- JV)CV- TJ. WS. R.J.  Eagle.  · KAI
     12th  DCT
     Goals:  Ftnish highschool, go to college and become an  R.N. or ~hool teacher.   Vane!t!tJ Graham
     and  have a family of my own
     Mcmoric;: Laughmg wtth  my fncnd' tn OCT  Su\an young. Rachel Smtth,   Chad Granger
     Heather Davt  . and JCnmfer comtng to my hou\C  , Ford country. chming the   D.O B.: 05-2~-84
     fence and chasmg the hog!t           Place:  Game!t\lllle
                                          Pen.on Mo-,t Admtrcd. Adam Sandler
     Kelly Fntn<;i;                       Favonte Song: "Dookte" by; Greenday
     Place:  England                      Favontc Quote: ""What you do m hfc ,hikJo"'' you m etcmtt)'"
     Person Mo  I Admtred:  Father        Accompll\hmcnl'
     fo'a\lonte Song: "I'm real"  murder remtx   9th  JV Wre\lhng
     Fa\lonte Quote: .. It wa!tn"t  my fault"   lOth  JV wre,tltng. Cnmmal JU\tiCC Club
     Accompli\hment5.                     lith  Yat\1ty \\re,thng. Cnmmal Ju  It~ Club
     9th: VarMty Golf                     12th:  nminal Ju,ucc Club, Heart Throb for Cnmmal Ju\tiCC
     lOth  Varsuy Golf                    Goal~- Go to Jumor collgc. attend a Um\•Ct'\tty. and maJOr  10  Ia"'
     lith Golf                    Mcmonc..,_  Wre ... thng matchc,, gomg to Regtonal\. the gsrJ.... the late mghh of
     12th  V:m.tty Golf. Dt\lnct Wmner    tr.unmg, ht day of  ·hool a\ a  mor, July  14th. fta"mg  fun  .... uh my 1prltnend.
     Goal;. Too" n Joy<> Gem' and Thmg' and Marry Jo  hua Tyler 1..<:\ler.   Amy  H11cr
     Memorie  :Tile pante~. the hangmg out, the time covered A.R . wtth shavmg
     cream at State, ridmg m the van to golf matche~ wtth Tammy Carter. when Jo~h   Am<.mda  Lynn Greene
     Le\ter fir\t a!tked me out            icknamc  Manda
                                          D .. B • 07-02-84
     Jackte F111!'1Cr                     Place: Gamewtlle
     D.O. B  05-16-84                     Per,on M0\1 Admired: Je\u\ Chri\tand my parent\
     Place  Lake Cuy                      Favonte Song  "Jc'u' Freak" by·  DC Talk
     Favonte Quote: "Simple ple3\ure' for "mple people"   Favonte Quote:  '"Shoot for the moon and 1f you m""'  h.\\e fatth  and you  wtll
     Accomph  hmenu.                      land on a \tar"
     12th:  ommated for mo5.t  tndavidualtstic   Accompli\hmenl\'
     Goah: To be different and  \Urvtvc my \Cnior proJect   9th:  Who\ Who.  Band
     Memone  : Senaor pa  me. the blob!(enough ~oatd)   lOth.  Who'' Who.  I·CA.  Band officer. Joum•ll"m. Semor lnde< Ed11or
                                          lith. Who'' Who.  at10nal  Honor Roll. FCA. LEO. Semor Ad Editor. Band.
     Elizabeth Free                       F1ute A~\1 tant Scct1on Leader. Jumor Cl~\ Club
     DO.B  07-13-83                       12th; FCA.  Feature' F.d1tor.  Band. SADD. Key Club
     Place·  Ga.ine~vtlle                 Goal\. Go to Sante Fe for t'-"O year\ then lnln\fer to L'F and g  t a B.A  111
     Per;on Mo\t Admtrtd ~  Father         Ul"\lflg
     Favontc Song: 'Til be mis;mg you" by: Puff Daddy   Me mono;   .(X) -.orth of Jelly bean,, rolhng down the htll. Solo   En  mble.
     Fa\lonte Quote: "What do you do when the only person who can make you \top   bmh flym~: up my 'hort' at McDonald,, Snow  Day -.llh L.Z   H W. DC
     crymg 1  the one 'Who m;.\de you  ry."   2001.
     11th: Jr.  cl~~ Tre~urer, Girl!t  Swte 1\ommee   u'an Grccn'Nay
     Goal;  To never look back
     Memorie.  All the  fun  time!> crul\mg tn  the Yukon. all the pia  es  at  took me. and   Jerrod Greenwood
     e\lerythmg I htd and lo\t m u        D.O B.; OI-2M-1!4
                                          Place:  LaJoll.l. Ca.
     Larry Fulton                         Pel'\on Mo\t Adm1red:Amec  Brunner
     D 0  B.;  03-20-83                   Favonte  ong  '111e happy break up \Ong" by: 1\iOFX
     Place:  Jacl~nvallc                  Accomplt..,hmcnh
     PeN>n Mo>t Admtred  Chfford Magby    lith  Art Club. S\\AT
     Fa\lonte Song. '"Change the world"   12th· Teen Talk Ll\e
     Fa'wonte Quote: "Don't start anythmg you don't mtend to fini\h."   Goal\  To btcome a famou' r.ad1o ptt'\Onahty or a P'YChiJtn\1
     Accompla..,hmenb                     Memone\  Valtnunc·, Da) at  Key'  . Summer 2(X)I. AMI'E"  ~ly fnenJ,
     lOth  made A B llonor Roll           cthanl.y guy  ). Bu  ·h Garden,, c.:atthtng Wc-,t !\jtJe  tn Jon., lilll\ haunted hvu
     II th. Track regional                'hopptng cart abu
     12th  Var.tty Football
     Goal,  To become a proiC>\IOnal  football player and a famou  rapper   om  Onnen
     Memone   orne of my favonte mcmone\ happen ""hen  I'm at o,chool or domg
     "'methmg -<:hool related.  L1   on the football team we "ere hke a famtly   H
                     G                    Jordon Hale
     Kyle Ganey                           Amanda Hall
     Tamanay Gonion                       D 0  B ; 01 -06-84
     Shenncl G<nu                         Place:  Lake cuy
     D 0 B • 07  18-KJ                    Per\on Mo\t Admtrcd.  Mother
     Place:  Lake Cuy                     fa\lont  Quote.  '"whatever"
     Person  Mmt  '\Jmued. Mother         Ac<.:omplt..,hmcnt'
     h\'ontc Sung  .. t tfeume·· by:  Maxv..ell   lOth  Pa;  dtheiCAT
     fa\()Oie Qunte  'No 'Weapon formed agrun\t me  hall pro-,ptr."   Goal'  Go to collc~c and get my te.h.:hmg degree then  \ta1 my ov.n  family
     Goah. To h«nme good wnh computer\ and typmg   Mcmoric-,.  My fa,ontc memonc\ of each )Car are the ¥.eck. of Homccomtng.
     Memone  A:t of my fnend,, the 704 Chack\, and all the good tune!t  v.e had   All the conte\t  and pn!C\, the \ktl,, and float btuldmg  \\chad 'o mu(;h  tun•
     Ma.rquata l  Gl\en                   Enc llall
     D O.B - 10-26- 3                     DOB : 10-09- J
     Place  Game  \Idle                   PI  ·e  German)
     Pcr.on M<ht Adm1red; Btg Brother. B1g Kmg   Pcr.on Mo  t  dmtred  l·.llher John  B  Hall  Jr
     Favonte  ong: "You got u bad" by  U her   Fa .. ontc  ong:  -v,..:tory of Je'u't
     Favontc Quote; "Shake dem hate" off'   Fa .. onte Quote  ··s  yah. v.ouh.ln't wanna tx:  yah'"
     Goal  To go to college and to get mamcd by 2003.   ccompll\hmenl!t
     Mcmonc  Gomg on "100"; Branford lhghway; chtlltn "'th Ja)e; chtlhn "'th   9th.  Mo,tlmpro\ed cadet tn JROTC  Earned •he mo't m<>n<)  for the  M.11eh of
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