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Oamelle Brown
     Jenmfer Be't
     icknamc  Be~t                         1ckname: Poo
     D.O B . 01>-C).I  H4                 D.O. B · C).l -20-84
     Plik.-e; Valdo~ta.Cia                Place: Lake Cuy
     Per.on M"'l Admired  1y Parenl       Per.on Mosl Adm1r<d  M01her
     FaHmte Song·  When  )'(lU  ay  nothm~ at all"   Favonte Quote: ··r don't know" or  ·what are  he!  he/they thmkmg·r·
     Favonte Quote  " got  around t:ome  around"   Accompll\hment\
     Ac~..:ompll-.hmcnt'                  llch  Walkmg mco che  year '" che  cop 20'.t of my cia\\
     9th  Volle)ball. >Oflball. and  occer   Goolco.. To auend a college or um\er..1ty and become a denU\t
     lOth  Var;11y  v~lleyball and  occer   Memone\: Gomg to the Gulf of  1e~ico wtth my fnend  icole  Havmg my
     lllh  VaNIY Volleyball               httle  1\ter'l born on my birthday.  Havmg fun tellmg people I don't knOVv  v.hen
     121h  Capta•n of che VIIJ'\11) Volleyballceam   I really do.  Wild AdHntu~ ,and the teal' that v.ent on that day
     Goals  To Gr.>duale go 10 college and nOI  hve here
     Memone  JL Hoc girl  • ClaypHs. F.O.  pnng breal., KK 's place, BH  ne"' way.   Jemfur Brown
     che famou  bachroom hr<al., club, JT and CW 81h grade pany, ndmg. fa.r. A K   Kkname: Furby
     Ionge  1 curse .-er, campmg al clayp11'. JB and HB  lace  mghl creeps. JB  RH  old   D.O B .. OR-05-84
     hou-.e.                              Pla<e  Lake cHy
                                          Per«>n  Mo<e Adm•r<d· Mocher
     Megan 81  hop                        Favonle Song: "ll's a Greal Da)"  by: Gnd can Judge
     DOB  12· 12-H~                       Accompl1c.;hment
     Place  I   e Cuy                     9th  Mo. t 1mpro\·ed award for JV . oc«.:er
     Person  Mo~t Adm~red M1chelle  Perkm   lOth: reg1onal  for crac~
     Fa\'onte Song· "What M1ght have  Been .. by: Little Tuas   lllh. Ueulenanl for UnHy Dance Team CFWHS!Danced'" \1oiC) ''
     f-a\onte Quote· "I don't undel"tand''   Thank  giVIng paprade
     Accomph  hmenh                       12th  Graduate v.tth  Honore;,
     9th: Sw1mmmg letter.Academu: letter   Goal\  Go to UF and ma;or m a medical field   uppon my parent  v.ho ha\·e
     lOth·  Sw1m Team Captam.  Beta Club,  atlonal  Honor Soc1ety. Academic leiter,   upponed me alllhe  years
     FCA, Sv.1mmmg letter                 Memone  Gmng lo FW wllh AS, AT;  HH.  with CB. D\1 , B\1, \1G. SO.
     llch  FCA Captam,  aunnal  llonor Soc~ecy, LEO club. Sw1mmmg leiter   HORNET. B ~ bOitle; Hangm m !he \1H. Bemg a semor. Old n.-ycAM. TG)
     121h. Bela Club,  cudenl Council Se.:recary. Na110nal  Honor soc1e1y  ergenl al
     Arm  , LEO Club, Sw1mmmg leiter      Lak1era Brown
     Goal  co complele college and he as happy a. I can be   D 0  B • 08-01 -84
     Memon<>  Vandall\m, Falhng otT lhe Explorer, The Yu~on lncidenc. Hor<e  hoe   Place: Gamewllle
     "eekends. che  pole mghl, mer tnpsipan1e  . BAD & Sc. Augosune, "BS. LS.   Person Mo 1 Adm1red: God
     &NS", Sl  Lo"'' and Dl\ney World,  Farm mghcs.  B-Day dresses. KH  & P11ch   Fa\onte Song: "That's the way love goes" by· Janet Jackson
     forb, Ge1tmg robbed Pn>m  mghl       Favonte Quote  '·\1ama·~ Angel, Daddy'"  Princc.,li"
     Mathew Black1e                       9th: Lovmg Care Club. Band
     D.O B.: 0906-8~                      lOth: Who'c;, Who among A~ncan Htgh School Studentco..  Peer MediatiOn.
     Place:  Lal.e Cuy                    Dance Club
     Pmon Mo.c Adm1r<d  Paulche Aposlle   lllh: Who\ who Among Amencan H1gh School ScudencsC2nd consecui!Ve
     Favonle Quoce:  Luke  I H 9 ·14      year)
     Accomplllihments:                    12th:  auonal Honor Roll  Key Club
     9th: Dean'  Ll\1, Pre\ldenc'  LISI ac  LCCC   Goalli·  Graduale from CHS. go to college. MaJOr m etther bu'me.,li. health. or
     lOth·  Dean'  Ll\1, Pre  •denc·  I lSI ac  LCCC   computer \Ctence. and hve a  u~e  fullife .
     lllh:  Dean'  L1  1. Pre  1denc'  LISI ac  LCCC   1emon._  Chilhn wuh Shay Ia  Elh  • I" day of school.,  a semor.
     12th:  auonal  Ment  em1finahlit, lnv1ted to JOin the Um\·ersny of Flonda   Homecommg 2001. M"' Ph1lhp  class  lllh grade. Valenune dance 2000.
     HonOf'S Program                      PICniC, S.E  and JD
     Goal  Earn a degree m Enghsh, Wnung. Langauge. or cheology; Be.:ome
     acll\e m Amenca through wntmg.       Lor<n  B"""n
     Ju<em  Blakely                        1athew Bro'Nn
                                          D 0  B : 06-0  -84
     Jame  Blanton                        Place  Fa)elleV~IIe,  C
                                          Person Mo 1 Adm1r<d: Facher
     Jom Sue Bogg                         F.-once Song: "G.S.E" by:M•Px
     D O.B . 05-.10-84                    Fa\Onte Quote: "I thmk some people need to ac,k  for abram on Chnc,tma!:t"
     Place:  Pensacola                    Ac~ompl1shments .
     Per~on Most Adm1rcd:  Father         9th  JV track and foocball  RidgeVIew H1gh School. Freshmen Board
     Favorite Song: "Hangmg by a Moment" by:  L1fehouse   lOth:  Vanscy Cros  Councry. Varsuy Track
     Accompltshment\:                     II th  VarS~IY Cross Councry. Var;lty Track
     9ch:  A  B Honor Roll, Volley  Ball, Academic leller. Beta Club   Goal~: Attend Eckerd  Umverc;,uy m St.  Pete and get a degree m Manne Science.
     I  Olh  A-B  Honor Roll, Volleyball, Bela Club. LEO Club, AcademiC leller   Then enJOY  hfe
     lllh  Nauonal Honor Soc1e1y,  Bela Club, LEO CLub, An Club, Who's Whom   Memorie~: I'll ne\er forget the ;ur·night, cro"'s country tnps. or the people  l'\e
     America. Vat\1ty T1ge~tte. mo  t 1m proved Tigerene   made laugh or the people  l'\e made mad and then a few  m betv.een
     12th  Bela Club. NHS.  Mu Alpha Theca. LEO Club. Who's Whom Amenca, A
     Honor Roll, VIIJ'\Hy T1ger<lle        '1chole Renee Brush
     Goals: Go to college. ha\e a family. and make my hfe mean somethmg   D.O B : 11· 29- ~
     Mem,me  HMdee'  , Wai~Man. Gr<al Fnends. Pep RalhesKen's, Roadhoo  .   Pla.:e:  Fl.  Lauderdale
     Geoff'  P.any. che hammock  bondmg. h1ghhghcmg gone wrong. Sc Augu\Une.   PeN>n Mo  1 Adm1r<d  Loc1lle Ball
     e  .. York. Church Camp, The mer. Sept  II .   Fa\onle Song: '1lt'' D1amond Rmg" by: Gary and lhe playbo)
                                          F.-once Qu01e  ''90% of base ball1  half men~al"
     Te  ha Booc .. ell                   Ac~ompl1shmen~ ·
                                          9th· Band, Supenor al  olo   En  mble, Bela. FFA r<poner, 4  H  Tri Country
     Dusun  Brannan                       Honor Band
                                          lOth  Band.SupenoracSolo   En  mble. FFA. 4-H  Who'  WhoAmong
     Jusun  Bnmer                         American High School  tudent
     D.O. B  II-OR  R1                    lllh  Baud. FFA. Grand Champion hog. Span•  h Club, FFA Scace  Degree.
     Place  Oklahoma                      Who\ Who Among American H1gh School Scudcnl\
     Person Moco.t Adn11rcd:  Mother      12ch  Band, Ta~e Scock m Childr<n  cholarsh1p. Educauonal Talenl Search
     Favonce Song: "Thai'  Whoo" by: Blac~ Rob   Goals  Gee an  RN degree from LCCC. become a cen1fied m•dw1fe. marry
     Favonle Quole: "Yah R18  Dummy"      Scephen Scarpa Jr.  and ha\e a fam•ly
     Accompltc;,hmenh                     Memon._  Jolly rancher pass along. Taco Bell, JE.  G. ('H, AC. C  .and AC.
     9th: Varsity Track and Cro  ~Country. Cro~is Country Mosl  lmprm·ed   BD.  I love my Scephen.
     lOch:  Varsuy Trac~
     Goal\:  Keep my hver. not wrrck a car th1s year, graduate, and go mto a career I   Jason  Bryan
     II ~e and gee nch                    D.O.B  08-10-8~
     Memone;  lei Beach.  Mr.  Busch all  lllh grade, Pan1es at my hou  . Relay for   Place  Lake C11y
     L1fe, \4etk  tratght, B1g J1m. egg.,, 1·10 overpas~. fire works down the   Person Mo;c Adm1r<d  Roben E.  Lee
     mtel"'ltate. fif't day of  mor year.   Fa\onte  ong:  ··Go n=  t htgh on that mountam"
                                          F.-once Quote  "I'll do 11  Tomorrow"
     Jame'i Bnnkley                       Accomph  hments:
     DOB  09-28 RJ                        9th:  Made and competed on the FFA  Livelitock Judgang Team. Tr.Ktor Dn\mg,
     Place:  Lal.e ('uy                   and Foreslry Judgmg Team
     Per  on M  1 Adnur<d  l< u           lOth:  Ele<eed Pre  1den1 ofColumb•a Jumor FFA
     ~avonce  ong.  M  rganta Ville" by· llmmy Buffel   lith: Won Re  ne Grand Champion Sho'N  teer an  the Columbta County Fair
     Fa\onte Quote:  "'It v.a'ltl't me"   12th:  W~ Pan of the winmng Semor Sktt at Homecoming
     Accomph  hment'                      Goals  1 plan co go co lhe \ommumcy College for '"o years chen on co UF for
     12ch   amed Mo 1 S<hooi Spmled       four )ear\,0\4n a hunting  Ran~h.and ~~i~ a mtlhonat~
     Goal  To make che  he  1 ol  my l1fe.  co beller myself and hopefully everyone   ~1emorieco. .  "Blue lights", "yeah. I'm 21". "the SteH~n\ cabtn ..... the camper".
     around~                              "catfi\hm". "~ihtmn". "you gona be:  kiddang  me!", Double·J outdoor<·. Jamte\
     Memorie  I ht he- t (1f  my m«!rnone  come 1n  fonn of a football  field from all   laugh. "cen country k•lomelers", "the farm",
     of the d   gum  to the blowoutco.,  to the heanbreakel"\
                                          Beacher Bryan!
      H:  name  Hruno                     Pia«' Lake Cicy
     noB  os  2h  84                      Person Mosc Adm•r<d: M01her
     Place:  He•dclherg, Germany          Fa•once Song. "Free Fallin" by: Tom Peuy
     Person  10>1 Admired  Leon Phelp     Fa\Onte Quote: "Do v.hat you ha\e to do!"
     Favonte.  ("fll{'  Unt:hamed Melody   Accornpli'ihmentli
     Fa\ontt Quote:  .. Can  I buy you a fico.h  andw1ch?"   9th  J V Cheerleader
     Accomph  hment\                      lOth   ADD. SWAT
     lOch: wr<  cling            II th  Cheerleader. French Club,  ADD. LEO Club
     llch  Varsuy Wre\llmg                12th:  Homecommg Queen
     12ch  PreSidenc ol T+A, Vars•IY Wr<  clmg   Goal\. Go co college and hve a good. happ,  hfe
     Goal  Wm  State m w~,thng             1 rmont~ot: Mop-.. ndm around at TC:BY. fab,, D.Moor'  hou-.e. Scott M ·..,
     Memone  : Gomg to FFA State convenuon, Spendmg time with  Ken  Dtck) Jnd   hou  . My  16th B-day. mghl befor< school  lllh and  121h grade. Koon·,, Kyle\
     Jam1e R1chard  , May they be remembered forever.  Being on VariMy Wre. tlmg   bl~k e)e. Homecoming 2001(Jamec,). Frida)'  at  Ken\ wHh  the gtrb
                                                                                                  Senior lnde  291
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