Page 308 - chs-2002
P. 308
In Loving Memory of Xfn :Baas
!FriendShip is the thread tfiat ties together the hearts of a c{ass . .9Lnd;
when one of those cCassmates is Cost, the thread aoes not 6reak_6ut
tightens ana strengthens as it 6incfs together those Ceft on earth. crhe
memories of tfiat Cost friendS' smiCe, his f(jna wordS, his Caughter, his
proua{y worn orange ana 6{ue jackf,t, ana even t!U tears ana pains
of his cfeath strengthens the threaa ana forever 6incfs his sou{ to the
hearts ana sou{s of those sti{{ Civing.
306 In Loving Memory of Ken Baa