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\1emone\.  801lmg P-nut\. Surpn~te Pante\, lc  Slating, I  U1 ~.  Mr.Joyc'~o, d<.t\\,   II th  Soccer. MVP Defender Var.1ty
                                                FSUML. Leo CLub. Relay for L1fe. S"'1mmmg at M1dn1ght. camp out\,   Goal\:  Play college and profe  'ilOna!  o;;occcr.
                                                1TAKSD. Mudd  Flght,8  11-0I.Jag\ Game. FBA. Sugar Partie,, Capture ~lag.   Mtmone\.  Royal rumbles in  boy\ bathroom at  Easl\1dc Elementary and
                                                SPAll                                nW'I\IOn\ at  mght  wtth  Bod1  Skeet
                                               Chap Stc\em.                                           u
                                                DO.B  0  -04-84
                                                Place  La~e Cit}
                                                Pef\on  1o\t Admire:  Parent         Antwan Underwood
                                                                                      1dname. P(}(lkie
                                                fa'tonte Song:  1eat  Loaf           D 0  B ..  I0-2.'-H3
                                                Fa\onte Quote: ''You got at  from your mama:·
                                                A  compli~o,hmcnu                    Place: Lake City
                                               9th  Soccer Team                      Per.on Mo\t Adm1red  Parent.!  and Grandparent\
                                                                                     Fa,onte Song: "B  I don't need ya" by· Tnck Daddy
                                                I fkh:  Soccer Team                  l'a>onte Quote  "He may not come when you want h1m  but he'll be there n  ht
                                                lith. Soccer Team. Golf Team
                                               Goal\  To graduate from college and become \omwne an  hfe.   on umc"
                                               Memone\i  All  the  good ume  at the n\er. the  long mght\ at \\affle Hou  . and
                                                t~ Cra7)' ume  at  the Graham hou    9th  J.V. Football. FHA. We1ght hfung
                                                                                     lOth· VIIJ'\HY  Football. We1ght  L1fung
                                                \1..,-y Stone                        lith· Vat\HY Football
                                                DOB  07-1~-84                        12th: Vlli'\HY Football
                                                Place  Lake Cn}                      Goal\  Be  ucce,,ful m v.;hate\er I do
                                                                                      1emone  ·All the good ume  and bad ume  of h1gh .chool  Me and Mulluu
                                               Pcr;on Mo\1 Adm1re:  Mother and Grandmother   on that every v.;eckend
                                               Favonte Song  ·•1 '"'ear" by: All  For One
                                                Fa\onte Quote: .. Lme i  compas  aon  an  acu  n      v
                                                Accompli  hmcnt
                                               9th:  Band
                                                lOth:  Band
                                                lith: Band                           Jo'Cph Van  S1
                                                12th:  Band. HOSA. Circle of Fnend•
                                               Goal  : Go to college and become a pcd13tnc  nur  . get  mamed, and he happy.   Catherme Vann
                                                Memone  Bu  ride\ home from  football game\, A\hley the car light  are on,   tcknamc:  Cat
                                                Heather\ fence  po>t.  I Oth  and II th grude lunch.  II th and  12th grade Prom   D.O. B ..  06-27-84
                                                                                     Place: Jack'IOmllle
                                                                T                    Pel'on Mo<t Adm1red:  My Papa
                                                                                     Fa>onte Song: "Hang1ng by  a moment" by: L1fe  Hou'C
                                                                                     Favonte Quote  "Back OIT'"
                                                A hleyTeal                           Accomplishment<
                                                                                     9th  Beta Club, Var<uy  occer Team. Young Gun Award
                                                                                     lOth  Beta Club.  ahonal Honor Soc1ety. Var.Hy Soccer. MVP Defen   A~-.rd
                                                JamteThotna..!                       lith. Beta Club.  HS. Var.ny Soccer. Var;ny Captam. MVP Defen  A"ard
                                                u:lname·  Poolu:
                                                                                         HS, NH  Parliamentanan. VarSity Soccer. Varvny Captam
                                                D.O B . 11-29- 3                     Goal  . To go to college and play .occer. Then graduate and 11.0rk '" the  p«~a:
                                                Place·  Lale Cit)
                                                Per\on Mo't Admared: Mother          educatton field
                                                                                     Memoriec;:  Dtrl'  . Eric's ri\er hou  . Lil' Da,e'  . the  farm. the "P" ,:arne. the
                                                Fa>onte Song' ·-r11 be nght here waitmg for you"   "Arn1e", Homecommg. lunch 11.1th AW .. mght before  hool. CV.  RE. S
                                                fa,onte Quote."  'egau'e f«dbacltc; as good a\ po\ltt\e fecdba~..:l bcc:au
                                                the)' ·re  ttll v.atchmg'''          "Donkey.''
                                                Accompli  hmcnt\                     Gv.endalyn Va  o
                                                9th: CHS Golf Team
                                                lOth.  JV T1gerett._                  iclname~ Wendy
                                                lith  \iar.ny Togerette              D.O.B.: 04-29-84
                                                12th:  Vaf'ltt)' Tigerette           Place:  Germany
                                                                                     Perwn Mo  t Adm1red: Julie J
                                                Goal\: To be~.:ome a phy  teal thcrapl\t. and to get e'erythmg I want  tn  life   fa,onte Song:  ··secau  you Jo,·ed me" by. Celtne D10n
                                                Memone<.  Val98. SG'; w1th PG."ndmg out"  Spnng Break '01. ch1lhn on the
                                                beach until 6. Teanng up the club. mght before  hool (funpackl. I'll take my   Favonte Quote: "Boyfnend!t are hke JOkes,  tf you have to up lam them they'rt
                                                car. 50 on  PG at WP                 not cute."
                                               Joel Thoma\                           9th  MoM  lmpro>ed Mu"ciBn. Math Award, Supenor FBA and M1ddlebu'll
                                                '1ckname:  Joelvcph                  wnh Band
                                                D 0  B  03-28-84                     lOth : FBA and Middleburg supenor w1th  Band. Good at Solo and  Envemble.
                                                Place;  Gamesville                   Quarter Ma  ter. Academic Leuer, Most Improved Sophomore Musician
                                                Pe~on Moc;t Admired:  \.1agnuc; Samuel  on   lith: Solo and  En\Cmble Supenor. Supenor at  FBA with  Band, A""tant C'h•~
                                                ra-..·onte Song. ··Fallen  Down·· by:  Seven  Duc;t   Quarter Master. Superior at concert contest
                                                Accomplt"'hment\                     12th: Supenor FBA  With  Band. Ch1efQuaner M.,ter. Fir\t A Honor Roll "'P"'
                                               9th. JV Football. JV Wrestlmg         card
                                                                                     Goals: Get my teachmg degree. marry and have some chtldren. ltve a health)
                                                lOth: A·B Honor Roll. Varsny Wrestling   meamngful, and remembered life.
                                                II th  A-B  Honor Roll,  Placed fourth at State Wre"ling CompetitiOn, Be  t
                                                Wre,tler Av.;ard                     Memone.: 9th grade lunch table. 9th gmde bu  ride to practice. 9th and  lOth
                                                12th  A·B Honor Roll. Wrestling Co- Captam   pnng dance., the  II th grade Prom and my wonderful date. blobbed at  emor
                                               Goal\' To alwayc;  tay fit and athletic and to complete four ycal"'i at  the college   Ptcnic.
                                               of my choice
                                                Memoric  My memone  are of the pep rallle  and betng around my fnen~h   1Chol  Vercher
                                                Alw "!pcndtng ttme after  hool  wnh my  v.;re  tltng teammate
                                                                                     Joanna Vtllamtl
                                               Jo  hua Thoma
                                                Ja."m Tolar
                                                D.O. B .•  0~· 13-84                 Trenton Walker
                                                Plik:e:  Game  'tile
                                                Pero.on Mo't Admtred:  Chn\ Jones    AJ Ward
                                                F.-onte Song: 'The dance" by: Garth Brook   D.O. B ..  0~ - l.l-84
                                                Fa\ontc Quote  ··  'othtng t  v.orth trying for unlc  you v.ant to be the be  t."   Place  Lake C1ty
                                                Accompltl'ohmenl\                    Pe,-..on  Mo  t Admired' Father
                                                9th· AcademK  Letter                 Fa>onte Son  "AmaJed" by· SW
                                                lOth  JV  Ba.<ketball. Academ1c  Letter. Fell""'  h1p of Chn  Uan Athlete   Accompli  hment
                                                lith: Var<ny  B., ketball. French Club. FeilD"  h1p of Chn  uan Athlete   12th  Semor Sku
                                                12th  VA,-.,ny B.,ketball, Beta Club. Who'  Who. Fello11.  h1p of Chn  uan   Goal.  Go to college and become a phannac1  t
                                                Athlete<                             Memones: All the ume With  W, Taco Bell. Farm part1e>,  pa7 attack,, \lafll
                                                Goal\.  Be  ucce  ~.,fultn whate\er I choo-,e to do and conttnuc to  n.c God   Hou  . mght before  mor year w1th CS.  KD after Spnng Dance. muddmg at
                                                ~1emone< B., ketball tnp  to Chn  tm., tournament,, hal fume at a ba  ketball   fann
                                                game in  Bronwn. and Gator games.
                                                                                      tephen Ward
                                                La\hcka Tucker                        ickname: Wardy
                                                Nickname. Sheka Pooh                 D 0  B  03-23-84
                                                D 0  B .. 09-{11-83                  Place  Game  Ville
                                                Place;  'orth Carolina               Person Mo  t Admired' Grandfather
                                                Pef'IOOn  Mo  t Adm1red:  Betty Jean Tucker   Favorite Song: "Picture me rollin" by; 2Pac
                                                Favonte  ong ... Lifetime" by. Maxv.;ell   F.-onte Quote: "Fo  ho"
                                                Fa\Orttc Quote: "Shut your moth!"    Acc:omph  hmcnt
                                                A compli,hment                       12th.  Football
                                                9th  Student Counc1l S11.eethean, Cm 'Country, fre,hm  n Skit   Goal  :To gnlduate from college w1th a lav. degree.
                                                lOth' Track. Students Makmg a D1fference for Chnst S11.ccthean   Memone  : Part1e  at Slade'  . boy  mght at Sam'  (Thank  mom), eaung bit •
                                                II th· Pep Club. SADD. Track,Togerette   Warne Hou  w1thout enough money, New Yean. Eve 200 I. Koon  hou
                                                12th  Trac~. Togerette
                                                Goal" To go to college and become a  port  therap1  t   Cehne Wam:n
                                                1emone  . 47 Keyhole!T.M  remember), Homecommg ·01, Rad1o Road. the   D.O.B,  12-18-83
                                                !etta, the lake. Scmor p1cnic, FAMU Homecommg, mght before  hool at   Place  Jack'OnVIIIe
                                                Koon'  hou,.,, late n1ghts w1th P.G.(2:00 am). and qu1ck boy (thank  for all the   Per;on Mo  t Adm1red: Mother
                                                memones).AI.o hangmg w1thT.M ., C.B ..  KB., TB.,AW. S.W.   Fa>onte Song  "Clouds'" my coffee" by: Janet Jack  on
                                                                                     Favorue Quote: "You so  tup1d!"
                                                Edward Turner                        Accomph  hrnent
                                                D.O.B.  04-30-84                     9th  Academ1c Letter
                                                Place: Mom  town,  .J.               lOth  AcademiC Letter, Beta Club, SWAT
                                                Favonte Song: ", Whate-..·er" by: Three 6 Mafia   lith· Academ1c Letter, LEO Club, Beta Club.  HS. SWAT,  Pep Club. Frencb
                                                Favonte Quote: ''The mo  t you can ask ~meone to do 1  to gtve  tl the1r all."   Club
                                                Accompll\hmentc;·                    12th:  LEO Club.  HS, Beta Club. Key Club, French Club
                                                9th  Soccer. MVP Defender JV         Goah,: To attend Spellman Unavcrsuy and become a foren  1c  sctentt~t and to
                                                I  Oth  Soccer, Young Gun Award Van.1ty   always mamtam high clas  and standards.
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