Page 304 - chs-2002
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\1cmone' tBOEfl Band Camp. bu\ tnp ... FBA Alhgator fc\tl\.al, "'U~ar D.O.B 01-24-84
partie,, Chun.:h dan~o.:e\, camp out\. (M~KASOI. captu~ the flag (CPF). Place: Game~" aile
tSPAHl. Jun~t>r Pn>m. l Hl. b01hng P-nut' Per\ n Mo\l Adm1rcd Brother
Fa""onte Song: 'lhal'\ where lt:ome from" by· Kenny Che\ney
Stephame R~ee Favonte Quote: "Alway\ ltxlk forward and never ltxlk ba'k on the r~t"
D 0 B . ().1-2184 Accompla\hment\
Place Valdo"a. Ga 9th: Golf Team
Pef"\on Mo\t Adm1red Anme rice Goals: To never look back
Fa\ontc Quote. ''IT amt got to~ that \eriou\ ... Memories: Havang fun m the Chevy and the missmg golf bag
9th JRafC s
I Oth A· B Honor Roll
lllh A B Honor Roll
121h' A B Honor Roll
Gtxtl Attend Bauder College 1n Atlanta Brandy andage
\1emone' Graduating. en10r P1cmc. Grad ·,~ht tnp D 0 B 02-14~84
Place: Lake bore
Kenneth Rodg.,.a} Person Mo t Admore: My Mother
Favonte Song: "Falhn" by: Ahcaa Keys
Damd Rt\ero
Accomph hments:
Dan1cl Robcn 9th: Perfect auendance
'u.:kname: Te I Oth: Perfect attendance, Academic Letter
D.O.B 01-15-84 lith: Perfect attendance. Acadenm.: Letter
Place Lal.e Cll} 12th Perfccl anendance, AcademiC Lcner.SADD. \VAT. Beta. French Club,
Per.on Mo ... t Adm1ret.l: Father Who's Who Among Amencan Hogh S hool S1uden1
Fa\onte Son I got 5 on u" Goal~: Graduate from CHS. Attend the 01\-ef\aty of Florida and maJor an
l·a\onte Quote: ~·Get 11 up." Vetennary Medacme. Gr.1duate from the Unavcf\ity of Flonda and 0'4-n nl) OWII
ccompll\h~nt' Vetennary clamc
9th: l'ootball, B"' l.elball Memones: Hangong woth A H., KG. H D .. A.N. and J.W. All !he figh1 and
I llth Football. Ba.,ketball make-up;. Heanng about A H and A.N gelling caught LA H. you knov. "hat
II lh: Foolball. Weoghl Ufung mean.)
12th: Fomball
Goal\~ To go to the Manne' and go to college then become a \uccev"~ful Cheari Sander;
bu\mev., man D 0 B 08-07-82
1emorie,: Gelling 20'11 on the S. \Ummer night\ at Pmk''· Te'<. Brent. Place: Gaincwallc
Gmddy, cong !he L. Pogeon' Cnb m I Oth gmde, Taco Bell parkmg lot m !he Person Mo 1 Admorc: My grandmmher
SS v.uh AJ. BW. DG. KD. and L.CPD Favonle Song:" go1 ''bad" by: Usher
Favonle QuOie:"Prcuy Much"
9th Baod
Andrew Robm\.On Goals: To enter the medacal field to become a doctor.
Nickname: Ore"' Memories:_ Homing commg "2001" When I go~ offda cham at "Burger Kmg",
D.O.B : 05-19-84 when Demel Fluellen turned out. and when Kae ha & Pooh became partner'\
Place: Ja'"k\Omille cnme
Per'\on Mo\t Admared: Uncle te\e
Fa\onte Song: ··20 Inch Blade " Sandra aperstem
Favome Qume 'Thai\ all pockle" ickname: Re-Rah
Accompli\hment\ D 0 B 09-16-83
9th: Golf Team Place: Hollywood, Fla
lOth. Golf Team Person Mo"''t Admare: Gro~.ndfathcr
Goah · Be'"omc an Honor Grad from the Marine corp boot camp. then become Favonle Song: "\\loth Arm \\lode open" by: Creed
an officer and lake flogh1 '<hool 10 fly a F-22. Accompli hmentl :
Memone . All the umc I pen! v.oth my gorlfnend Lyod oc. and all the lime I lith Who\ Who Among Hogh chool SludeniS
'pen! woth the boy 12th: FE.A .. Who' Who Among Hogh School Studenl. auonal Honor
hanele ~ocbole Robm«>n Studenl
D.O B: 0 -2 -84 Memones: Foeld Day. Pep Rally, Homccommg Parade. Spendmg lime woth
Place: Cle,eland, Oh. fnend
Per'\on Mo,t Admared: Mother. Betty Robm\on
fa\onte ong: "Proma~..C" rema:\ by: Jagged Edge Susan Leanne Sawyer
fa\onte Quote "Get off me''' iclname: Don- ue
Acc:ompli\hmenh D.O.B 07-30-84
9th: Band. Who' Who. Talen1 Sean:h. TSIC Place: Jack onville
lOth Band, Flag Team. Talen1 Sear<h, TSI . Who\ Who Person Mo 1 Adnme My Brother
lllh: JumorCia" Club. Talen1 Search, TSIC, Who\ Who Favome Song: ''Time afler Time" by INOJ
Goah: To auend LCCC for 1wo years and !hen lran,fer 10 SoUih Florida 10 Favorite Quote: ''No matter what happens, make the best of it."
become a phannaci~t Accompltshments:
Memone; Mccung my beSI fnend Vehel, Prom 2001. 50\\121. "K\\1", J-Hawk, 9th: JV Tigerettes, Academac Letter. AB Honor Roll, Honor Society, Beta Club
Plaunum Chickz. T-Bam. 9th grade. 711 and 828 a1 "R" 'ell. 1ha1 "1he
idewalk. L~ ~iu~~~~i~eC~~·n~;~~:O~e t;~::~;,a~~~~~::s~~~~~~~~~ri!~ta Club.
lith: Vanny Tigerettes, Academic Letter. National Honor Society. Perftt:t
Sandra Roger\ Anendance, Be" Dancer Award, LEO Club, Jumor Club.
12th Var;uy Tigerenes(Captam). Bew Club. Top AII-Amencan
D 0 B . 02-22-84 Goals: Afl<r Graduaung. aneod an1a Fe Commun11y College. Then U<•mf<r ~
Place. lo"'a
Fa\onte ong: •·Here· to the naght"' a Unl\-·e~aty. mmor 10 dance and maJor 10 \OCial ~tence
Fa,onle Qume: "Sorry. that w., your boyfnend" Memones: Europe 98, Dorl<' Hou . SS.RE.CV. Late mghts al ccp. farm
AccompJa.,.hments parues woth TK, ndong with RE/curbs, panoes and memone al JK' . Prom
9th Band 2001. n~ght before schoo12001. 8-17-01
lOth Band
lith Band Angela Scarpa
Goal' Make good money and fim<h college. D.O.B 04-27-84
Memone Band competauon and gomg out wath friend Place: Saodocgo. CA
Person Mo 1 Admore: There a Scarpa
A\hley Romme Favonte Song: "I'm real" by· J-Lo (remix)
Favonte Quote "I ha\-e a dream"
Ju"'tm Ron\Onet Accompli hment\
9th Wen! to "ate comp. woth Dnll Team (female)
De\honda Ro, lOth. On JRafC Staff
lllh JRafC
Treon Ro\\ Goals: Stay w1th the Navy and reure, be mamed wath two chlldem
ackname: Bag Tree Memones: Home comang w~ fun. my summer vacauon. I went on bcfon
D 0 B . 03-26- 3 school. Chilling with my fnend . and havong fun and JRUfC
Place: Game ville
Per'On Mo'l Admorcd: God Mother Katnn Scheuble
Fa\'Onte Song: "L1fe Time" D.O.B 04-1884
Goal\: To b«omc a phannaca~t Place: Karl~ruhe, Gennany
Memone\: My mor year Pe~on Most Admare: Partnt
Favonte Song. " Pie~ Remember" by: Leann Rames
Shana Sherrcue Rowe Favorite Quote: "Beang happy doc n't mean e\'erythang' perfect, 11 JU 11
D.O.B: 08-01- 3 you've decided to look beyond the amperfecuon~"
Place: Game valle Accompli hmcnl~
Per\On Mo'' Admored: My<elf 9!h: Bela Club. Slale HoSiory Faor, Academoc Lcuer. A-B Honor Roll, Flag
Favonte Song: "U gm 11 bad" by: U her Team
Fa\'Onte Quote: "Treat others and you want to be treated." lOth: A-B Honor Roll, Academoc Lcner, Flag Team C<>-Caplaon, French l1ub
Goal,- To be the be 1 per;on 1ha1 I can be. Cnmanal Justice sStudent A \0, Who'' Who
Memone' I v.oll take a 101 of memone w1th me, good and bad, "anmg from lith auonal Honor;, LF.O Club, Mu Alpha Theta, Academoc Lc:uer, A H
moddlc 'i<hool to now, bul llo\e all the hale" Honor Roll. French Club. Cnmonal JU<Uce tudenl, People 10 People Slud<rt
Ambas•ador. Who\ Who
Brad Royal 12th Bela club, NHS. LEO Club. Mu Alpha Theta. French Club, People:
People SIUdenl A mb"' ador, Who· Who.
Coody Run}on GoaJ Go to college and get a degree an methang thatiiO\-t, ha""e a famll
D.O.B . 07-27-84 and m the end make sure that my life meant somethang
Place: Wichita. Kan Memones: 1np 10 Alachua, Europe 2000, Hardee' , bond mg. greal fneod
Ken's Roadhou\C, grea1 cake , hoghhght . n1gh1 before ;chool. se01or P""'"
Per;on Mo'l Admorcd Fa!her
Fa\'onte ong: ··When you \\ere mme" by: The Daxie Chad..\ sleep-o""·ers
fa\-onte Quoc.e ""Get the heck out, ..
Goal\: To gnduate and go to college to become a kmdergarten teacher. Amy Eh>abeth Schrader
Memone Beth: .. You know how my parenL~ a~". cookae ... Fnca: Dollar D 0 B : 04-04-83
General. the note Enca and Beth: Camer.a an the car. all the road tnp,, D.N Place Lake Cuy
•·you know", Old chool Person Mo t Adnurtd: Mother
Favon1e Song "llow do IT' by Tmha Yearwood
A'hley Ryals Favonte Quote: "Shut up!"
Goals: To graduale hoghschool and go 10 college lo become an RN
302 Senior Index