Page 303 - chs-2002
P. 303
9th v""''Y Softball Q
1Oth V 11y Soh ball
1 llh. \m•lY Softball
l2th HOSA. SWAT Vmuy Softball Soph1a Queen
Goal • To w1n d1 tntl m \Oflball agam and to go to college after h1gh hoot D.O B 11 -02 - 8~
Plate• We Cuy
~~,:';:' Enca It' the Chad'. all the tnp to your old hou • colll<' on let Pel'on Mo't Adm1red And Colhn'
nde. and our w1g Cmdy: all tho"' U- tum 1 Ror Burger K1ng and Fa,onte Quote: .. It amt e\en that c;cnou ..
p 1 der monley 1 A' 12-15-00 wml wml 1 Accomplishment ·
9th B- Ball. Choru
Mt<helle Pe<k lOth B Ball
O.OB . II -10- ~ lith r-cCl.A. Pep Club
Place WeCuy 12th Semor Club. FCCLA
Pet'<ln M""l Adm•red Mother Goal Semor ProJCct. graduauon. and ov.nmg m) 0\\n day care
Fa>oote Song .. 'Becau I got h1gh" by: Afroman Memone When 704 had a camp ou11n Batcam Mayo' bad yard. the lim<
Accompli hmenL\ when me and the guy .. hung out". tnp to Wild Ad\enture for P""'"8 1-C T
I Oth AcademiC Lell<r
Goal Go to co metology o;chool and then go to college to be an RN. R
Memones· Crvy Boyfnends.late mght . \tar\, pmk genee' . Motorola\.
11 too' • UFO\, Farllri' . lemon head •
Ja\Qn Ramo
Brod Peeler D.O B .. 02-25-84
0.0 B .. 06-27-83 Place. Belle Grade , A
Place.Game 'llle Pe,...on Mo l Adm1red• John Brown
Perwn Mo l Adm1red. Granny Peeler Fa.onte Song "E,er mce you left" by: Boy to Men
Fa>onte Song• "Up 1n a room" by R Kelly Fa\Onte Quote: "Call me"
Accompli hments· Accomph h~nt
1Oth A B Honor Roll 9th: I \t Place at State Spe,aal OlympiC' m Bocce
lith A B Honor Roll lOth A B Honor Roll, I 1 Place at State Spe<lal OlympiC\ •n Bo<«
12th A B Honor Roll lith• 2nd Place 1n Stale pec1al Olymp1c GolfToomamenl
Goal Be the be 1 at e>eryth1ng I do. Goals• Pro golfer. allend college to learn carpentry
Memone E.C. 8-17-99.5-12-01.1 Love you' A H ! Watch out forthat fen.:e!
~ uutk tucl down range road' TCBY wnh the "DEW" and 1 L.' Blazer Memones: pent my SC\enteenth b1rthday fi~hmg and goofing ~n m Alahama
Tilt ~Weeki ~nt w1th my grandfather dn"'"!! to and from Me~1co. The ttmc
\pent workmg w1th my tep dad,
Terry Pembenon
0.0.8: 03-30-84 Jenna Raska
Pel'\on Most Adm1red: Parent 0.0 B. 11-05-8~
Fa>·onte Quote .. 'What'" Placr Gamr v1lle
Goal' To go to college and become a Manne b1olog11l. Favorlle Quote "It\ all good "
Memone Hunung at he Alapaha, \He\tlmg. manne lab. havmg cream. gomg Accompll"ihmenl\
to pan1e>, clll'll. fnend and espec•ally Holly C.
lith Who's Who Among American H1gh School Students
Goal~: To go to college to become a sonographcr
M1chelle Lynn Perkm Memone The Club. Spnng Breal, pan1e<, me and my baby(TH.).
0.0.8 . 02-22-84 Kelh(haha). KJLS. "Motorola", me and hi' K. Tampa. crazy people'" Long
Place• Rale1gh. .C. talks. MP. CW. RK. SS. KS. LM. SO- Lo\e you all
Person Most Adm1red: Mother
Favonle Song "Dnve" by• Incubus Chri< Rayford
Favorite Quote: "What are they thmkang?" D 0 B . 09-14 82
Accomplishments Place L"e Oak
9th• Honor Roll. Academic Le11er, Beta Club Vice Pret .. Perfect Allendance Person Most Adm1red: Manm Luther King
IOlh: Honor Roll. Academic Letter. Swim Team Letter. Most Ded1catcd and Fa,·onte Song: AI Green
h•gh GPA Award, Basketball. NHS Goals- Be succe\sful and love life while llvmg
lith. Honor Roll. Academic Leller, Sw•m Team Leller. NHS. French Club. Memones: 1 ha"e had ~orne good memories and \Orne bad but the good one\
SWAT, Student Council Rep. O'ver came the bad
12th: Honor Roll. Academic Leller. Swim Team Leller. NHS. Published Wnter,
Goal.: Go to college. get a business degree. become h1ghly succe~sful. and hve Stacy Lynne Readout
D.O.B 08 15-84
on my own island Plt.1ce: Gamewllle
Memones: Spnng Breal 1999 and 2000. nver. motor home. beach panymg, Person Most Adm1red: Rebecca St. Jame~
Taco Bell. gomg ndm, an1mal babies. n~ght before Semor year. G-vllle mghts. Favorite Song: "Don't worry" by: Rebecca St. Jame
vandalism. New Years '99, Great Friends!
Favontc Quote: "E\·erythmg happenc; for a rea~on."
Altsha Ph1lhp 9th: Beta Club, A Honor Roll. Joumali\m co-Editor. Acadcm1c l.ctter
O.O.B .. 09-06-83 lOth Bela Club. NHS, A-B Honor Roll. Academ1c Leller
Place: Lake C•ty lith Beta Club v1ce Pre"denl, SpaniSh Club. HS. Who\ Who. A B Honor
Perwn Most Adm1red; Greg Welder Roll. Academ1c J.ctter
f'avonte Quote: '1'be only thmg that tay!!the arne 1\ that everythmg change,." 12th Beta Club Pre"dent. Spam\h Club. NilS. M"' CHS. Who'' Who.
Accomplishments Acndern1c Letter
9th• Varsity Softball Letter and MVP. Beta club. NJHS, FCA. JV Volley ball. Goals: To go to college. hopefully make It a.s a famou"i dancer. get married.
Academic Letter have children, and live for God
lOth Vm11y Softball and MVP, Beta Club, JHS. FCA. VaNlY Volley ball. Mernoriefii: H1story Fa1r wnh NP, Roadhouse w1th MD. 12 yeaN of dance.
Academ1c Utter R1bbun wllh SS and CM. Alabama wllh CM. P ych tall Wllh NS
lith. Varsuy Softball and MVP, Beta Club. JHS. FCA. Vur<~ly Volley ball
12th: FCA, Beta Club. JHS
Goals; Go to UF. play softball, and ma;or 1n optometry. DeRasha Reed
D.O.B 03-09-84
Memones: Hor;e hoc tnps w1th Megan, fire m Mr Mac's room~ not Place: namCSVIIIe
understanding m Mr_ Campbell' class. Homc,ommgs! Semor P1cmc. ·oftball Person Mo" Adm1red My Sl\ter
game (bus ndes), and Proms wllh M1ke
Favonte Song: "We fall down but we get up" by: Donme McKicrclen
Scott Pmkham 9th Gold Team Award
Nickname• D1ny 12th Cro" Country
OO.B0?-11-84 Goal\. To \Ucceed in life and e\·crythmg I put my mmd to
Place Lale Clly Memories: I can remember Homecommg pep ralhe\ as far back~ 96 but 1\e
Favonte Song. "Dear Momma" by: Tupac never had as much fun"" I had at my own pep rally 2001 .
Favonte Quote: "Hater& always gonna hate"
Accompli hment.s l.achary Redd
Goals To go to college and male \Ure when I'm gone that people w1ll '"II
remember me. Valeera Reed
Memorie 12th grade ummer at my hou • DG. BW. V-Mo.JL.Te<. mghl
before hoot, Lillie RIVer, all the lad1e . hale , and player< Jes 1ca Rcg1 ter
M1nam Plump
Ju un Reg1 ter
D.O.B : 09-15- ~
Kerry Anthony Pohngo Place: Game ville
O.OB : 07-18- 3 Per.on Mo 1 Adm1red· Mother
Plate. an D•ego. Ca Favonle ong ''Tuevday gone" by: L)nyrd Slynynl
Perwn Most Adm1red. Grandmother Favonte Quote: "Here 1 the te t to find whether )OUr m1v .. 1on on Earth i'
Favontc Song ... LO\·C me or hate my" by: Ja Rule: tim hed: If you're ah\C,Ill n't"
Favonte Quote Pray and pe.-.e,ere." Goals- Graduate from h1gh \c.hool and college and make a lot of mone)' m the
12th• Scholmh1p to 11 " •PP' ~~:On "' Pop~ Brannon\, me and lade dn,mg old orange do~Wn B1rlC)'
Rd., Mary Hellen Sm1th. the coole\Ot lady m the ~orld. and 8etung m)' llr..:en
lanud Pollard
Tiffany Reg• ter
amanlha P""ell D.O.B II -27- ~
Place• Land tuhl. Germany
Person Mo l Adm•red• Kry tal Reg1 ler
Fa>onte ong "E,erythmg I do"
Patnc1a Purv1 Fa,onle Quote "God d1dn ·, say '' "ould be ea: y. he onl) <a1d 11. "ould be
0.0 B. 07-18-84 "-Orth u··
Plate. Game vtlle Accompli. hmcnt
Perwn M 1 Admired Je u Chn 1 9th CH Band. AcademiC Leller
Favonte Song: "Changes" by• Thpac lOth• CHS Band, Academ1 Leller. Beta Club, LEO Club. NH . \\e~ght L1f11ng
favonte Quote. "Many people hated but "e II pulled together to make 2002 lith Academic Leller, HS, LEO Club, ~pam h Club. Bo,.hng Team
n1on come true.'' 12th• Academ•c Leuer, HS. pam h tub, Beta Club, LEO Club. Bo" hng
Goat Go to college. ucceed. and become a \C:tcnnarian ass1. tant Team. We1ght L1f11ng
Memone : Semor p1cmc, pep rallies, 1 t day of mor year, fnend . hangmg Goal To punue my educauon by gomg to college and maJOring m whate\er I
out anywhere, niors opportumue , haters and hkcrs. representing the clru, of see fit AI o I hope to endure, hold 10 the rod. choo the mght. and rea<h for
2002. the ,....,
ni r Inde 301