Page 307 - chs-2002
P. 307

Brent Wilham
     h:nnlf1e~  Applebee' Slao,.c~ Run.  tt\ not normal. you ! \\.ho you are. ··."'ot   D.O.B.: 10-18-KJ
     0 ,,..,•··. \\algrccns, Loud; DKCY. du,ty, gateleepers. late nde\ to   Plate: Game\\ltle
     l'.all) · WorldtTMI                  Person Mo\1 Admored  Father
                                          Favorote Song: "Only God Know  Why" by· Kod  Rock
     Joshua ~a.,hangton                   favonte Quote.  You  know what  I'm ...aym cuzr-
     Wilham Watson                        9th: Golf.  HS,  Beta Club. Acadcmoc Leiter
                                          lOth: Football.  liS. Soccer. Beta Club. Academoc Leuer
     Barbara \\eels                       lith: Football. Wcoght  Loftong,  HS. Beta Club. Academoc  Leiter
     D.O 8 ' 09-06-82                     12th: Football,  liS. BctaCiub,Academoc Leucr
     Pl•c:- ln\eme\\, F1                  Goal\:  Graduate  from  h1~h \Chool and get a degree an  bu\me'' or engmccnng.
     Per<on  Mo  1 Admm'd  Mother         Mcmoric.· The Heavy Chevy. Spnng Break 2000. S.  1\ houo;c, Taco Bell
     Fawnte Song:  "It's your lo\-·e"     parkong lot. AJ'  Fann. Suwannee Rover Jam woth  K.D. and  D.G
     fa\onte Quote  "Reach for the moon. and remember that 1f you m1   you Y.:lll
     alv.a\'  be 'o'rlth the \t~ ...      Ca~ltle Wilham
     \ccOmpl1"'hments                     D 0  B : 12-21-83
     1Oth  StalT Se'!'eant 111  J ROTC    Place: Lake Coty
     12th  JRUTC Staff                    Person Mo  1 Admor<d  Mother
     Goal  : After graduauon  I want to get manied and go to college.   Favonte Quote: "If you lo\e ~methmg. let 11 go. if u comes bad:. u's youN."
     Memone  . Talkmg to Ken 8..,. Man:hmg 111  a parade woth JRUTC, and goong   Accompli  hment
     to the Molotary Ball                 9th  MVP on JV Volley  Ball
                                          lOth  Var<oly of the Year on Volley Ball, Varsoty Soft Ball
     Du\Un Welch                          lith  Be  1 De fen  ovc  Player on  volley Ball. Varsoty Soft Ball
                                          12th: Var\oty Volley  Ball
     Thc:1T11o111  \\ekh                  Goal  Go to college and make a lot of money.
                                          1cmonc  : Long tails wnh J.T.  pnng Break 'OI.Iatc noghts at KK's_ pockong
     Gr<gJ  Welder                        upJT. wothJB  on   C . tnp  toG-villewothK.K , JT .. PG  JL,. JB  and
     D.O B. 11-21·83                      B.H.
     Place  Lo  bon. •  . D
     Pmon M  I Admor<d  Father            Frcdnck \\olham
     Fl\onte Quote: ''I'm ur<d'
     Accomph  hments                      Syllcathoa Wilham'
     9th  Academoc Leiter. VaNoty Soccer   D.O.B . 0  -03- J
     lOth  Academic Letter. Varsity  occer   Pia  e:  Game  \&tie
     lith. Academoc Leiter, Boy.  State, Varsoty Soccer   Pero;on  Mo;t Admorcd  Grandmother
     12th: Academic Letter. Sunshine State  cholar, Var\1ty Soccer Captam   Favorite Song: "Differences" by:  Gmuwme
     Goal\: Obtaan e1ther a Ma.stel"\ degree m an:hn~ture or enganeenng at  F   Favonte Quote  "'Sound\ like a \OCial. emotional problem."
     Memone'  "Brcaf', "brcaf;u t", scnoor pocnoc. Alosha\ dog. ru\1 mobole. and   Accompli  hmenu
     Prom.                                9th: Flag Team
                                          lOth  upenors at Band Compeuuon
                                          Goah  Fono  h 'o<:hool and get a good cducauon
                                          Memonc  : Wal~ong through halls and seeing all of my fnends \<hole laughong
     Mantrell We  ton                     and talkong "'oth them.
     'ocknamc· Trclly Trcll
     D.O B.  12-23-83                     Rebecca Will1am"i0n
     Place: Gaonc  \I lie
     Person Mo't Admorcd  Mochacl Jordan   Stephen William~n
     F.-ontc Song: "  ever had a fncnd Joke  me" by: Thpac
     Fa\onte Quote:  "Stop acting like an ol Georg1a boy."
                                          Mtracle Seleta Wilson
     Accompli  hments·                    D.O.B ·  12-31 · 8~
     lOth.  JV  Basketball                Place: Game  \llle
     lith. Varsoty Basketball             Person Mo  1 Admor<d  Mother
     Goal(;  Become a multi- millionaire.
                                          F.-ontc Song. "U got II bad" by:  U her
                                          Favontc Quote  "I can do all thong  through Chn  1 who  trengthcn< me,"
     Mochacl Wethongton                   Accomplilihments
                                          9th:  Cl~ s Pre~;,1dent,  Winter Fe  t Attendant, Perfect Attendance. Ciuzensh1p
     Brent Whitcomb                       Award, Golf Team
     D O.B . 09-14-83                     lOth  Cl= Prcsodcnt. SWAT.  PerfcctAUcndancc. Golf Team
     Place:  Lake City                    lith  Class Vice Prcsodent, SWAT. Prom Club, Perfect Altcndancc
     Person Mo,l Adonor<d.  Father        12th  Voted  Be  1 All Around,  HOSA.  Homccomong Court. Astra. Perfect
     fa,onte  ong: "Let 11  go" by:  JT Money   Attendance
     Fa\Ont  Quoce:  "Pain is temporary but pride  IS  fore\·er."
                                          Goals; Attend college and major m nursmg
     Accomplishments:                     Memories:  Rcunoung woth  M.A.C., goong to Ryan  woth Ann, Charyll, and
     9th  Wrestlmg, Football              Vimecia, spendong tome woth  DcJuan at the S.P.O.T  ndong on  BenT.  B  Allen.
     lOth: JV Baseball                    Da baddest at T-harrell's hou  e woth  M.A.C.
     lith: Baseball
     12th:  Ba>  ball
     Goals:  Play college baseball and get an cducauon   Leslie Witt
     Memone\:  Sw1mming aero  the river at  Dame!'~ Aunt's hou  . gomg to   John Wood
     Donald's hou  . Dcstroyong the 2001   noor pany. Homecomong  IOth.llth. and
     12th grade
                                          Amanda  'ocolc \\ood
                                           ickname: Cole
     Fauma Whigum                         D 0  B ,; 02-24-8-1
     D 0  B.· 07-24-84                    Place: Ironton. Oh
     Place: Lake Cny                      Per;on Mo  1 Admored:  Grandmother
     Person Most Admored· G"cnd  lyn Who gum   Favorite Song. "Gone" by:  \)'nc
     Favonte Song: "  gotol bad" by·  Usher   Favonte Quote:  "You  thmk  you know but  you have no idea."
     Goal>  To fulfill my dream  and love  lofc to the fullest   AccomplishmenL~
                                          I Oth  Acadcmoc Leuer
     Jolene Whue                          12th  CBE Trca.surer
                                          Goals:  Go to FSU to become a regl\tered nurse. have one  more child,
     John Whottcnburg                     hopefully a gorl. to complete my  famoly.
     DOB .. OI-23-81                      Mcmorie,. 02-01-01  my son"'"'  born. Prom 2002 "'oth Duane,  pnng Brcal.
     Place: Gaonc  "lie                   2002. ume  pent v..1th  Mm. Kamcron's first )ear and my la\t
     PeMn Mo,t Adm1red: Father
     Fa\onte Song· .. Jesu  lov·e me"     Alicia Da\\.n Worley
     Fa\onte Quote; "Qull harD..! ''"g me."   DO.B:09-06- 3
     Accompli  hments:                    Place:  Enod. Ol
     lith·  I  1 Place at State  pccoal Olympocs on  Bocce, A-B  Honor Roll   Pero;on Mo't Admored: Mr  K  Campbell
     12th  lSI Place at State Spccoal Olympo  'on Golf   Fa\ontc Song  "I hope you dance"
     Goal\ To get •Job at Wal-Man.        Accompl1shmenl!t
     Memone  : Tnp to Wild Adventures. trip to K1s  lnlee for State Special Olymp1c   lOth:  "Pnnts", Luerary Magvone Co-Edotor. -.Hs. Blaker; 4- H'i                               lith  Busooc  '  Edotor for Toger Talc, Span"h Club. LEO Club. Pre  odenl for
                                          Blal.m 4· H Relay for Lofe
                                          12th  Beta Club
                                          Goals: To continue my educauon and become ~~thmg good
                                          Memorie\  Ad\entu~' \\.tth  ara  in  the Cougar, Homecommg. the fa1r.  tudy
                                          group. tn(h to New Vorl. and my bet mcmone  ~ere  pent ~1th my
                                          boyfnend Seott Larramorc.
                                          D.O.B  04-1(}.  J
                                          Place  Lake City
     Art1ol  hanr  \\11liam\              Person  Mo  1 Admorcd: Uncle. Alan Gobbs
     r\1'-:kname·  Ne1cey                 Favonte Song: "My baby you" by: Marc Anthony
     fl O.B  1(}.25-83                    Ft\·orite Quote; "'When you try you Will fall. but when you fail to try.
     Place  GaJnc  "lie                   vou'\e cheated your...elf."
     Per  ln  Mt  1 Adnured  Patncia A  Wilham\   boalos· To go to college and pul"\ue a career m p ychologt
     ~avonte Song  "I m real" by  J  Lo   Memorie\  Prom 200 I, Mr. Mont'\ cookout. birthdays. mckname". goofy Urnes
     lt~Hmte Q\Mte: ··uh·huh. \\.hate\·er, uh-huh"   woth Courtney.  1". Poppe!'  cla!,,JU\1 hangong woth fnends and all the
     Accompll~hrtl(:n~ :                  laughter \\c'vc  har<d
     9th  FCS. A B Honor Roll. Academoc Leiter. Chorus. CHS Color Guard
     lOth  A-B  Honor Roll. Acadcmoc Leucr. Choru  ,  tudent; a Do !Terence
     furChn  1                                            y
     I hh  A B Honor Roll, Academoc Leucr, Chamber <ongero;
     12th  A-B Honor Roll, Academoc Leuer. Chamber Singero;
     Gflak To go to a university and get my degr« m pharma  y
     Memorie  : Panic on the Pharaoh. acceptan  e to the SSSS. Homecommg Pep   Su~;,an Young
     rally  '01, haor blowong, French Elote (CB and SRII999· 2001. Inspector Stone\
                                                                                                    enior lnde  305
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