Page 305 - chs-2002
P. 305

Memone  Sleepo't'CI"\, camp OUt\, the nver, the tunc  I caught my i!ihoc on fire.   Jonathan Sm1th
      taym8  up all mght and b01lmg peanuts, jU\t hangmg out with  friend\ and   Nickname- Du,ty
     family                                D 0  B  09-21-83
                                           Place: Alachua
     Vaneka Va\hawn Scipp10                Penon Mo"it Adm1rcd:  Grandmother
     DOB.02-19-82                          favonte Song: "Amcm:an Woman" by: Lenny  Kr.tvtlt
     Place: M1am1                         Accornpll\hment\
     Ptr>On  Mo;t Adm~rcd  Boyfncnd, 1\aac Boxcy   9th:  Vat'\aty  Letter an Cm,  Country and Trad..
     Fa><mtc Song: "U got 1t bad" by: Usher   lOth  Letter m Cro\\ Country and Track
     r·aHll"lle Quote  .. Don't act hkc that"   II th  Letter 10 Cro" Country and Track
     Accomph  hmcnl\.                      12th  Letter m Cro  Country and Track
     'lth  JV  Basketball, Lovand Care Club. JROTC   Mcmorie  Runnmg al01 1  The long bu  nd~ to cro  country and tr.k:k  meet\
     lOth  Varmy Ba  ~ctball               Hangmg out w1th  the guy
     lith: FCC L.A.  SWAT. SADD. Pep Club, Var.Hy Bii! kctball
     12th  FCCL.A Sweetheart. Var;1ty Basketball   ata.<.ha  L..ltrelle Sm1th
     Goah. To become an  andependent '-"Oman  with t""o kid!.. married to Isaac   D.O B  02-17-84
     Bernard Boxcy                         Pl~e: Jiid onv1lle
     Mem<m<  Hangmg w1th  my  7().1lad~es throughout h1gh  ·hool. We've been   Pei"'n  ~o t Adm1red  Mother
     there for each other through good and bad.  I love you guys   Favonte Song: "We fall  down" by:  Donme McCiurkm
                                           Fa'tonte Quote: "It'\ better to be thought a fool  than  to open yoor mouth and
      1mccia Chanua Scipp10               rc:mo>e all doubt"
     0.0 B  05-0J-84                      Accomph  hment
     Place:  Lake C1ty                    9th· Who'  Who. FHA Officer,  atlonal Honor Roll. CHS Band
     Pawn Most Adm1red:  Ida  Mac KannadyiGrandmothcr)   lOth.  Acadcm1c Letter. Who'  Who. FHA.  atlonal Honor Roll
     Fa'tonte Song:  "Have you e\cr'' by:  Brandy   lith.  atlonal Honor Roll. A  Honor Roll. CHS Band. Who'  Who. FHA
     Favontc Quote: "What Do you mean·>"   Cnmmal Ju  tu.:e. Acadcmu.:  Letter
     Accompli  hmcnts ·                    12th:  Cnmmal Ju  uce Student il!oi"'tiauon. National  Honor Roll. Who'  Who
     9th  Drama                           Goals  To graduate from  FSLi'  school of law and go on to become a >ery
     lOth  Complcung  C challenge L.earmng Center   ucce  fullawyer
     Goals  Graduate from  h1gh  school and go to college to become a  Dent1  t and a   Memonc  The FHA tnp m  th grade. my  1996 'acat1on to Atlanta. Oak  Mall,
     Actrc"i                              Governor  quare, Flonda mall. "Code Orange", tKciSha Bell. Denatra lewiS),
     Memones:  First day  of school, Homecommg Pep Rally. and hangmg out w1th   My enure ~naor year.
     all of my clas  mates
     Party\ at koonwille. Spendmg ume w1th  R.L.P Walkmg around the block w1th   Kyle Smithy
     M.W  When V.S. M WC.B                 D.O.B.  08-12-83
     AM  "cnttoRyan\  Aug.IS-1998-M D.R  Cherry   Place: Plant Cuy, Fl
                                           Favonte Song: "Free B11tl" by· Lynyrd  kynyrd
     K1mbria Shaw                          Accompll\hmenh
     Nickname:  Bria                      9th. Academ1c Letter
     D.O.B  07-17-84                       lOth  Acadcm1c Letter
     Place: Game  v1lle                    lith  Academic Letter, Crimanal  Ju~uce Student A  \OCiaUon
     Person Mo  t Adm1red:  Mother         12th  CJSA
     Favorite  ong: 'Th1s women's work" by:  Maxwell
     Favonte Quote: "I can do all thmg  through Chn  t that strengthens me."   Kcsh1a Spe1ght'
     Accompli  hmcn~                       iclnamc: Peache
     9th:  Pep Club. Powder Puff           D.O.B  1>-29-83
     lOth:  We~ght L1ftmg. Pep Club. PO><der Puff, Track, Band Manager   Place:  Lake Cuy
     lith  Pep Club                       Accomph  hmcnl\
     12th· SWAT, Track. We~ght L1ftmg     9th  CH  Band.  I  t compeuon '" band w1th Straight  upenors
     Goals: Attend  ante Fe for two yean studymg phy  ical therapy or manne   lOth  CH  Band, nag team.  tra1ght Supenors m band
     b1ology, then move on to a UOI\erslty   II th  CH  Band. nag team. Straight Supenors 1n band
     Mcmonc  Sth grade 1n  Mrs. Goggm'  cl.,  when me. Cameo, Bacam,   12th  CH  Band, nag team.  tra1ght Supenor.; m band
     Qum1  ha, and Greg Arline u  d to  It 10  the comer and  mg.   Goals:  To graduate from H1gh School and get a 'i<holar.h1p to go to college
                                           Memone   n10r P1  mc. The Homecommg rush. Myself bcmg nommated to
     Eva L. Sheppard                      run for Homecommg Queen  Feild day being G) m Day which was neat
     Place  Ga1ne  ville                   Heather Lynn Spradley
     Person Mo  t Adm1red: Mother          icknamc:  Heaver
     Favonte Song:  ''A Lifet1me"          D.O B  12-24-83
     Favonte Quote:  "Stop hatan and  tan part1C1pattn."   Place: Gamesville
     Accompl1. hmcnts:                     Perwn Mo't Adm1re:  My Mother
     9th  FHA                              Favonte Song:  'Wherever You Will Go" by: The Calling
      lOth  HOSA                          Favonte Quote:  "You laugh  becau~ I'm different.  I laugh  becau~ you're all
      lith  Pep Club                      the '\arne."
      12th  Pep Club                      Accompll\hment\
     Goals:  Attend college for two to four year\   9th:  Supenof\ at FBA  Marchmg Contest, Who's Who Among American H1gh
     Memoncs: 8-28-0 I at 9:28 pm, 'The arnval of Shadd ric Dreshun Jerkins Jr.".   School Students
     hangmgo ut  wuh AnaiSha. Ne"ha. Ta\ha, Della. and Jayh. hangouts:   lOth  Quartenn.-ter for band. Supeno" at FBA Marchmg Conte  t, AB  Honor
     Washmgton Street, PC. Road. Game_.1llc. the  hop. and Duval   Roll, Who'  Who Among Amencan H1gh School Student'
                                           lith:  2nd Lieutenant for Band, Superiors at FBA Man::hmg Conte  1. AB  Honor
     Ankur  hukla                          Roll. Who'  Who Among Amencan H1gh School Students
     D O.B  07-21-84                       12th  I  t L~eutenant for Band.  uperio" at FBA Marchmg Conte t, AB  Honor
     Place: Bombay, lnd1a                  Roll. Yearboo~ Staff. Who'  Who Among Amencan H1gh  chool Student
     Person Mo t Admired. Will  Fem:l     Goal  : To go to college and maJor 10  Pharmacy and one day open my own
     Fa.onte Song:  "Kasme~r" by: Led Zepphn   Pharmacy
     Favonte Quote: ''A w1~ man learn  from the ~ t. ..   Memone\. Center Lme. Left Lane. Gel away car.Darty Tuna!oi.  "Sun. I\~··.
     Accomplao;;hments                    "Ema~l  ~c", 9-11>-01.4 "mple lctte","Red", DC .. L..ltc  mght phone call  .
     9th:  I  I Place county/regional  c1ence Fa1r, Clas  Award   "woop "oop", Players. "The only one". Prom 2001. CCR. and H-L- ·  -L-D
      lOth: Class Award, Mu Alpha Theta.  I st Place County/Rcg1onal. c~rnce Fa~r
      lith  I  t Plac-e county/Reg1onal  c~ence falf,  avy A"'ard· Mu Alpha theta   Joel  t.J  hn
      12th  Voted Mot Likely to Succeed, Started Che  club, AP Scholar Award   DOB  10-II-8J
     Goals:  I want to become a cardiO'tascular "iurgeon when  1 grow older,  I alw   Place:  Lake City
     want togo mto biOmedical engmecnng    Pc~on Mo  t Adm1re:  Win,ton Churchill
     Memonc  Playmg at football  game.. b1rthday  at fncnd\ house. JAC   Favontc  ong: "Between" by Jerry Cantrell
     Productions, Tennis sea.wn. water balloon fights,  kit  naghts. A.L.C.  . w1th   Fa't·onte Quote: "Reality lca'te  a lot to the imagmauon,"
     C.M.,  tealing VS ..  rollmg down the h1ll.   Goal\: To become a famous  musician and later producer
     Tedd1e W1lham Skaggs Jr               A\hley  talvcy
     D.O.B.:  11-30-83                     icknamc: A h-""ee
     Place: Holly"'ood, Fl                 D 0  B  04-{)9-84
     Person Mo  t Admired:  Father         Place: Gaanew1lle
     Favontc Song: "I swear" by  All  For  I   Per\on Mo\l Adm1re:  My Mom
     Favonte Quote:  ''God put me on Earth to accompli  h a certam amount of   Fa,onte  ong: "Butterfly" by: Cnuy Town
     thmgs. and right now  I'm w  far bchmd  I'll  never d1e,"   Favonte Quote:  "With e'tCI)thmg bad that come\, wmethmg good come  out of
     Accompli  hments                      u."
     9th.  Football. We~ght L1ft1ng        Accompll\hment\
      lOth  Football. Weight L1fung        9th: Band. Beta Club. AcademiC Letter
      lith  f'OOtball.  Mu Alpha Theta     lOth  Band, Who's Who
     Goal  . Attend college, have a fam1ly of my own, become a well known   lith  Band. Who'' Who
     au.:hHet:t, and hve an  the country   12th  Band. Beta  lub, ll 0  S.A
                                           Goal  _Graduate h1gh  school and go to coli lege for a degree 10  ped1catnc
      Memonc  -The b1cyclc.  football  practice, field tnps:  Busch Gardens, Canoe
     tnp, and cookout>. Tome  w1th  fnend  . Prom mgh~ Pep rallies, and football   nunmg
     game                                  Mcmone\  D.C  Tour 2001. Rolling down the h1ll,  Drama m DC. Band
                                           Memone  . Vero Beil(h, ''11le only one", A  h-'-"tt and  Hea\er
      Bntnce Skmner
      DO B · 05-17-84                      1cole Stanley
      Pla,e·  l  e cuy                     D.O.B: 01-28-84
      Per  m Mn~t Adm1red:  Parent~        Pia<:<. Alachua
      f-aHlfltc Song: "Free Fallin" by: Tom Petty   Per;on Mo\l Admire: Andrea  tanley
      Fu.\onte Quote· "Lafe is  hort \.0 make the be  tofu."   Fa\ontcSong: "When You  ay   othmgAtAII"b~.AIIi on  Krau
     Acc.:omph  hment\                     Fa\onte Quote  "God h.,  a  oluton for 1t  all."
     9th  JV Cheerlead mg. Track           Accomph  hm  nt\
                                           9th  AcademiC Letter. Bo.,hng Team, Honor Roll. Band
      lOth  JV Checrlcadmg. LEO Club. SADD, Beta Club
      lith. Var;u~ Checrleadmg. LEO Club. SADD. Beta Club. Weight Llftmg.   lOth:  AcademiC Letter, Lettered 10 Bowling. Who'  Who. Honor Roll.  LEO
      Fr.nch Club                          Club, Letter 10  Band
                                           lith. Academic Letter. Var.Hy Bowling. Vm1t) We1ghthft1ng.  auonal Honor
      I  .2th Cheerleadmg. We~ght Lifting
     (,oal  . Go to college, get mamed. ha't·e two kids. and h\c happily e\·er after'   Roll Award. LEO Club. Lettered 10 Weighthftlng
                                           12th  Vice Pre\ldent of LEO Club. AcademiC Letter. Bowling. \\e~ghthftmg.
      Mcmone  Mop  , Lll' Da>e'  . FAB S,late mght creeps, Eric\ nver part~< .
      memonc  '"th HB, JM, JB, JE. RE.  V,   , APG, Graduation 2000, Koon'  .   Beta Club
                                           Gooh:  Go to FlJ  for 4 year\ then go to the Lm ... er:;uy of  ·unny  an  Bufralo
      mght before  II th grade
                                           ew Yor~ and gettmg my PHD 10 Cnmmal P  ychology. then "ork for the CIA
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