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             A                          DOB ..  08-16-85          D.O.B · 03-28-85           Favontc  ong. "Mary II ad a Louie Lamb"
                                                                  Place: Gaone;volle. FL
                                        favorite Quote  "Don't do what you like. like
                                                                                             Favorite Quote: "You can't be late until you
                                        what you do"              Favorite Song: "A Woman Worth" by  Maxwell   show up."
             Thanda  boytes                                       Favorite Quote: "What goes around, come'>   Accompli;hments:
             D.O.B.  0  .().1-84        Lawanda  Barber           around ...                 9th:  Pa'>\mg the grade, '>lartong a band
                                        DO.B  01  3().85          Accompl"hment  :           lOth  Buildong a hou;e
             Place·  Chocago.  IL
                                        Place: Lake City. Fl.     9th: Perfect auendance. AB  Honor Roll   II th: Artwork di\played. cookong
             Fa,onte  ong.  ··  ungy·· by  Gonuwine
                                        Favorite  ong: ''Thl\ Woman\ Work"   lOth:  Perfect allendance   12th  Mu'>IC,  poetry, life, finding God. Love,
             Fa,orite Quote  ''What"  up Iii" homieT
                                        Favonte Quote: "If you believe. you woll   lith: Perfect auendance,  ational Honor Roll   and mo't important a future
                                        succeed."                  ociety. AB Honor Roll
             Heather Aker
                                        Accompli. hment;:         12th: Perfect allendan  e,  auonal Honor Roll
             D O.B  11-03-84                                                                 Rachael Bolser
                                        9th: Band. recei'ed an academic leuer. honor   ocoety
             Place: Huntington. W                                                            D 0  B.  01-08-85
                                        roll award and panocipated in the optonmt
             Fa,oritc  ong: ''Good  1omong Beautoful"                                        Place  Maryland
                                        W ntong COniC\!            atasha  Benton
              ccompli  hment;:                                                               Favonte  ong:  "Hot on  Here" by  elly
                                        lOth: Received an academoc lellcr. honor roll   D.O. B.: 06-08-85
             9th:  1akong it to Hogh  chool                                                  Favonte Quote: "Be true to your heart."
                                        award,  Beta club, student council representa-  Place:  Lake City, FL   Accomplishments:
              mber  lexander            tive, and a member of Pep Club   Favorne  ong: "Remember Me" by  Khia   lOth· OJT
             D.O  B  12-06-84           lith: Received an academic leuer, honor roll   Favonte Quote  ''Thank ya!"   lith· ocr 1
             Pia  e:  Lake City. FL     award, and Student Council cia>'> repre>enta-  Accomplishment;:   12th: ocr2
             Favorite Song. "P Juoce"   tive                      9th: Track, AB  Honor Roll,  Beta Club
             Accomplo;hment;:           12th:  ational  Honor  ocoety.  Beta  lub,   I Oth: Honor Roll   abrina Bossuyt
                                        tudent Councol cia'>'> repre\entative   lith: Honor Roll   D.O. B.: 06-06-85
             12th: ocr voce pre;ident. graduatoon
                                        maintaining 3.  G.P.A.    12th: ocr, Honor Roll      Place: Games vi lie, FL
             Brandon  lien                                                                   Favorite  ong: "Happy" by Ashanu
                                        Bradley Barrs              manda Berry               Favonte Quote: "What's meant to be, will  be."
                                                                  D.O.B.  08-17- 5
             \>incent  nderson                                                               Accompli'>hments:
                                        Paul Bassett              Place: Lake City, FL
             D 0  R  12-08-84                                                                9th: AB  Honor Roll, Perfect auendance.
             Place: Gainesvolle. FL                               favorite Song: "Amanda" by Boston   Academic leuer
                                        David Bell                Favorne Quote: "Welcome to S &  S, your
             Fa\onte Song: "Oolemma" by  elly                                                lOth: AB  Honor Roll. Perfect auendance,
             Fa,orite Quote: "When the going get; tough.          pump 1  on."               Academoc leuer
                                        Keith Beltran             Accomplishment;:
             the tough get goong"                                                            lith: AB honor Roll. Academoc leuer
             Accompli;hment;.                                     9th: Academic leuer. honor roll, and volunteer   12th: AB Honor Roll.  ational  Honor Society
                                        Rebekah Benefield         of the year
             9th: Playing football
                                        D.O.B.:  10-2  -84        I Oth: Academic leuer,  honor roll
             I Oth: Playing football                                                         Jamie Bo,.den
                                        Pia  e:  Lake City. FL    II th: For>!  Federal. honor roll, HO  A
              lith: Pa'>'>mg FCAT
                                        Favonte  ong: "Re  pect"   12th. Honor Socoety, Beta Club, h  nor roll,
             12th: Pa;;ong f  AT                                                             Lindsey Bo,.les
                                        Favorite Quote: "Being happy doe;n't mean   HOSA     D.O.B ..  02-19-85
             Erin  >ery                 being perfect. JUS!  >eeong past the omperfec-       Place:  Lake Coty. Fl.
                                        toons."                    urtis Bethea
             D.O B  07-06-85                                                                 Favontc  ong  ..  ox  Feet from  the Edge"
                                        Accomplo;hment;:          D.O.B.:  05-1().85
             Place: Gaone;volle. FL                                                          Favorite Qu  te:  "Waotong for the right guy,
             Fa\onte Song: "Just Breathe" by  Faoth  Holl   9th: CHS Color Guard   Place: Lake City, Fl.   meanwhile having a great tome with the wrong
             Fa,orite Quote: "If I  ay I can.  then I can."   I Oth: CHS Color Guard, Apple Blossom   Favorite Song: ''I'm a Louie Tea Pot"   one\
             Accompli;hment;:                                     Fav  rite Quote  "It\ all funny until ;omeone   Accomplishments·
             9th: Making lito fhgh Sch   II th: Band, quanenna\ter. Oklahoma   gets hurt ... then ot\ holanous."   9th: JV Soccer, JV Golf
             I  Oth:  Good grade;       orchestra pot             Accomplishment;:           lOth:  JV Soccer, JV Golf
                                        12th: Band, chief quanermaster, Chorus   I  Oth:  Leuer in Track
             B                          Christina Bennett         lith: Leuer in  occer      Barrett Boyette
                                                                  12th: Letter in  occer and Track
                                                                                             D.O.B : 03· 12-85
                                        D.O.B.: 04-04-84                                     Place:  Lake City, FL
                                        Place: Morgantown, WV     Christopher Beury
             Luis Bae7                                                                       Favonte  ong:  "Only The  trong Survive" b)
                                        Favonte Song: " Kryptonote" by 3 Doors Down   DO B.:Ol-18-84   Raw
                                        Favorite Quote:  "I don't JU'>l  want to live.  I   Place:  Hammon.  A   Accomplo\hments:
             Tim  thy Bailem
                                        want to love firM, and live oncodentally."   Favonte Song: "Basket Case" by Green Day   9th: ROTC, nfle team. CJSA
                                        Accomplishments:          Favorite Quote: "Trust Me."   lOth: ROTC, rifle team, CJ  A
             Tamiesha Bailem            9th: AB  Honor R  II, academic leuer                 lith: ROT  , rifle team, CJ  A
             D O.B.  04-23- 5           lOth:  I st place in  math fair, AB  II  nor Roll,   Timothy Bisque   12th  ROT  • rifle team, CJ  A
             Place·  H. Myef\, F1.      academoc letter
             Fa,onte Song  "Don't Change" by Musoq   lith: Young at Art Award, acadcmoc leuer   Bethany Blocker   Brittany Boyette
             Fa,onte Quote:  "Ya know what"' Don't even   12th:  ational  Honor  ocoety, Beta Club, Art   D O.B.:  12-07-84
             much worry about 11"       Club                       athan Boeckman            Place:  Lake City, FL
                                                                  DOB·4-16-84               Favonte Song: "On the Wings of Love"
             Cherriot Barber            Tabitha Bennett           Place: Gainesvolle, Fl.   Favonte Quote: "One can stand alone, but two
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