Page 265 - chs-2003
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have each other to I ,m on " Holly Bruner Favonte Song "Another Day Another
Accomplt,hmcnt,. D.O. B. II -20-!14 Dollar" by J T Money
9th: Beta Club Place· Gaine'"llc. H I'<IHJntc Quote: "I lo'c my,elf."
lOth: State hi to!) fatr Favontc Song "Biller SV~.eet Symphony"" Accomplishment,.
lith' auonalllonnr Socict>. Beta Club Fa,onte Quote: "Ltfe "what you make 9th· Football. v.etght lifting. and mo,ed to
12th· attonal Honor Sn.:~ety. Beta Club tt." vaNty football
Accomplishments: I Oth: Football. "etghtliftmg. and I st
Charyll Bradle 9th Band/auxiliary. Beta Club. FCA round playofh
D.O B IO-OJ-R4 lOth: Bnadlauxiliary. Mu Alpha Thet<l lith: Football . . lrd round playoff,
Place Lake City, H . lith: Mu Alpha Theta. Bov.ling, f'rcnch 12th: Football
Favonte Song: ''lngmuon" by R Kelly lub. Key Club
9th: JV \ofthall, chc rlcadmg 12th: Bowling. Beta Club. French Club. Kry~tal Campbell
lOth J cheerlead mg. S\\AT. SADD. Pep 1u Alpha Theta. H . Key Club 'ICC
Club, French Cluh president Lani ha Carodine
lith: Who'' Who, l·rench C'luh, SADD
12th: SENIOR Ashley Bryant Christa Carodine
D.O B.: 11 -30-84 D 0 B . 06-15-85
ick Brady Place Lake City. H ... Place Game'"llc, FL
D.OB IO'll !14 Favontc Song: "Young" by Kenny l·a,onte S ng: "lla\c You E'er" by
Place: Lake City. FL Chesney Brandy
Favorite ong "I Belic'e I Can Fly" by R. Favonte Quote: 'The only guy wonh f<~vorite Quote: "Whate,er."
Kelly crying over" the one who wtll never Accomplishment..:
Favontc Quote: "You gotta do. what you make you cry." 9th: Watchmg Grea.-.e Lightmng in English I
gotta do." Accomplishments: I Oth: Pep Club
Accompli,hmcnt' 12th· CBE lith Engll\h Ill
9th: Baseball 12th: tudent Council Representative
lith: Baseball Benjamin Bryant
12th· Baseball. gmduatmg DO B 05-4- 5 Haley ars-.. ell
Place: Lake Ctty. FL
Elizabeth Brantley Favonte Quote: ''LI\e your life today, and Alisha Ca on
D.O.B .. II 20-84 hope for tomorrow." D.O B · 9-13-83
Place Gainesville. FL Accomplishments: Place: Gamesvtllc. FL
Favorite Song: "Prayer" by DISturlved 9th: Football running back Fa,orite Song: "One m a Mtllion" by
Favonte Quote: "The future hold\ lOth: Football runmng back Aaliyah
e\CI)thmg," lith: Leadel'l>htp. Club Officer Fa,onte Quote: 'Thank Ya."
Accomplishment\: 12th: Leadership. Club Officer Accomplishments:
9th: AB Honor Roll
Tabelha Brennan David Buiey I Oth: Tigerette. , All American Dance
D.O.B.: 08-10-85 Team. Pep Club
Place: Hollywood, l·L Bradley Bullard lith: Tigerettes, All merican Dance
Favorite Song " obody" by Ketth Sweat D.O. B.: 07-01-85 Team. Top Gun Dancer
Favorite Quote: "Succc" makes us Place: Gamesville, FL 12th: Tigereues
intolerant of fat lure. and fat lure makes us Favorite Song: "Hit or MISs" by A cw
mtolcrant ohucce"." found Glory Fiorella astaneda
Accomplishments: Favorite Quote: "Learnmg ts lil.e a D.O. B.: 07-7- 4
9th: Tennis, AB Honor Roll rocking chair, it's gives you \omething to Place: Ltma. Peru
lOth: Tennis. AB Honor Roll, perfect do, but it doesn't get you anywhere." Favorite Song. "Have You Ever" by
attendance, Who·, Who, Beta Club Accomplishments: Brandy
lith: Tenni\, AB llonor Roll, Wh \Who. lOth: CJSA Favonte Quote: "Chtmpun Callao. Via
Beta Club, H , 110 A lith CJSA AhanLa Lima"
12th· Tenms. AB Honor Roll. Who's Who. 12th: CJSA Accomplishments:
Beta Club. HS, HOS'\ 9th· Cheerleading ( J)
Misty Burcham lOth: occer (JV)
Cody Brill D.O.B.: 10-0 -02 II th: pamsh Club. occer - Most
Place: Jack onville, FL Valuable Midfield. Who'; Who Among
Ricky Brock Favorite Song: "Greate<t Love" by American Htgh chool \ludent
Whuney Houston 12th Spant'h Club
Kimberly Brown Favonte Quote: "Don't "alk in others'
D.O.B 09-07-81 \h<ldows." Laura Ceresia
Placc·Lake City, I L Accomplishments D.O B 11-12-!14
Favorite Song. "Dtlcmma" by elly and 9th: J.R.O.T.C Drill Team. J.R.O.T.C. Place: Calcuua. I
Kelly Rowland letter Favonte ong. "There I'll Be" by Fatth
ravonte Quote: "Lave i. like the wmd: lOth: J.R.O.TC. Drill Team (warmed Hill
you can't o;ee it but you can alway feel it." <,quad commander) Favonte Quote: "America's chocolate bar"
Accompli,hments: lith: J.R.OT.C Dnll Team (warmed Hershey's
9th ROT I 'quad commander) Accompli\hments:
lOth· ROTC II 12th: J.R.O.T.C. Dnll Team (warmed II th: French Club. Journalism
lith ROT Ill ,quad commander), female drill team 12th: Journalism
12th. R<ITC IV, Graduallon commander (J.R.O.T.C S-5)
Christopher Clary
Amanda Brunda~ Ieven Burnette
DO.B : 04-19l!5 Lindsey layton
Place: Madl'on Hetght . Ml ly e Burton D.O B .. 4-27- 5
Fa\orite Son·. "Unchatned Melody" Place: Game..vtlle, FL
FaHmlc Qt•otc· " I can do all thing; Rebecca Bu by favorite Song . .. ilcn c"
through C'nmt who 'trengthcns me." Favorite Quote "It Wa. n't Me."
<'Comrlt hm nh abrina Bush Accomplishments·s
lOth: Beta Club, II , ymphomc Band. c gmduating
9th Retd ( luh. JIIS, Symphonic Band, 12th· Getung through htgh school and
marchmg band, F A. AB Honor Roll
llonor band, Solo and l:.n\Cmblc, ica ohen
marchmg b<~nd. A B H nor Roll Keith CaJd-..eU
lith: Beta Club, liS. AB Honor Roll Tiffany olllns
12th: Beta Club, II . CBE "ccthean. Antjuan Carnie! D.O.B · 12 29-84
AB Honor Roll, JSA lh,torian. Law D.O.B.: 08-12-!14 Place: Tallaha"cc. FL
llonor Society Place: Lake City. FL Favorite Song. "I'm Mo mg On" by