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Fa\Orit~ Qunt  . " \  man \Happed up in   Favonte Quote: "One i>  what one docs."   12th·  orth Ronda Honor Band. Band
        himselt  m.1kc  a '"ry  malt package."   Accompl1shmenh:   (CHS ).  Drum Lmc Section Leader. 6
        Accomplishment          9th: Basketball         Superior Metals, The Band playmg at the
        9th  JV Volleyball. Soccer, Softball   lOth: Basketball   Cotton Bowl
        lOth  JV Volleyball  var"ty. Softball   II th  Football
        lith  VaNty Volleyball. Softball. CJSA
        12th  Var\lt} Volleyball, Soccer, Softball,   Cami Fenter   G
        \\eight hfung. C'JS
                                Je sica Ferguson
                                                        Jo  hua Garner
        Ashley Duncan           D.O. B  03 22-l!S       D.O B.: 09-06-l!4
        D 0  B  06-20-85        Place· Game,\llle. FL   Place: Wharton, TX
        Place  n . Lauderdale, 11.   l·avoritc Song  "The Dance" by Garth   f·avoritc Song. "You  Know"
        Favonte Song: "Wonderland" by John   Brooks     Favorite Quote: "Always look at yourself
        Mayer                   Favonte Quote: "Look at  life through the   as 112. because you can always be  better."
        Favontc Quote: "A faithful fnend" the   windshield and not the rear view m1rror."   Accomplishments
        medicine of hfc "       Accomplishments:        9th: Symphonic Band.  upenor at Solo
        Accomplishments:        9th: Honor Roll. Perfect Attendance   Ensemble. SWAT. AB  honor
        9th: All American Scholar, SpanlSh Club.   lOth  FCA. SWAT   I  Oth: Symphonic Band. Supenor at  olo
        Beta Club               I Ith  Student Council, Environmental   Ensemble, AB  Honor Roll
        lOth: All Amencan Scholar,  H  . Art   Academy   II th: Symphonic Band. Chamber Smger,
        Club                    12th: llonor Roll. Perfect Attendance,   12th: Sen1or Drum Major. Student Body
        lith: Who's Who         Graduation               HlStonan, Semor Sk1t, Chamber Smgers.
        12th: Who's Who. C'BA                           Candlelight, All-State try-out
                                • heena  Fields
        Samuel Dunn             D.O.B.  03-21 -85       Melissa Gavarrette
                                Place: Ft.  Riley. Kansas
                                                         D.O.B.: 10-18-85
        Dustin Dupree           Favorite Song: "Baby" by A;hanu   Pia  e: Lake City. FL
        D.O.B  02-14-l!4        Favorite Quote  "I can do all thing"   ravonte  ong: "Let My Words  Be Few''
        Place: Jackson\llle. 1-"L   through Chmt Je,u; who strengthens me."   by Matt Redman
        Favorite Song. "Let\ Get 1t  On"  by   Phil413   Favorite Quote: "To the world. you may
        Manm Gaye               Accompl"hmenh:           be one person, but to one person you may
        Favorite Quote: "Holla Back Youngin"   9th: Academic Letter. AB Honor Roll.   be the world."
        Accomph;hments·         FCC LA. Dance Club. Beta Club   Accomplishments:
        9th:  I got out         lOth  AB  Honor Roll, Pep  lub. FCCLA.   9th: All State Chorus. Beta Club, I'  A.
        lith: I ki>sed Mr,. Phillips   tudent Counci I   Freshman Skit -Napoleon
        12th: All the memone" with my  friends   lith:  auonal Honor Roll, Who's Who.   I Oth: Cabaret Spartan cheerleader,, Relay
                                AB  Honor Roll. Cia" Vice Pre,idcnt.
                                                         for Life
        Paul Dyal               Student Council          lith: All State chorus, Girl;· State
        D.O.B.: 02-25-85        12th:  Beta Club. HOSA.  ational  Honor   Comptroller.  liS Beta Club. Cabaret
        Place·  orth Carolina   Roll. AB Honor Roll      M  . Who\ Who
        Favorite Song  "Still 1-'ly"                     12th.  HS. Beta Club. FCA, Who';  Who,
        Favonte Quote  "I do what I can."   Sharee Ford
                                                         ational Honor Roll, Wnting the senior
        Accompll,hmenh:         D.OB  II  17  84         skit - need I say more.
        9th:  Having 2 plates and 7 screw" put in   Place: Jacksonvtlle, FL
        my arm                  Favorite  ong: "All My  Life" by  KC &   Matthew Geisler
        II th: Got a car. passed Pre-Calculu"   JoJo     D O.B.:5-25-85
        12th:  Becoming an  Eagle scout.   ravorite Quote: "Success is the ability to   Place: I'L Lauderdale. FL
        graduating              go from one failure to another with no loss   Favorite Song: "The Red" by Chevelle
                                of enthusiasm."
                                                         Favorite Quote: "As good friendships
        E                       Accompllshme~ts:         deepen, my  love of life abounds."
                                9th: JR.O.TC., Color Guard. Who's Who,
                                Drill team               Accomplishments:
                                                         9th· Swim Tean1, State Comp.
                                 lOth  Academ1c letter, Who's Who.
        Beverly Erne  t                                  lOth· Swun Team,  occer Team IJVJ.
                                J.R.O.TC.. Color Guard, Drill Team
                                 II th:  Who's Who, J.R.O.TC, Color Guard
        Alfred Evans                                     II th: Swim Team, Soccer Team (V).
                                & Commander, Drill Team
        D.O.B ..  11 -9-84       12th: J.R.O.T.C. Color Guard commander,   Drama Heartthrob.  tate Comp
        Place:  Jack,onville. FL   Who\ Who              12th: Swim Team (Cap).  occerTeam
        Favorite Song  "Rep Yo City (Duval)"  by         (V), JROTC Heartthrob, State Comp.
        Lil Jon &  East"de Boy1   Michael Fraser
        Favorite Quote: "Come  ee Bout Me."             John Gherna
                                                         D.O.B.: 12-18-02
                                Joy Frazier
        Yuri Exum                                        Place· Danville. IL
                                                         Favorite Song: "Mon~ey vs. Robot"
                                Allisha  Fudge
         ataliya Exum                                    Favorite Quote: "The point of "'ar is not to
                                 D.O B · 03-05-85
        D.O B  07  29 H5                                 die for your country, it\ to mal.:~ the other
                                 Place:  Lake  ity.  FL
        Place: OnepropetroV>k. Uknune                    d1c  for his." Gen G.S. Patton
                                 Favorite Song: "To God be the glory."
        Favonte Song. "  tand Alone" by                  Accomplishments:
                                 Favorite Quote: "Yeah, Whatever"
        Godsmack                                         9th: ROTC
        Favontc Quote: "True friends stab you in   II th: Got accepted into Mr;._  llohday's   lOth· ROTC Drill Team
        the front."                                      II th. ROTC, Chess Club, Star K1d>.  Color
                                 nursmg program
        Accomplishments.                                 guard
                                 12th  Graduated from CIIS, Got A's
        9th: Track. Beta                                 12th  ROTC.  J  A.  Star Kids. CheS>
         lOth: Captam of the Relay-4-Life team.          Club, ROTC Color guard
                                  lvin Fulton
         ht place m the RegiOnal  Hi;tory Fair
                                 D.O.B  05-05-84
         II th: Academic Letter                          Jerome Gibson
                                 Place  Game>V1lle,  rL
         12th: Pre"Jent of the Bu>mess Academy.          D.O.B.:  11-18-84
                                 Favonte Song: "These Are the Days of
         Secrctarvffrt'<lSUrer of the Art Club           Place·  Lake City. FL
                                 Our Lives" by Bone Thugs and llarrnony
                                                         Favorite Song: "Grindm"  by Clipse
                                 l'avonte Quote:  "My mom loves me   l'avonte Quote: "Anythmg you do. do it
        F                        because of the way I dres;."   big."
                                 Accompli  hments:
                                 9th   orth Florida Honor Band, Band   ccomplishments:
                                                         9th:  Perfect Attendance. AB  honor roll.
         Latina Fennell          (CH  J
         D.O.B ·  II  19-84      lOth:  Band (CH  ).  Playing in the Apple   Choru>
                                                         lOth:  Perfect Attend,mce. 3.0, passmg
         Place  Gaines\llle, rL   Blossom Parade in Washmgton. D.C   T'  AT. football. Men's chorus.
         Favorite Song: "Thug Hohday" by Trick   lith: Band (CHS). As;lStant Drum Lme   II th: 3.0, Chorus. football
         Daddy                   Section Leader
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