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12th football. 3.0 D.O.B: 09-17-84 Cotton Bowl
Place· Valdo\la. GA
Heal her Giebeig FaH>nte . ong "Ocean Hoor" Tamcka !licks
D.O B 10-22-84 1-aHlrtte Quote "l·a1th of a mu>Lard seed
Place: Lake City. f'L can mo\c mounlains." Garrell Hill
f'avorite ong. "Amanng Grace" Accomplishmcms: D.O.B. 09 17-84
1-'a,oritc Quote· "Fa,orite people. hiHlrlte 9th: FCA. Beta Place: Gaine,vtlle. I'L
places. fa\Orlle mcmones of the past.. I Oth: F A. 110. A. llcalth Sc1ence I Fa,onte ~ong "Rememt>..:r Me" b) 1111
the'e arc the JO)s of a hfeume. these arc lith: FCA. IIOSA. llealth c1ence 2 McGraw
the thongs that Ia t.'' 12th· fCA. Beta. HOSA. Tech Prep Fa\Ortte Quote: "l·ull of Sound and l·ury,
Accomplishmcnh. S1gn1fying othtng."
9th: Band. Hag Team. Beta Cluh, Daniel Graham Accomplishments
Acadcnuc Lcner 9th JV Ba,eball. Ba,ketball, Gold Glme
lOth: Band. Flag Team. Beta Club. Zachary Granon A"ard. Two Academic A 'l-ard'
Academ1c Lener D O.B 01-21-85 I Oth: JV Ba,eball. Basketball. cad ·m1c
lith: Band. Flag Team. Beta Club, Honor Place· H. Ltuderdale, FL Award
ociety. cadcm1c Lcner F,l\onte Song .. ong of the South" by II th Varstty Ba,cball
12th: Band. Flag Team. Beta Club. Honor Aluhoma 12th Var\1ty Baseball, Mu Alpha Theta,
OCICty Fa,onte Quote: "No maner how much you II . Beta Club, Crinunal Justice Club
"'"by. 'I-inning" winning.''
'l)rell Ghens Accomplishmems: Joshua Hill
D.O.B. 10-19-84 9th Goll D.O.B 04-28-85
Place: Lake City. FL lOth Criminal Justtve Place Gamesvtlle. FL
l·a-ontc ong: "Doin Ju\1 l'ine" by Boy/ II th: Goll. nmonal Justice l·a\oritc Song: "What's Thts Life for" by
II 1en 12th: Golf. Criminal Ju>tice reed
ra\orite Quote· "God don't hke ugly ... but Favorite Quote: "Whatever it takes."
he made it." Andrea Griffin Accompli.,hments:
Accompl1shmcms. 9th· JV Football, Surviving my teachers
9th Band Michael Griffin and co,lche' throughout h1gh school
I Oth: Band, horu;, HS, Beta D.O B 08-19-85 I Olh: JV & Var;tty Football. Stanmg Dual
lith: Band, Chorus. Track. HS. Beta Place Unknown enrollment, Pas,mg Alg. II with M". Co\
12th Band. Chorus. Cro\\ Country. HS. l·a,ontc Song: "Paid Dues" II th: Var>tty Football. Dual Enrollment,
Beta 1·3\oritc Quote: .. ut" takmg Spant>h wtth Mrs. Hunt
Accomplishment>: 12th: Varstty football. 2-way taner.
Jodi Glass lOth: A Honor Roll Graduatmg from college
D.O.B. 10-9- 4 Workong '1-llh Mrs. pradley, Mrs.
Place: Ll\e Oak. FL \\ tlhams . .\1rs. Robonson. and Coach my Hizer
Fa\ortle Song: "De" I Wem Down to 'eJ..,on DO.B. 10-09-84
Georg1a'' by Charlie Daniel's Band Place: Jack.,On\llle. FL
1-a\onte Qume: "E\erylhing happens for a Favonte Song. " othm for Free" By John
rea on H & the Ea.,tside Boy.,
Accomphshmems Favorite Quote "Catch 22"
9th: lmeract, Studem Counc1l. Beta Club, Accompli.,hments:
Jennifer Haley
I+ A. JV Cheerleader, Strawberry Princess 9th: JV Golf. French lub
D.O.B 06-28-85
I Oth Moved to CIIS lOth JV Golf, French lub
Place: Lake ity. FL
lith: II th: VarSity Golf, Secretary of French
Favorite Song: "Picture" by Kid Rock
12th: CBE Historian. French lub. Club, Vice Pre.,ident of Key Club
Favonte Quote: "I know, right?"
llomecoming Coun. Most Likely to 12th: Var;tty Golf. Vice President of
Brighten Your Day. Graduation AB llonor f-rench Club. President ol Key Club
9th JROT
lith JROTC Travi Hobbs
Philip Glo>er D O.B 01 18-85
12th JROT . beconung pan of>tan.
DO.B 01-26-85 Place Lake City. FL
getung license
Place: Jack,om ille. FL Favonte ong: ··Knock on Wood" by
Fa-orite ong: "Fade To Black" by Mighty M1ghty Bo ton
hala Hall
Metallica Fa\onte Quote: ''They can't depon me,
Favontc Quote: "Probably not." I'm a attvc American"- Jackie Wood
Donald Ham
Accomplt.,hmems: Accompltshments:
9th FCA 9th· JROTC, Electronics I. Color Guard.
lOth Soccer Danielle Harden Drill Team. bhib1tion Team
D.O.B. 08-07-85
lith occer lOth JROTC, Electronics 2, Color Guard.
Place Lake City, f-"L
12th: Soccer. Treasurer of CJSA Dnll team, Exhib1t1on Team
Favome ong: "I love you" by Destiny's
II th: JROTC, Exhib1Lton Team. Color
Michael Goggins Guard, Dnll Team, ExhibitiOn
Favonte Quote:
DO B II 02-84 12th: JROTC. JROTC \tan member.
Place: Lake City, FL Exhibition Team Captain, ElecLrOnic> 3&. 4
I I th DC'T. becommg senior
Favorite ong: " hine and recline" by 8-
12th Graduation! OCT president
Ball& MJG Elizabeth Hoffman
l·avonte Quote: ""Learn how to count D.O. B. 07 12-84
Tara H ay~li p
your money. before you learn how to ball." Pia e· Jacksonville, FL
Accomph.,hmenls: Favonte ong: "AmaLing Grace"
Amanda Hedgepath
Fa,orite Quote: "If you are tilltaii..Jng
D 0 B 10-22-84
manda G{)()(! about what you d1d ye.,terday, then you
Place: ocfolk. VA
D.O.B. 10-18-85 have accompli.,hcd nothing today."
f-avorite ong: "A Kis., to Build a Dream
Place: onh Carolina Accomplishment>:
On" by Loui., Annstrong
1-avonte Song: "I'm mo\ln on" by Rascal 9th Ch ru>
l·avorite Quote: ''Too much of a good
thtng " wonderful" Mae West
Favonte Quote: "I 00 Memorie;, 200 Accompl1,hmems: Chri !ina Holder
jokes. 300 great limes. 400 secrets, I D 0 B 06-06-85
9th: Band, . FL Honor Band, AB Honor
reason. be>! friends." Roll Place M1am1. FL
Accomph.,hmems: Fa\onte Song· "I Will Always Love You"
lOth· Band. f·L llonor Band, HS, AB
12th: Joumah.,m and graduaung llonor Roll. Wa.,hington. D.C- Apple by Wh1tney lluston
Blo.,,om f'e.,mal Favonte Quote:
Toree' Gordon II th: Band, FL Honor Band. NH . Accompli\hments:
Beta lub. AB llonor Roll 9th Symphonic band
Blake Graham 12th: Band. liS. Beta Club, Dalla; TX I Oth Band - a"istant sect1on leader