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(flute,). at  I  B.A  I \t chaor honor   favorite Quote  "You never got ahead   Krystal Jones
                                \I!Ung on your ochond."   D 0  B  01 -06-85
        lith: Band · \CellOn  leader (tlutc\),  ht      Place  Lake City. Fl.
        chaor honor band. V P. of chamh<!r '>tngcr..    Favonte Song:" Work  It" by: Mossy Elliot
        ot-Wind,, chamh<!r 'ingcr officer.., All·  J    l·avonte Quote:  " Don't hate me becau  e
        12th·  Band .  woodwind captaon, l'c\tl\al·
                                                        you aon't me.
        State                                           Accomplishment':
                                                        9th: Track Team
                                Alican Jean-Marie
        Amanda Honeycull                                lith  Swat. weoghtlifllng. Track Team,
                                                        Pep Club
                                Joseph Jenkins (Daniel)
        Joseph Houle (Luc)      D.O.B.:  11 -29-84      12th  Weoghtlifting, Track Team
        D.O B  I0-06-H4         Place: Gaonc,vollc. Fl
        Place:  llu\ton. Texas   Favorite Song: "Welcome to the Jungle"   Mario Jones
        Favontc Song: "Moti,auon PrO<Iamauon"
                                by· Gun\- -Ro<.e'
        by Good Charlotte       Favonte Quote: "  ever undere>tomatc toc   Robert Jone
        Fa,onte Quote: "You're beautofui. JU\1  not     D.O.B  07-26-85
        on the '""de" Sa'c' the Day   Accompli'>hmcnt\   Place  Killeen. Texa.s
        Accompli,hmcnl\.        9th: Football. Ba\ketball   Accomplishment"
        lOth: SO<ccr            I  Oth:  Football. Basketball. Spani>h Club.   9th  JROTC
        lith: Acadcmu: Team. IIO<kcy   FCA              lOth  JROTC. Color Guard. Sabre Guard
        12th: Acadcmoc Team Captaon. DDR.   lith: Football. Ba\ketball. Spani\h Club.   (Germany)
        Glory, Lottie Shop Of llorror\   Leo Club. F  A   lith  JROTC. Color Guard. (Germany)
                                                        12th  JROTC, Color Guard (CIIS)
                                12th: Basketball. Football. Leo Club
        Chad Hubert
                                                        T'  unna Jones
                                Bryson Johnson
        Amber Huggins           D.O. B.: 06-02-84
        D.O.B .. 09-08-84
                                Place: Lake City, Fl.
        Place. Lake City, I·L   Favorite Song:  Unforgovcn II by: Metacllia
        Favorite Song  "It's Getting !lot in  Here"
                                Favorite Quote: " She saod Turd"
        by  city                                        K
        ra\Ortte Quote: "For  cnou'
                                9th: Clas• pre\ldent. Beta Club. J
                                Soccer. VaNty Tenni\
        9th:  SO<ccr                                    Katherine Kamback
                                lOth:  Cla;s prc\idcnt. Leo Club. VaNty
        lOth:  Soccer           Soccer. Var  oty Tenm;   D.O.B   10-15-84
        12th  OCT                                       Place  Bethlehem. Pa.
                                lith: National  Honor  ociety,  tudent
                                                        Favonte  ong.  "It'  My Life" by:  Jon
                                Council.  Var"ty  occcr. Van.oty Tenni\.
        Daniel Hunt             Mu Alpha Theta          Bon Jo"
        D.O.B   10·20·!14       12th:  allonal  llonor  ociety. Beta Club.   Favonte Quote:  " Beheve on  Magic"
        Place· Ocala. FL        M  Alpha, Theta. Student Council.   ccomphshment>:
        l'avontc Song: "Angeb Fall Down" by   Varsity Football, Var\lty Soccer. Var<,oty   9th:  BA  D/A  XILIARY.  Beta Club;
         kollct                  occer. Var,ny Tcnn"    FCA
        Favorite Quote: "It'; not "'hat you look        lOth  FWH  Van.oty  occer (Captain):
                                                        Beta Club: HOSA;  ophomore class voce
        like you're doong,  it'' "'hat you do."
                                Heather Johnson         presodent; Spanl\h Club. Leader>htp Club,
                                D.O.B.:  10-29-84       Peer mediator
        9th: Made quad' for Drum line
                                Place:  Lake City. Fl.   II th·  CH   occer (Captain);  ational
        I Oth: As..i\lant scctoon leader, Apple
                                Favorite Song: "Time of Your Life" by·   llonor Society; Varsity Bowling, Beta
        Blo...,om Parade, Wru.hongton  D.C with the
                                Green Day               Club, Spanish Club. Mu Alpha Theta
                                Favorite Quote: "Love each day as if ot   12th:  Var;ity Bowhng. Beta Club,  HS.
        II th: 2nd lcuitcncnt for Drum line,
                                were your lru.t. occausc someone day 11   Leo Club. Spanish Club. Mu Alpha Theta
        maoght '>upcrior at FBA conccn. >traight
                                will be"
        excellence at  \late conccn
                                Accomplishments:        Kip Keaton
        12th:  Pcrcu,,oon captaon, pcrfom1ancc on
                                9th: J.V., Soccer, Co-Captam, Beta.  JH   D.O.B ..  11-17-84
        Dalla,, Tcxa'
                                lOth:  Var\ity. Soccer. Beta.  JHS   Place  Gainesville. A
                                lith: Beta, NJII        Fa,orite  ong: "Loghtnong Crashc<' by·
        Christina Hunter
                                12th: Beta.  J HS       Love
        DO.B  01  04-85
                                                        Fa,orite Quote: .. My ob' iou' charms and
        Place  Lake City. FL                            God-hke powen. al,.ay; daale the ;imple.
        Favorite Song. "Karma" b) Jc\\ICa   Mickey Johnson
                                                        ordonary folk" - Dark  chnoder
        Andre"''                                        Accompli!>hment>:
        Favorite Quote: "Whatever the endcav  r,   Patricia Johnson (Pall))   9th:  Beta. Math Bowl. Journalism. Choir
        a;pore to reach hoghcr."   D.O.B.:  06-13-84    lOth: Beta. Joumali;m
        Accompli'>hmcnt"        Place: Gaonesvolle.  A.   lith· Beta. Joumahsm. Dual Enrollment
        9th: Chon."             Favorite Song:  "Young" by:  Kenny
        lOth   horu'            Chesney                 Avery Kelsey
        12th:  Key Club. l·rcnch Club. DCT   Favorite Quote:
                                Accomplishment!>:       Clanilra Kelsey
        Bubba Hurley            9th: Chorus             D.O.B  06-21-85
        DO.B.  06  12-84                                Place: Alachua. H.
        Place·  Rome, GA        Renita Johnson          Favonte  ong: "  weetthang" b): MJ
        Favcmtc Sung·  "  icknc""   D.O.B.: 03-07-84    Btlge
        f'a\Orttc Quote: ''I know that I wa' bom, I   Place: Gaonewolle. Fl.   Favorite Quote: .. All thing arc possible
        know that I will die"   Favorite Song: "I Loke"  B):  Kut  Klose   through Chri!>t Je,us"
        Accomplt\hmcnt':        Favorite Quote: " Do what cha do "  1  ccomplishments:
        9th: V.coght lifung     Accomplishments:        lOth:  Pep Club,  ADD. Dance
                                9th:  FCCLA             lith;  Beta Club, Acadcmt  letter. Pep
        Gal')  Hyde             lOth:  Pep Club,  wat Club   Club. Dance Club
                                lith: Dance Club        12th:  Beta Club. HOSA. Dance Club
        I                       12th: Dance Club        president. AB  llonor Roll
                                Joseph Johnston         Kraig Kennington
        D'metre Ingraham
                                Charmagne Jones         Ashley King
        Frank lnnusa            D.O.B.:  11 -27  84     DOB.J-15-85
        D 0  B  11-17-84        Place:  Lake City, Fl.   Place:Tucker.Ga
        Place:  Moamo  Beach. FL   Favorite  ong:  .. My FiN LO\e"   Fa' orite Song: "When you say nothing at
        Favontc  ong. "Roll Out"  by  Ludacri\   Favorite Quote: "To be or not  to oc"   all"
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