Page 266 - chs-2003
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Ra>cal Flam dillerent" by Kenny Chesney D.O. B.: 08-05-85
Accompli>hmcnt' Favonte Quote: ''!'.1ke each day as it Place: Au;tm. TX
9th: Tigerette\. Beta Club. FCA. come' and deal wtth 1t when 1t gets here." Favorite Song. "Anythmg" by Thtrd Da
Academic Letter. Yar\lty Award Accompli<,hmenl\. Favonte Quote "I lo'c you pie a [
I Oth: Lcaden.htp. Yar\lty Dance Team. 9th: AB Honor Roll. Academic Award Accomplishments.
Beta Club. Peer Medtallon. NHS I Oth: AB honor roll. Academic Award 9th: Choru; (Superior)
lith: Yar..tty Cheerleading. Beta Club, lith: Pa"'ing pani,h!!, IIOSA lOth: Women\ En.,emble. NHS
HS. Mu Alpha Theta ecretary. 12th HO A Officer, Health Officer. lith: Women\ Ensemble and Chamber
Academic Letter Award. Varsity Letter Health 3 years, \ticking to my goab ingers, HS, Oklahoma cast, R.O.C,
Award Drama & Pra1;e Team. Who's Who
12th: Yar..lty Cheerleader. Beta Club. Carly re"s 12th "Most Dependable" emor
H YP. Leo Club. emor Cia>> Hi.,ton•m D O.B :-4-5-85 uperlative,, H • Who'; Who. Choru
Place: Games VIlle, FL weethean, R.O.C .. Drama and Pm1o;e
Donald ooner Favonte Song: "Midntght" by Unforsaken team, All- tate
Favorite Qu te: "llow you doin?"
James Coody Accompli>hmcnts: Dawn Derneritte
D.O.B.: 05-17-85 9th: Meeting my best friend D.O.B.: 10-03-83
Place Gmne.,vtllc. FL I Oth occer Team Place: Lake City, FL
l·a,onte ong: "Lo'c your..elf' II th Soccer team
Accompli hmenl\ · 12th: Graduating Devawn Derneritte
9th: R.OTC Drill Team D.O.B.: 10-03-83
lOth: R.OTC Drill Team Commander Dustin Crews Place: Lake ity, FL
12th: Pa.,.,mg f'CAT Favorite Song: "I lave You Ever" by
Olivia Crews Brandy
tephanie Cooper Accomplishment..:
shle) Croft lOth: Pep Club
Jacinta Coles D O.B. · 04-23-85
D.O.B.: 12-29- 4 Place: Lake City, FL Doan Dinh
Place: Jack\onville. FL Favorite Song: "Thi\ Woman's Work" by
Favonte Song: Til rind a Way" by Blu Maxwell Heather Disbrow
Cantrell Favorite Quote: "You learn somethmg new D.O.B.: 07-12-84
Favorite Quote: ··Thank Ya." everyday." Place: Lake City, FL
Accompli<,hment\. Accompli;hment\: Favorite Song: "Seeing the Drama" by
9th: Band. McKmght Achiever... FCCLA 9th: AB Honor Roll, Beta tub, Live
I Oth: Band. McKnight Achteven.. Ba>ketball - best defense, academic Favorite Quote: "You're only young once·
FCCLA. Track. Wetght Lifting. PEP Club achte,ement, academic letter live it up while you can!"
II th: Weight Lifting. allonal Achtevers I Oth· A Honor Roll. academic letter,
Society. Track, Br.un Bowl (4th place at Ba;ketball -coaches award, academic Haley Dockery
state), Angel\ of praise excellence, Beta Club, Who's Who D.O.B.: 03-07-85
12th: Weight Lifting. Track, ational II th: Pep Club. Spanbh, NHS, A Honor Place: Gainesville, FL
Achie,er.., Job <McDonald'\) Roll. academic letter. Basketball - mo>t Favorite Song: ''Thugtsh, Rugtsh, Bone"
dedtcated. academic award, Who's Who 2 by Bone Thug;
Lesley Cox and3 Favorite Quote: "Life is so shon- olive
D.O.B.: 10-12- 4 12th: Beta Club, Mu Alpha Theta, Spanish 1t to the fulle>t !"
Place: Gainc>Villc. 1-"L Club, II . Htgh Honor,, FSU, Who's Accompli;hmerm:
Favorite Song: 'Til Be" Who 9th: Tigerettes
Favorite Quote: "Why laugh if you can't I Oth: Tigerettes, All American Dancer
have fun laughing''" lith: Varsity Cheerleader, HOSA, Jr.
Accompli<,hmenl\: D Ia;; Club, SWAT
9th: Beta Club, FCA. Tennis 12th: Varsity Cheerleader, All American,
I Oth: Beta Club. Tenni>. CJ A, FCA HOSA, Honor Roll
II th: Beta Club. Tennl\, CJSA, Florida Amber Dampier
Law Honor ociety, Mock Trial Dawn Drehoff
Jonathan Daniel
12th: Beta Club, Tennis. CJSA, Florida D.O.B.: 06-10-85
Law Honor c01ety Mock trial Place: Jack;onville, FL
Cedric Davis
Fa,orite Song: "The lmpos. ible" by Joe
D.O. B.· 06-02-85
Lindsey Cox icholas
D.O.B.: I 0-12-84 Place: Fon Lauderdale, FL Favorite Quote: "If this is a free country.
Place: Game<,ville. FL Favorite ong: "Ironic" by Alanis Morsett why does it co>t so much to live?"
Favorite Quote: ''There are a terrible lot of
Favorite Song: .. methmg Like That" Accomplishments:
lie" gomg around the world, and the worst
Favorite Quote: "I Don't Know, but.." 9th: Chorus, Freshmen President
of it is half of them are true." Sir Winston
Accomplishments: lOth: Chorus Women's En;emble
9th: JV Cheerleading, FCA, Beta Club President
I Oth: JV Cheerleadmg. F A. Beta Club, lith: Blew up car twice! (Is that a
9th: Bemg an honor >tudent, Beta Club
CJ A, Florida Law Honor record?)
I Oth: Inducted into HS
lith: Van.ny Cheerlead mg. Beta Club, 12th: Honor roll, ew friends,
II th: Findmg employment, Boy's State
CJSA, Flonda Law Honor Society, HS Exemptions. scholarships, Graduation
12th: Graduating. teacher; parkmg lot
12th: Yar"tY heerleading, Beta lub,
space 32
CJSA, Flonda Law Honor Society, HS Whitney Duckett
Crystal Davis D.O. B.: 02-20-85
Allen Cray Place: Lake City, FL
D.O. B.: 04-22-85
Pia e: Lake City, FL Favorite Song: "Gotta Get Through Thi "
Murrell Cray Favorite Quote: "You may think you
Favorite Song: "Drive" by Alan Jackson
D O.B: 10-18-84
Accomplishment;: know, but you have no tdea , ..
Place: Lake City, FL
9th: FFA Accomplishments:
Favorite Song: "In Da Club" by 50 Cent lOth: FFA 9th: Varsity Soccer- MVP Offensive
Accomph>hments: lith: Going to ational Convention with I Oth: Varsity Soccer- Captain - MVP
9th: Basketball FFA in Kentucky Offen;ive
I Oth: Basketball. Track 12th: OCT I& 2 lith: Varsity Soccer- aptain - MVP
II th: Basketball Offensive
12th: Football, Basketball. Track Joshua Davis 12th: Varsity Soccer - Captam
D.O. B.: 03-21-85
Brooke Creel Place: Gaine;ville, FL Brandi Ducoeur
D.O.B.: 02-20-85 Favorite Song: "Baby Got Back" D.O.B.: 04-16-85
Place: Jacksonville. FL Pia e: Gainesville, FL
Favorite Song: "''d done a lot of things Michelle Davis Favorite Song: "Fade" by Stain