Page 275 - chs-2003
P. 275

~a,ontc Song·  l.ttia   Place: Lake Ctly. Fl.   9th: Academtc letter, Chcerleading
                                Favorite Song. 1 Lthra;- A perfect Circle   I Oth; Academic leucr, Cheerlead mg.  J  A
        rav.>rttC Quote: .. You only ltvc once. '0
                                Accomplt'>hments:       lith: Academic lencr, Cheerleadtng,
        live tl  up
                                9th  Band, Solo and En,cmblc   CJ  'A,  FLHS. Beta
                                lOth: Band. Washtngton DC. Apple   12th: Academtc lencr, Chccrleading.
        Tegan T)lcr
                                Blos,orn Parade         CJSA, FLHS, Beta
        D.O B : 12-22-84
                                lith  Band
        Place: Gatnc  \tile, H
                                12th:  Band. Texas  onon Bowl   Thwanda William
        Favorite Song: KI\\Cd by a ro\c-Scal
        l·avonte Quot~:  "  wcet"                       D 0  B  10-14-84
                                Tiarra Washington
        Accornplt\hmcnl\:                               Place  Gamesvtlle, Fl.
                                D.O.B.: 4-1-85
       9th  Soccer. Beta                                Fa,orite Song: "Life"
        lOth: Ttgerellc'>.  liS. Bcl<t   Place: Lake City, F1   Fa'  rite Quote: "Do as you wtllltke
                                Favorite Song: Jealou\ Gurls
        lith: 1tgercne,.  H  • Beta                     other.. do to you
        12th: TigcrcllC'>.  HS, Beta   Favonte Quote: What's up cuz   ccomplishments
                                Accompli.,hmcnl>:       9th: Band, Ba..kctball.  ohball. Track.
                                9th: J. V.  ba,ketball, Pep club,  WAT.   Honor roll, Who's Who
        Connie T)re
        DO B  8-29- 5           FCC LA                  lOth  Basketball, Track. 'ioftball
                                lOth: J.V  ba;ketball. Pep club, SWAT   lith  Basketball. lion  rroll
        Place:  Lake Ctly. 1'1.
                                lith: Pep club. SWAT. FCCLA
        Favonle Song:  Foolish  -A;hanlt
                                12th: Pep club, SWAT,  FCCLA, Dance
        F<tvorilc Quote: "  Know what  I mean"          Jo  eph Williamson
        Accornpl 1\hrncnts
       9th  JROrC I             Dianna Watson           O.T. Wilson
        lOth:  JROTC II. Rtnc tc•un. l:arly   D.O.B.  8-5-85   D.O.B  6-7-!!4
                                Place:  Lake City. Fl.   Place  Tallaha.,;ec. Fl.
        Childhood I
        lllh  JR(YfC Ill. Rtne team. Early   Favonte Song. Alwa}S be my baby-  Favorite Song: "We ready"
        Chtldhood II            Mariah Carey            l·a•onte Quote: Ju'l bnng tt
        12th: JROTC  IV.  Rtnc team. Early   Favonte Quote:  I can do all things through   Accomplishments:
                                Christ who strengthens me.   9th:  Football
        Childhood Ill and  IV
                                Accomplt;hment;:        lOth: Football
                                9th: Perfect Anendance, Beta club.
        RozTyre                                         lith: Football
                                tudenl Counctl Rep. Powder Pull'
        0.0 B.  1-2-!!5                                 12th.· l·ootball
        Place: Jackson\llle, Fl.   Football
        Favonte  ong:  I'm already there- Lones tar   I  Oth: Perfect Anendance. Beta club.   Renisha Wilson
                                Honor cla."e'. Honor roll   D.O B  7-7-!!5
        Favonte Quote: " Everything good t.
        wonh watltng for"       lith: Perfect Anendance. Beta club,  Prom   Place:  Madt;on. F1
                                club,  tudent Council. Academic award.   Fa•onte  ong   don't ha'e to call-Usher
        Accompli \hment' ·
        9th· Soccer, Volleyball, Softball   Junior club sweetheart   Favonte Quote: Don't dislike me. be like
                                12th:  liS. Beta club. Honor roll, CBE-  me
        I  Oth:  Softball. Volleyball
        lith:  Beta. Soltball,  WAT   OJT                ccomplishmcnts:
        12th: Beta Club. Volleyball,  oflball           9th  Honor history. FfA. SWAT
                                Joanna  Watson          lOth  S\ AT,  FCCLA. Pep club
       u                        Place:  Jacksonvtlle. Fl.   SWAT
                                                        lith  FCCLA, Pep club. JUntOr cia;; club.
                                D.O.B.: 6-18-85
                                F-avorite  ong: "Scarred"   12th:  DCT.  tudent Council
                                Favorite Quote: " Don't ever go to Spring
        Michael Underwood       Break with  Big Q if her bathtng suit is   Bolly Wise
        v                       Accomplishments:        Jackie Wood
                                9th: Soccer
                                I Oth:  Soccer.  of• ball
        ean \ asquez            lith:  occer.  oftball, SADD
                                12th.  occer. Soflbali.HO  A
        Oreste Villar           Jennifer Webber
        w                       D.O.B.: 5-14-85
                                Place: Los Angeles, Fl.
                                Favonte Song. "I'll be there for you"
                                Favorite Quote  "  hoot  forth~ moon. tf
        Eric \\aldron
                                you mtss. you'llland on a star"
        D O.B  8-24-84
        Place  Rome, Italy
                                9th:  JHS. Beta club. Tenms
        Favonte Song.  I'm the Only One-Melt,,a
                                I Oth:  NilS, Beta club. Peer Mediauon.
        Favonte Quote: IIi, My name i;
                                lith: NHS, Beta club. Spanish club.
                                Homecon11ng coun. Tcnms
        9th.  Band.  Key club, Edt lor of Blake
                                12th:  HS. Beta club.  panish club.
        Blue, Anchor Club, Superior FBA. Honor
                                Cnmmal Ju,ltce. Tcnms
        roll, Acad  mtc Lcner
        lOth:  Leo Club,  Tiger Tale, Honor roll.   Heidi Webster
        Beta club, Drama club. Who\ Who
        lith. !.co club, ednor of Tiger Talc.
                                Amber Welch
        Spant'h club. Drama club,  NilS. Beta,
        Who'  Who
                                Tanika Whitfield
        12ll1: Spani;h club, Key club.  Interact,
        Beta club.  HS. Accepted to Flagler
                                 lyssa Williams
                                Christa Williams
        Sa•annah Waldron
                                 athan Williams
        Clinton Walker
                                tacey Williams
        De•  an Wulker
                                D.O.B.:  10-16-84
                                Place: Jacksonvtlle. FL.
        'a mala Walker
                                Favonlc  ong; "La  l Dance"
        haundi Walker           Favorite Quote: I didn'ttell }OU
        D O.B  12-24-!14        Accompl,..hmenl\:
                                                                                                  SENIOR INDEX  271
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