Page 271 - chs-2003
P. 271
G1rl State Herbert Moss lith FFA
12th: Stud ·nt Body Pr~"dent. Beta. 12th FFA
auonal Honor Sou cty, Honor roll. V. Travis Mullin
Ba>kethall, Volleyball
Rachel 1unoz 0
ierra tayo D.O.B:5-4-85
D.O B 7 2 K5 Place: L1ma.Peru Lillian Ortiz
Place: Lake City Favontc ong: Have You Ever-Brandy
Favorite Song: IMX (Beautiful You Arc) Favorite Quote: " himpun Callao!" colt Outlaw
Favorite Quote:''\Vhcn I wa a child, I Accompl.-hmcnts D.O.B 7-29- 5
thought as a ch1ld. ow I am a young 9th: Band. VA volunteer Place· Lake City, F1
woman. And I have put a"ay chlld1\h lOth: J ;occer. Spam h Club, VA Favontc ong: I ·, e g ne country
thmg>. volunteer Favorite Quote: " You don't know how
Accompll>hmcnl\. lith: JV soccer. pan1sh Club, Art Club, good you are unt1l you try."
9th I'CCLA, SWAT, SADD. Pep lub ational Ilonor Roll, Accompli;hmcnt\
lOth Pep Club 12th: SpaniSh Club. S"ecthcart, Who'; 9th: FCA
12th OCT Who Among H1gh chool students I Oth F A. JV. soccer
lith V GolfTcam. I· A.
Monqiue 1cKellum 1ichael Myles 12th: Varsity Golf Team, FCA. Key Club
D.O B :9-26-84 D.O.B: 12-02-84 heart throb
Place Lake City.I·L Place:Biount>town. Fl.
Favorite Song: Mu-.q·"Don't Change" Favorite Song:Ticks and Leeches • Tool p
Favorite Quote: "You can do anything if Favorite Quote: "Same old \luff just
you put your nund to 11. another day"
9th:FCCLA, Jrd place Decorame Art N lldefonso Padilla
Randal Paris
Anastasia McPhearson D.O.B 5-23-85
Lisha ettles
D.O.B.:9-27-84 Pia e: Rio Piedras, Pucno Rico
D.O.B: 4-13-85
Place: Games ville, FL Favorite ong: Prccio\a- Rafael
Place: Lake City. F1
Favonte Song: I like all mu •q IlemandeL
favonte Song: I've got you babe-Sonny
Favorite Quote: "Ju>t never give up'' Favorite Quote: " I came, I saw, I
and Cher
Accompli;hmenl\: conquered"
Favorite Quote· I Corinth1and: 16- 17
9th horus Accomplishments Accomplishment
lOth: Chorus, ROTC 9th Womens Choru; 9th: Drama Club. Honor roll
II th: Chorus, ROT . Color Guard lOth: V Basketball. Performing Art\
IOth:Womens horu;.Chamber singers,
12th: Chorus, ROTC. Color Guard lub. Honor roll
Women's Ensemble
lith: J.V. Cross Country, V. Track.
II th:Chamber ingcrs,Leadership,
Tonya Miller ational Honor Soc1ety. Academic Letter.
Women's Ensemble
D.O.B.: 6-4-83 Honor roll
12th. V Cro Country, Track. Beta Club,
Place: Lake ity, FL
Autumn e~+berry
Favorite Song One la>t breath-Creed ational Society, pamsh Club. French
D.O.B: 4-7-85
Favorite Quote "Life IS short, so live 1t to Club, Academic Letter. Honor roll
Place: Lake City. Fl.
the fullest"
Favorite Song: Superman-Five for
Accomplishments: Jacque Park
lOth: French Club, Crumnal Justice Club D.O.B.: 11 -14-84
Favorite Quote: hoot for the moon. Even
II th: French Club Plnce Lake ity. Fl
if you miss. you'llland among the stars.-
Favorite Song: I will be-Lila MaCahn
Les Brown
Katie Millikin Favonte Quote: " I can do all thmgs
D.O.B.: 5-27 85 through Chri" wh1ch strengthen; me."
9th: color guard, BETA, Academic Letter
Place: Jacksonville, FL Accompli hments:
I Oth: color guard, BETA. Academic Letter
Favorite Song: "I Believe I can Ay"· 9th: Band. FFA Treal urer. Beta, ational
II th: color guard, HS, Academic Letter
R.Kelly Honors, Academ1c Letter
National Honor Roll
Favorite Quote: ''The be t dream happen lOth· FFA trea urer. Beta, ational Honor
12th: color guard- capt., HS. eniors won
when you're awake." oc1ety, irclc of fnends. cademic
Accomplishments: Letter, Who' Who
9th: JV Cheerleading, JV oftball, Golf lith· FFA trea>urer. Beta, ational Honor
Jo eph e~+ton
lOth: JV chcerleadmg. J oftball, F A. oc1ety. Circle of friend;, Mu Alpha
French Club Theta. Academ•c Letter. Who'; Who
Kerri oil
lith: Varsity heerleadmg D.O.B.: 1-22-85 12th: FFA trea. urer, Beta, at10naJ Honor
12th: Var;uy heerleading oc1ety, Spam;h Club
Place: Lake City, Fl.
Favorite Song: A Moment Like This-
hawn Moore Jordan Parks
Kelly Clakson D.O.B. 6-20-85
D O.B .. 11 ·20-84
Favorite Quote: Reach for the moon. even Place: Game VIlle. F1
Place: Bartow, FL
if you mis~. you'llland am ng the star> l·a,onte ong. Theme ong for Dumb and
Favonte ong orne as you are . irvana Accomplishments:
Favorite Quote: Live today because you 9th: Beta Club. Academ1c Letter. Color Dumber
Favorite Quote: "why try"
don't know what will happen tomorrow Guard, Honor roll Accompli;hmcnts:
Accomplishment>: I Oth: Beta Club, Academic Letter, Color 9th: Baseball
9th: Passmg Guard. Honor roll
lOth· Pas mg lith: Beta Club. Academic Letter, Color
Kevin Parnell
II th: Scratch board in art, Passing Guard. ational Honor ociety, Who's
D.O B. 5-13-85
Who, Honor roll
Place: Gamemlle. I~
1ichell 1orrison 12th: Beta Club. Academic Letter, Color Fa,orite ong: They don't know-Jon B
D.O B 8-2-85 Guard, National Honor Soc1ety. Who's
Pl.l<·c· l.akc City, fiL Who, Honor roll Accompll;hmcnt"
9th Teen Coun. Perfect Attendilllce,
J·avonte Song: "M1chelle" The Beatles auonal Ach1ever 01:iety
Favorite Quote " Everythmg has it; own Ronnie Norris
purpo,e" DOB 2 13-85 I Oth: Teen Coun. Perf'ect Attendance,
at10nal Ach1ever oc1ety
Ac ompllshment>: Place: Lake City. F1
9th Heart> Club Favonte Song: Countr) Boy~ Can un IVe II th: Teen Court, Perfect ttendance.
auonal chiever oc1cty. Bram Bowl.
I Oth: Spamsh lub r:a,onte Quote: " otton P1ckin"
lith: JHS, Phi Theta Kappa@ LC Accomplishment" pamsh Club. Pep Club
Presidents II" te· L CC 9th: FfA. Wrestling. Beta 12th Achic,cr Soc1cty. pan"h Club,
12th: HS lOth. FFA WAT