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manda Parri  h          9th  SWAT,  J  cheerleader. Perfect   Phillip Pueschel
                                               DO B  I~~  5              ttendance. AB  honor roll   DO B  II  27  84
                                               Place  Alachua County    lOth:  J   cheerleader. Tcnn.s team.   Place  Gal\e>ton.TX
                                               Fa,orite  ong:  l'ade the  Blad.- 1etalica   Perfect Attendance   Fa\onte Song: Angel of mine
                                               Fa,onte Quote: "The way to love   lith: Varsity cheerleader. EnVIronmental   Fa'  nte Quote:  Keep your eyes on the
                                               anythmg.  i'>  to rcallte that it  m1ght be   A  ademy. llonor roll   tar. and your feet on the ground.
                                               lo,t."                   12th: Varsuy cheerleader. Env1ronmental   Accomplishments:
                                               Ac  ompllshments         Academy, Honor roll     9th  Most valuable m1dfield,  Beta cluh,
                                               9th  Band. Beta  lub, llonor Band                 JH  •
                                               I Oth:  Band. Honor Band   Eric Petrena          lOth  Most valuable midfield. B
                                               lith  Band. H  n  r Band                         mpo1896er9eta club.  JHS
                                               12th  110  A.  Dual enrollment   Chri  Phillip   lith:  occer(v.mity). "'e1ghtlifllng
                                                                                                12th: Captain varsuy soccer. weightlifing
                                                manda Paschall          J es  ica Pickell
                                               D.O.B  8-24·  4          D 0  B ..  5-03-85
                                               Place: Games,llle.FL     Place: Dalton. Ga        R
                                               Favonte  ong. Amanda -Boston   l'avonte Song: Remember Me-
                                               Favonte Quote  Thanh for shoppmg at   Hooba.stank
                                               the B1g  K               Favonte Quote: "I need so much mental   Amanda Rarniccio
                                               Accomplishments:         help that  Bill Gates "'ould go broke   D.O.B.  9-20-85
                                               lOth  HO  A              paying for 1t."         Place  an Diego. Ca
                                               lith  HO  A.  Honor roll   Accomplishments:      Favonte Song: Piano Man-Billy Jo
                                               12th  HO  A. 110  A S"-eethean, Honor   9th  Chorus   Fa\onte Quote:" Dream as 1f you'llll\e
                                               roll, Beta club. Graduation   lOth  Choru'       fore\ cr. live a.s  1f you'll die today"-Jamc
                                                                        lith: Women's En  emble
                                                halonda Pate            12th: Women's Ensemble
                                               D.O. B.: 1-28-85                                 Krystal Raska
                                                                                                D.O.B.:  8-27-85
                                               Place:  Lake  ity. FL    Katie Pinorsky
                                                                                                Place: Lundstuhl, Gennany
                                               Favorite  ong.  Remember me -Kah1a
                                                                                                Favorite  ong:  Possum Kmgdom-The
                                               Fa,onte Quote: "Don't hate me. hate your   Tracy Polhill
                                               man for wanting me"      D 0  B.:  7-22-85       Toad1es
                                               Accomplishments:         Place: Lake City, Fl    Accomplishments:
                                               9th: FilA Club           Favonte Song: The Good  tufl- Kenny   9th  Band. Beta Club, Honor roll,
                                               lOth:  Pep Club.  WAT.   hestney                 Academic Letter
                                               lith: Passmg FC AT.  D1xie Chics club.   Favorite Quote: " In  war there is  no prize   lOth:  Band, Honor roll, Academic Letter
                                               Dance club,              for 2nd place"          II th: Band, llonor roll. Academic Letter,
                                               12th:  D1xie Ch1cs club. Dance club.             Nil  , Beta  lub.  uperior-solo and
                                               Remember me Club                                 Ensemble
                                                                       9th: FFA
                                                                                                12th· Band. Mu Alpha Theta, Beta Cluh.
                                                                        lOth  FFA
                                                vani  Patel                                      HS,  pamsh Club, Interact
                                                                        lith: FFA
                                               D.O.B.:7-II- 5
                                                                        12th  FFA, OCT, Beta  lub,  ational
                                               Place:  hicago, IL                               Joshua Rawlins
                                                                       H  n  r  ociety
                                               Favonte  ong: "Hanging by a moment"
                                               by Lifehouse             'icole Poole            Brittany Reddick
                                               Favorite Quote  "I can do all  thmgs             D.O.B.: 7-9-85
                                                                       D.O.B.:  1-17-85         Place:  Beeville, Texas
                                               through  hrist who strengthens me." phil.-  Place:  Portsmouth, Ohio
                                               4.13                                             Favorite Song:  Baby got Back!
                                                                       Favorite Song: Angel of Mine-Momca   Favorite Quote: flow you Doin!
                                                                       Accomplishments:         Accomplishments:
                                               9th: Academic Letter
                                                                       9th: Cheerleading. Perfect Attendance,   9th: J V soccer, Award of Excellence, J
                                               lOth: Academic Letter,  HS
                                                                       Academic Letter          Volleyball
                                               lith: A"1dem1  Letter.  HS
                                                                        I Oth: Cheerleadmg. Perfect Attendance,   lOth: J   occer, JV volleyball
                                               12th: Academic Letter.  HS, Beta  lub,
                                                                       Academic Letter          12th:DCT Club
                                               President of M  Alpha Theta, Tennis. Key
                                                                        II th: Cheerleading
                                                                        12th: Checrleading, IIOSA   Brenda Reed
                                                teven Patterson
                                               D.O.B.:  11 -05-84      Amy Porter               Oonalle Reed
                                               Place: Gaine. v1lle.  I'"L   D 0  B.: 4-12-85    D.O.B : 4-26-85
                                               Favonte Song. 'There is "-Boxcar Racer'>   Place: Gainesville,FI   Place: Games ville, Fl.
                                               Fa\onte Quote  "Where ever you go. there   Favonte Song: i w1ll  urviVe   Favonte  ong: Work  It
                                               you are."-M1ke Brady    Favonte Quote: Life is ;hort.Live 1t  up   Favorit  Qu  te:  I am what I say I am
                                               Accomplishments:        Accomplishments:         Accomplishments:
                                               9th: JV Soccer          9th: Track               9th: Academ1c Letter
                                               lOth: JV  occer. Team Captain   lOth. Crimmal Justice Club
                                               II th: V. Soccer        lith: Criminal Justice Club,Joumalism,   Lauren Rhodes
                                               12th: Y.Soccer  Homec  ming siJt   Jumor/Prom Club
                                                                       12th:  enior Ad yearbook ed1t  r, crimmal   Mark Rice
                                               J.R. Perry              Justice Club. CBE. Honor roll, CBE
                                               D.O.B · 08-17- 5        sweetheart, Who's who    herri Rice
                                               Place: Ft. Lauderdale, FL
                                                                                                Matt Richardson
                                               Fa,orite Song:  We  Ready-Pastor Troy   ThomasPoss
                                                                                                D.O.B.· 9-4-84
                                               Favonte Quote· "So what are "'e domg
                                               tomght'                  harde' Po .. eU         Place· G:unesvllle, Fl
                                               Accomplishments:        D.O.B.:  5-18-85         Favonte  ong:  Burbons and Lacs -Master P
                                                                                                Favorite Quote: "You can do it"
                                               9th: soccer, NJII  • Beta Club. Homecom-  Place: Ft. Lauderdale,Fl.   Accomplishments:
                                               ing  ourt, Vice Pres.dent   Favonte Song: Thug for Life-Tnck Daddy   9th: Academic letter. Y. Soccer
                                               lOth: Vars1ty  occer, LEO Club,  HI   Fa\Onte Quote: "The situation ain't that
                                               Beta  lub, Leadersh1p   <>erious"                I  Oth · Y.  occer
                                                                                                II th· V  occer
                                               lith: Varsuy Soccer. II  , Beta Club   Accompli  hments:   12th. V  occer
                                               12th: Vars1ty  occer, H  , Beta Club   9th: J Y.  Cheerleader, Recreation Director
                                                                       lOth:  Student Council Repre\entative   Tara Ri  hardson
                                                                       II th. V Cheerleader. Jumor  lass Club
                                               Jennifer Pescara
                                                                       12th: Vice. Pre  ident of SWAT,  ADD,   Krystal Ring
                                               D.O.B.:  11 -20-84
                                                                       Interact, Y.  Cheerleader   D.O.B ·  4-29-85
                                               Place: Orlando, FL
                                                                                               Place: Lake  ity,FI
                                                                        ara Prevatt            Fa\onte  ong: 4 Days Late
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