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around the world before the truth has a   Favonte Quote: .. Live life to the fullest"   12th: Graduated
                                               chance to put ot\ pants on"   Accomplishments:
                                               Accompli  hments:        I Oth  Criminal Justice   hanetha Taylor
                                               9th: Cheerleadmg. officer m ROTC.class   12th: Graduatmg   D.O B  II  17-84
                                               officer -H  H                                    Pia  e:  Game;VIIIe. Fl
                                               I Oth  Cheerleadmg  HCH  • CJ  A   Jenna  teichen   Favorite Song·  For You  I Wiii·Momca
                                               lith  CJ  A
                                                                                                Favontc Quote· Time is not measured by
                                               12th: CJ  A S"ecthean, Teen  ummot   Dominique  tephens   clock;, but by  memones
                                                                       DOB  11-27-84            Accomplishments:
                                                licia  mith            Pia  e  Albany, Ga       9th· FC'C'LA
                                               D.O. B .. 4-25-85       Fa,onte  ong:  othing  1atter.- Lauryn   lOth:  Pep  lub. C'nminal Just1ce. SWAT
                                               Place:  Game  \llle,Fl   H1ll                    ADD. Perfect Attendance
                                               Fa,onte  ong.  eems like you're ready·R   Favonte Quote: "You don't know what   II th:  nmmal Jusuce. Jun1or Class Clu~
                                               kelly                   you got ull it's gone"
                                               Favonte Quote  " Li'e as if you "ere to   Accomplishments:   Eric Thomas
                                               die tomorrow"           9th  ROTC Drill team     D.O.B ..  I  2·85
                                               Accomplishment"         I Oth  Pep club          Place: Jasper. F-1
                                               9th: Beta Club, Honor roll, Track and            Favonte  ong: Visa Versa
                                               Field. Perfect Attendance   Franshea Steward     Favorite Quote: Another day, Another
                                               I Oth:  Beta, llonor roll, NH  •  pan"h   DOB  1-11-85   dollar
                                               club,CJ  A.  WAT. pep club. Science fair,   Place:  Lake City, FL   Accomplishments:
                                               Academic Letter, M1" CH  pageant.   Favonte Song: "Where I Wanna Be"-  9th: We1ght  lifting, Varsity Football
                                               Perfect attendance      Donnel Jones             I Oth:  Varsity Football 3rd round playolh
                                               lith: Beta. Honor roll,  HS, Spamsh.   Favorite Quote: God grant me the serenny   II th:  Var>~ty Football 3rd round playofis
                                               CJ  A.  WAT,  Pep.Academic letter   to accept the things I can not change, the   12th: Vars1ty Football
                                               12th: Beta, Honor roll,  II  ,  pamsh,   courage to change the thmgs I can and the
                                               CJSA.  WAT.  Pep, Academ1   wisdom to know the difference   John Thomas
                                               letter, Graduation      Accomplishments:         D.O B.: 7-25-85
                                                                       9th· Tigerette, FCCLA, DIStnct Ill   Place:  achadoches. Tx
                                               Jessica  mith           H1~tonan,Beta Club       Favonte  ong. Differences ·Ginuwme
                                               D.O.B ..  1-17- 5       I Oth: Cheerleader, Pep Club. Beta Club,   Favonte Quote: The  tory of your life
                                               Place:  outh Rl\er.      II  , French Club       consists of countle  s lim shed chapter. and
                                               Favonte  ong.  Dilemma- elly   lith  Cheerleader, Beta Club,  HS,   one blank page
                                               Favonte Quote: "Thank Ya"   CHAO  . French Club. SWAT. Ventures   Accomplishments.
                                               Accompli~hment;:         cholar, Who's Who. Jun1or Club   9th:  Sw1m team, Varsity track, cross
                                               9th: JROT  . Drill Team   12th: Cheerleader, Beta Club,  liS.   country, Drill  team. R10e te"m
                                               lOth: JROT  • Drill team. Early Ch1idhood I   CJ  A. Ventures Scholar, Who's Who   I  Oth:  wim, soccer, track. dnll team
                                               lith: JROTC, Drill Team. Early                   II th:  soccer, swim team
                                               Childhood II     tewart          12th: soccer
                                               12th  JROTC. Dnll Team. Early   DOB  6-12-85
                                               Childhood Ill. FEA Club   Place. JacksonVIlle, F1   heila Thomas
                                                                       Favonte Song: I'll be lovmg you   D O.B.: 3-28-85
                                               Michael  mith           Favonte Quote: "To believe e\erythmg IS   Place: Gmnesvlile,FJ
                                               D.O.B.: 8-25- 4         too much, to believe nothmg i~ not enough   Favorite Song: " I Care For You"-Aahyah
                                               Place: West Palm  Beach   Accomplishments:      Favorite Quote: "Always strive for the
                                               Favorite   ng: Sta1rway to Heaven   lith: Pep Club, SWAT, SADD   best"
                                               Favorite Quote  " What we've got here i;,   12th:  Pep Club, SWAT   Accomplishments:
                                               failure to commumcate
                                                                                               9th:  Honor roll,  at10nal  Honor Soc1ety
                                               Accompl.-hmenh.         Alan  !rattan            lOth  Perfect Attendance, Spanish,  WAT,
                                               9th: Wresung team. Drama Club                   Pep  lub
                                               I Oth:  Drama Club, french Club   am  ummers     lith:  panish, Pep Club
                                               II th:  Key Club. Academic team, French
                                                                       D O.B  7-17-85           12th:  Graduation
                                                                       Place  Gamesville, Fl
                                               12th: E<htor and Ch1ef of Key Club.             Joy Tjemberg
                                                                       Favorite Song: American Pie
                                               French Club officer. Academic team              D.O B.:  2-24-85
                                                                                               Place: Lake  ity, FJ
                                               1elanie  pencer         9th  Perfect Attendance   Favonte  ong.  I Will SuT\Ive
                                               D.O.B.:  1-31- 5        lOth  occer             Favonte Quote: " L1fe 1  Shon"
                                               Place· Lake City. Fl    I I th: Soccer
                                               Favonte  ong:  'There you'll be"- Fa1th   12th: Soccer, Tennis
                                                                                               9th: SWAT.  pamsh club. Academic letter
                                               Hill                                             lOth:  Crimmal Ju  t1ce, Spam;h Club.
                                               Accomplishments:                                CJ  A
                                               9th. V Tennis, Beta Club   T                    lith:  nminal Ju~t1ce II, CJSA, Teen
                                               I Oth:  V. Tenms, Beta club, HO  A, F  A        summit
                                               lith: Tenms, HO  A.  Beta Club,  at10nal   WiUiam Talmadge   12th:  riminal Justice Ill, CJSA. Teen
                                               Honor Soc1ety, Prom Commlltee   D.O.B.:  11-20-84   summit
                                               12th: Tenni  , Beta.  ational  Honor   Place: Winter Park, FJ
                                               Society, HOSA officer   Favorite Song: Kilo Ali   Amber Tomlinson
                                                                       Favonte Quote: Where there's a will,   DOB.: 7-14-85
                                               Brandon  pradley
                                                                       there's a way           Pia  e: Gamesvlile, Fl
                                                                       Accomplishments:        Favorite Song: Alway; be my baby
                                               Temprest  pnngs         9th: Relay for life
                                               D.O.B ..  1-14- 5                               Manah  arcy
                                                                       I Oth:  Leader; hip, Relay for Life   Favonte Quote: "The greatest feeling  i  to
                                               Place: Lake City, FL
                                                                       lith: Relay for Life    love and be loved in return
                                               Favorite Song:  Remember Me -Kh13
                                                                       12th: Graduation        Accomplishments:
                                               Favorite Quote  Am't no shame lad1es do
                                                                                               9th  Band, Academi  letter. llonor roll.
                                               your th1ng, JU~t make sure you're ahead of
                                                                       Cyril Tan               Chorus
                                               the game
                                                                       D.O.B  12-7-84          lOth: Academic letter, Honor roll, Choru
                                               Tristan  t. John        Place  Phi lippmes      I lth:  Band, Academic letter. Ch  ru~
                                                                       Favonte Song: "We ready"   12th:  Band, Drama sweethean, chorus,
                                               Kelli  tapleton         Favorite Quote: "you can do it"   FEA
                                               D.O B  12-30-84         Accomph~hments:
                                               Place: Lake City, Fl    9th. Tenms, Honor roll   Kyle Tracy
                                               Favorite  ong:  Don't take the girl-lim   lOth:  Honor roll   DO.B.: 8-16-84
                                               McGraw                  II th: Honor roll       Place   t. Peter  burg, H
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